16 Employment Relations Commission
17 Employment Relations Department
18 Ethics Board
19 Financial Institutions
20 Gaming Board
21 Governor
22 Health and Educational Facilities Authority
23 Health and Family Services
24 Historical Society
25 Housing and Economic Development Authority
26 Workforce Development
27 Insurance
28 Investment Board
29 Joint Committee on Finance
30 Judicial Commission
31 Justice
32 Legislature
33 Lieutenant Governor
34 Lower Wisconsin State Riverway Board
35 Medical College of Wisconsin
36 Military Affairs
37 Natural Resources
38 Personnel Commission
39 Public Defender Board
40 Public Instruction
41 Public Service Commission
42 Regulation and Licensing
43 Revenue
44 Secretary of State
45 State Fair Park Board

46 Supreme Court
47 Technical College System
48 Tourism
49 Transportation
50 Treasurer
51 University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority
52 University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Board
53 University of Wisconsin System
54 Veterans Affairs
55 World Dairy Center Authority
56 Other
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB100-ASA1, s. 1 1Section 1. 11.055 of the statutes is created to read:
AB100-ASA1,3,4 211.055 Filing fees. (1) Except as provided in sub. (3), each individual who,
3or committee, group or corporation that, is required to register with the board under
4s. 11.05 or 11.38 (1) shall annually pay a filing fee of $100 to the board.
AB100-ASA1,3,13 5(2) Except as provided in s. 11.19 (1), an individual who, or committee, group
6or corporation that, is subject to sub. (1) shall pay the fee specified in sub. (1) together
7with the continuing report filed under s. 11.20 (4) in January of each year. If an
8individual, committee, group or corporation registers under s. 11.05 or changes
9status so that sub. (1) becomes applicable to the individual, committee, group or
10corporation during a calendar year, the individual, committee, group or corporation
11shall pay the fee for that year with the filing of the individual's, committee's, group's
12or corporation's registration statement under s. 11.05 or at any time before the
13change in status becomes effective.
AB100-ASA1,4,2 14(3) Subsection (1) does not apply to a candidate or personal campaign
15committee. Subsection (1) does not apply to any registrant under s. 11.05 for any year

1during which the registrant does not make disbursements exceeding a total of
AB100-ASA1, s. 1m 3Section 1m. 11.19 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,4,194 11.19 (1) Whenever any registrant disbands or determines that obligations will
5no longer be incurred, and contributions will no longer be received nor disbursements
6made during a calendar year, and the registrant has no outstanding incurred
7obligations, the registrant shall file a termination report with the appropriate filing
8officer. Such report shall indicate a cash balance on hand of zero at the end of the
9reporting period and shall indicate the disposition of residual funds. Residual funds
10may be used for any political purpose not prohibited by law, returned to the donors
11in an amount not exceeding the original contribution, or donated to a charitable
12organization or the common school fund. The report shall be filed and certified as
13were previous reports, and shall contain the information required by s. 11.06 (1). A
14registrant to which s. 11.055 (1) applies shall pay the fee imposed under that
15subsection with a termination report filed under this subsection.
If a termination
16report or suspension report under sub. (2) is not filed, the registrant shall continue
17to file periodic reports with the appropriate filing officer, no later than the dates
18specified in s. 11.20. This subsection does not apply to any registrant making an
19indication under s. 11.05 (2r).
AB100-ASA1, s. 2 20Section 2. 11.20 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,5,321 11.20 (4) Continuing reports under s. 11.06 (1) by committees or individuals
22supporting or opposing candidates for office, including committees of a political
23party, and by individuals or, groups or corporations supporting or opposing a
24referendum shall be received by the appropriate filing officer no earlier than January
251 and no later than January 31; and no earlier than July 1 and no later than July 20.

