AB514-AA4,7,1211 2. The fee for a renewal of a Class A bird hunting preserve license is $200, and
12the fee for a renewal of a Class B bird hunting preserve license is $100.
AB514-AA4,7,1313 (f) Dog training licenses. 1. The fee for a bird dog training license is $25.
AB514-AA4,7,1414 2. The fee for a hound dog training license is $25.
AB514-AA4,7,1515 3. The fee for a dog club training license is $100.
AB514-AA4,7,1616 (g) Dog trial licenses. 1. The fee for a bird dog trial license is $25.
AB514-AA4,7,1717 2. The fee for a hound dog trial license is $25.
AB514-AA4,7,1918 (h) Falconry licenses. 1. The fee for a falconry license issued to a resident of
19this state is $75.
AB514-AA4,7,2020 2. The fee for a falconry license issued to a nonresident is $100.
AB514-AA4,7,2121 3. The fee for a falconry license issued under s. 22.22 (1) (b) is $25.
AB514-AA4,7,2222 (i) Stocking license. The fee for a stocking license is $25.
AB514-AA4,7,2323 (j) Rehabilitation license. There is no fee for a rehabilitation license.
AB514-AA4,7,2424 (k) Scientific research license. The fee for a scientific research license is $25.
1(L) Nonprofit educational exhibiting license. The fee for a nonprofit
2educational exhibiting license is $25.
AB514-AA4,8,43 (m) Nonresident temporary exhibiting license. The fee for a nonresident
4temporary exhibiting license is $50.
AB514-AA4,8,65 (n) Captive wild animal auction and market license. The fee for a captive wild
6animal auction and market license is $300.
AB514-AA4,8,8 7(1m) Late fees. The late fee for the renewal of any license issued under this
8chapter that is filed after the expiration date of the license is $20.".
AB514-AA4,8,9 945. Page 45, line 18: after that line insert:
AB514-AA4,8,12 10"(15) Validation license. (a) An initial validation license is valid from the date
11of issuance until the 5th December 31 after the date of issuance, and for 5-year
12periods thereafter.
AB514-AA4,8,1513 (b) A subsequent validation license is valid from the date of issuance until the
145th December 31 after the date of issuance, and for 5-year periods thereafter, unless
15par. (c) applies.
AB514-AA4,8,1716 (c) If a subsequent validation license is combined with an initial validation
17license under s. 22.285 (3), the effective period under par. (a) shall apply.".
AB514-AA4,8,19 1846. Page 46, line 11: delete "by rule under s. 22.30 (1)" and substitute "under
19s. 22.30 (2)".
AB514-AA4,8,20 2047. Page 46, line 12: after that line insert:
AB514-AA4,8,22 21"(c) This subsection does not apply to validation licenses issued under s.
AB514-AA4,8,23 2348. Page 49, line 10: before "holders" insert "any".
AB514-AA4,8,24 2449. Page 49, line 12: after "zoo" insert "or aquarium".
150. Page 50, line 23: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
2with page 51, line 2.
AB514-AA4,9,3 351. Page 52, line 5: before the period insert "in this state".
AB514-AA4,9,4 452. Page 52, line 20: delete lines 20 to 23 and substitute:
AB514-AA4,9,6 5"(b) The wild animal is accompanied by either of the following, if required by
6the department:
AB514-AA4,9,107 1. A valid interstate health certificate or a valid certificate of veterinary
8inspection issued by a veterinarian, which is filed with the chief livestock health
9official in the state, province or country of origin in accordance with the laws of that
AB514-AA4,9,1211 2. If the wild animal is a wild bird, a certification under the national poultry
12improvement plan under 9 CFR part 145.".
AB514-AA4,9,13 1353. Page 55, line 7: delete "Class B".
AB514-AA4,9,14 1454. Page 55, line 8: before "deer" insert "white-tailed".
AB514-AA4,9,16 1555. Page 56, line 11: after "animals" insert ", except as permitted by the
AB514-AA4,9,18 1756. Page 73, line 23: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
18with page 74, line 5, and substitute:
AB514-AA4,9,24 19"22.03 (2) (e) No person may operate on a live wild skunk to remove its scent
20glands unless the person holds a Class A or Class B captive wild animal farm license
21or the person is a veterinarian and the person
who possesses brings the skunk is
22authorized under s. 29.55
to the veterinarian holds such a license. A veterinarian
23to whom a person brings a live wild skunk for removal of its scent glands or for other
shall verify if the person holds a Class A or Class B captive wild animal

1farm license. If the person does not hold such a license, the veterinarian shall
2that person that possession of a live skunk is illegal and shall notify the
AB514-AA4,10,4 457. Page 84, line 6: delete lines 6 and 7 and substitute:
AB514-AA4,10,6 5" Section 100m. Effective dates. This act takes effect on January 1, 1999,
6except as follows:
AB514-AA4,10,8 7(1) The treatment of section 22.285 of the statutes takes effect on the day after