1Individuals, committees, groups and corporations to which s. 11.055 (1) applies shall
2pay the fee imposed under that subsection with their continuing reports filed in
3January of each year.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3 4Section 3. 11.60 (3m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB100-ASA1,5,85 11.60 (3m) Notwithstanding sub. (1), any person, including any committee,
6group or corporation, who is subject to a requirement to pay a filing fee under s.
711.055 and who fails to pay that fee within the time prescribed in that section shall
8forfeit $500 plus treble the amount of the fee payable by that person.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3g 9Section 3g. 13.04 (1) (title) of the statutes is repealed.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3h 10Section 3h. 13.04 (1) (a) to (d) of the statutes are renumbered 13.04 (1) to (4).
AB100-ASA1, s. 3i 11Section 3i. 13.04 (1) (e) of the statutes is renumbered 13.04 (5) and amended
12to read:
AB100-ASA1,5,1913 13.04 (5) Nothing in this subsection section shall prevent the concurrent
14appointment of an incumbent legislator to an unsalaried part-time state position
15created during the legislator's current legislative term when the emoluments for
16such position are limited to reimbursement for actual and necessary expenses
17incurred in the performance of the duties of the position and when the duties of such
18position are not incompatible with the legislator's duties as a member of the
AB100-ASA1, s. 3j 20Section 3j. 13.04 (2) of the statutes is repealed.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3m 21Section 3m. 13.0975 of the statutes is created to read:
AB100-ASA1,5,23 2213.0975 Prison impact assessments. (1) In this section, "prison" means a
23state prison described under s. 302.01.
AB100-ASA1,6,5 24(2) The director of state courts shall prepare a prison impact assessment for
25any bill or, if requested, for any bill draft that creates a felony or modifies the period

1of imprisonment for a felony. Except as otherwise provided by the joint rules of the
2legislature, the director shall prepare the assessment within 21 days after the date
3on which the director receives a copy of a bill under sub. (4) or the date on which the
4director receives a request to prepare the assessment from the requester of the bill
5draft, whichever occurs first. The assessment shall contain all of the following:
AB100-ASA1,6,76 (a) Projections of the impact on statewide probationer, prisoner and parolee
AB100-ASA1,6,108 (b) An estimate of the fiscal impact of population changes under par. (a) on state
9expenditures, including expenditures for the construction and operation of state
10prisons for the current fiscal year and the 5 succeeding fiscal years.
AB100-ASA1,6,1311 (c) An analysis of any significant factor, not covered in complying with pars. (a)
12and (b), affecting the cost of the bill or bill draft and the factor's impact on
13prosecutors, the state public defender and courts.
AB100-ASA1,6,1514 (d) A statement of the methodologies and assumptions that the director used
15in preparing the assessment.
AB100-ASA1,6,17 16(3) The legislature shall reproduce and distribute assessments under sub. (2)
17in the same manner as it reproduces and distributes amendments.
AB100-ASA1,6,21 18(4) A bill draft that requires an assessment by the director of state courts under
19this section shall have that requirement noted on its jacket when the jacket is
20prepared. When a bill that requires an assessment under this section is introduced,
21the legislative reference bureau shall submit a copy of the bill to the director.
AB100-ASA1,6,24 22(5) No public hearing before a standing committee may be held and no
23committee vote may be taken regarding any bill or bill draft described in sub. (2)
24unless the assessment under sub. (2) has been prepared.
1(6) Annually, by March 1, the director of state courts shall submit to the
2legislature under s. 13.172 (2) a prison impact assessment reflecting the cumulative
3effect of all relevant changes in the statutes taking effect during the preceding
4calendar year.
AB100-ASA1,7,7 5(7) The department of corrections shall provide the director of state courts with
6information on current and past admissions and on length of time served as needed
7by the director in order to prepare assessments under subs. (2) and (6).
AB100-ASA1,7,9 8(8) The circuit courts shall provide the director of state courts with information
9to assist the director in preparing assessments under subs. (2) and (6).
AB100-ASA1,7,11 10(9) This section applies to bills introduced or requests for assessments of bill
11drafts made on or after July 1, 1998.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3r 12Section 3r. 13.101 (3m) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,7,1913 13.101 (3m) Notwithstanding sub. (3), the committee shall supplement, from
14the appropriation under s. 20.865 (4) (c), the appropriation to the Wisconsin
15sesquicentennial commission under s. 20.525 (1) (k) upon receipt of documentation
16of the amounts of gifts and grants received by, or pledged to, the commission under
17s. 20.245 (4) (h)
. The supplement under this subsection shall equal $1 for each dollar
18received by, or pledged to, the commission as a gift or grant. This subsection does not
19apply to the first $250,000 received by the commission as gifts or grants.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3s 20Section 3s. 13.101 (3m) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act ....
21(this act), is repealed.
AB100-ASA1, s. 4 22Section 4. 13.101 (5m) of the statutes is repealed.
AB100-ASA1, s. 5 23Section 5. 13.101 (6) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,8,1724 13.101 (6) (a) As an emergency measure necessitated by decreased state
25revenues and to prevent the necessity for a state tax on general property, the

1committee may reduce any appropriation made to any board, commission,
2department, the university of Wisconsin system or to any other state agency or
3activity by such amount as it deems feasible, not exceeding 25% of the
4appropriations, except appropriations made by ss. 20.255 (2) (ac), (bc), (bh), (bm), (cg)
5and (cr), 20.395 (1), (2) (cq), (eq) to (ex) and (gq) to (gx), (3), (4) (aq) to (ax) and (6) (aq)
6and (ar), 20.435 (1) (c), (6) (a) and (7) (da) and 20.445 (3) (a) and (d) (dz) or for forestry
7purposes under s. 20.370 (1), or any other moneys distributed to any county, city,
8village, town or school district. Appropriations of receipts and of a sum sufficient
9shall for the purposes of this section be regarded as equivalent to the amounts
10expended under such appropriations in the prior fiscal year which ended June 30.
11All functions of said state agencies shall be continued in an efficient manner, but
12because of the uncertainties of the existing situation no public funds should be
13expended or obligations incurred unless there shall be adequate revenues to meet the
14expenditures therefor. For such reason the committee may make reductions of such
15appropriations as in its judgment will secure sound financial operations of the
16administration for said state agencies and at the same time interfere least with their
17services and activities.
AB100-ASA1, s. 6 18Section 6. 13.101 (11) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,8,2119 13.101 (11) The committee may approve a clean water fund program interest
20rate change as specified under s. 281.58 (12) (f) or a safe drinking water loan program
21interest rate change as specified under s. 281.61 (11) (b)
AB100-ASA1, s. 7m 22Section 7m. 13.101 (14) of the statutes is created to read:
AB100-ASA1,8,2523 13.101 (14) With the concurrence of the joint committee on information policy,
24direct the department of administration to report to the committee concerning any
25specific information technology system project in accordance with s. 13.58 (5) (b) 4.
AB100-ASA1, s. 7
1Section 7. 13.123 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,9,122 13.123 (3) (a) Any senator authorized by the committee on senate organization
3to attend a meeting outside the state capital, any representative to the assembly
4authorized by the committee on assembly organization to attend an out-of-state
5meeting or authorized by the speaker to attend a meeting within this state outside
6the state capital, and all members of the legislature required by law, legislative rule,
7resolution or joint resolution to attend such meetings, shall be paid no additional
8compensation for such services but shall be reimbursed for actual and necessary
9expenses from the appropriation under s. 20.765 (1) (a) or (b), but no legislator may
10be reimbursed under this subsection for expenses on any day for which the legislator
11submits a claim under sub. (1). Any expenses incurred by a legislator under s. 14.82
12shall be reimbursed from the appropriation under s. 20.315 (1) (q).
AB100-ASA1, s. 8 13Section 8. 13.45 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,9,1914 13.45 (3) (a) For any day for which the legislator does not file a claim under s.
1513.123 (1), any legislator appointed to serve on a legislative committee or a
16committee to which the legislator was appointed by either house or the officers
17thereof shall be reimbursed from the appropriations under ss. 20.315 (1) (q) and
1820.765 (1) (a) or (b) for actual and necessary expenses incurred as a member of the
AB100-ASA1, s. 9e 20Section 9e. 13.48 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,9,2521 13.48 (3) State building trust fund. In the interest of the continuity of the
22program, the moneys appropriated to the state building trust fund under s. 20.867
23(2) (f) shall be retained as a nonlapsing building depreciation reserve. Such moneys
24shall be deposited into the state building trust fund. At such times as the building
25commission directs, or in emergency situations under s. 16.855 (16) (b), the governor

1shall authorize releases from this fund to become available for projects and shall
2direct the department of administration to allocate from this fund such amounts as
3are approved for these projects. In issuing such directions, the building commission
4shall consider the cash balance in the state building trust fund, the necessity and
5urgency of the proposed improvement, employment conditions and availability of
6materials in the locality in which the improvement is to be made. The building
7commission may authorize any project amounting to $250,000 costing $500,000 or
8less in accordance with priorities to be established by the building commission and
9may adjust the priorities by deleting, substituting or adding new projects as needed
10to reflect changing program needs and unforeseen circumstances. The building
11commission may enter into contracts for the construction of buildings for any state
12agency and shall be responsible for accounting for all funds released to projects. The
13building commission may designate the department of administration or the agency
14for which the project is constructed to act as its representative in such accounting.
AB100-ASA1, s. 9g 15Section 9g. 13.48 (7) of the statutes is amended to read: