SB1-SSA1,109,65 2. "Voter education and issue advocacy" does not include any activity that is a
6political activity or is a lobbying activity.
SB1-SSA1,109,77 (k) "Voter survey" has the meaning given in s. 11.06 (12) (a) 4.
SB1-SSA1,109,10 8(2) Each labor organization shall, no later than March 1 of each year, file with
9the board a copy of its most recent report which the organization filed under 29 USC
with the U.S. secretary of labor, if the organization is required to file that report.
SB1-SSA1,109,13 11(3) Each labor organization shall, no later than March 1 of each year and
12concurrently with its filing under sub. (2), if required, file with the board an election
13report containing the following information:
SB1-SSA1,109,1514 (a) The amount expended and percentage of the total amount expended by the
15labor organization in the preceding year for:
SB1-SSA1,109,1616 1. Contract negotiation.
SB1-SSA1,109,1717 2. Organization activities.
SB1-SSA1,109,1818 3. Strike activities.
SB1-SSA1,109,1919 4. Political activities.
SB1-SSA1,109,2020 5. Lobbying.
SB1-SSA1,109,2121 6. Voter education and issue advocacy.
SB1-SSA1,109,2422 (b) The name and address of each officer, employe or agent performing any
23activity described in par. (a) during the preceding year and the activity performed by
24that person.
1(c) The name of each candidate for public office, and each political, charitable
2or community organization to which the labor organization contributed any money
3during the preceding year and the amount contributed.
SB1-SSA1,110,64 (d) The name and address of any political committee with which the labor
5organization is affiliated and the amount contributed by the organization to that
6committee in the preceding year.
SB1-SSA1,110,9 7(4) Each labor organization which files a report under this section shall make
8the report available to each member of the organization for inspection during its
9regular business hours.
SB1-SSA1,110,12 10(5) Each labor organization which is required to file a report under sub. (3) shall
11maintain records of all information required to be included in the report for a period
12of 3 years from the date that the report is due for filing under sub. (3).
SB1-SSA1,110,15 13(6) If any labor organization fails to comply with this section, any person may
14petition the circuit court for the county where the organization maintains its
15principal office or records for a writ of mandamus to compel compliance.
SB1-SSA1,110,18 16(7) Except as provided in par. (b), any labor organization which violates this
17section may be required to forfeit not more than $100. Each day of continued
18violation constitutes a separate offense.
SB1-SSA1,110,2019 (b) Any labor organization which files a report under sub. (3) which contains
20false information may be required to forfeit not more than $1,000.
SB1-SSA1, s. 220 21Section 220. 11.50 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1-SSA1,110,22 2211.50 (title) Wisconsin clean election campaign fund system.
SB1-SSA1, s. 221 23Section 221. 11.50 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1-SSA1,110,2424 11.50 (1) (b) "Fund" means the Wisconsin clean election campaign system fund.
SB1-SSA1, s. 222 25Section 222. 11.50 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
111.50 (2) (a) Any individual who desires to qualify as an eligible candidate may
2file an application with the board requesting approval to participate in the fund. The
3application shall be filed no later than the applicable deadline for filing nomination
4papers under s. 8.10 (2) (a), 8.15 (1), 8.20 (8) (a) or 8.50 (3) (a), no later than 4:30 p.m.
5on the 7th day after the primary or date on which the primary would be held if
6required in the case of write-in candidates, or no later than 4:30 p.m. on the 7th day
7after appointment in the case of candidates appointed to fill vacancies. The
8application shall contain a sworn statement that the candidate and his or her
9authorized agents have complied with the applicable contribution limitations
10prescribed in s. 11.26 and the disbursement limitations prescribed under s. 11.31, as
11adjusted under s. 11.31 (9),
at all times to which such limitations have applied to his
12or her candidacy and will continue to comply with the limitations at all times to
13which the limitations apply to his or her candidacy for the office in contest, unless
14except that the candidate is not required to comply with s. 11.26 (10) or 11.31 (2) if
15the board determines that the candidate is not eligible to receive a grant, the
16candidate withdraws his or her application under par. (h), or par. (i) or s. 11.26 (10m)
17or 11.31 (3n)
SB1-SSA1, s. 223 18Section 223. 11.50 (2) (b) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1-SSA1,112,1819 11.50 (2) (b) 5. The financial reports filed by or on behalf of the candidate as
20of the date of the spring or September primary, or the date that the special primary
21is or would be held, if required, indicate that the candidate has received an amount
22equal to
at least the amount provided in this subdivision 5% of the applicable
23authorized disbursement limitation, as determined under s. 11.31 (1) and adjusted
24under s. 11.31 (9)
, from contributions of money, other than loans, made by individuals
25who reside in this state and in the case of a candidate for legislative office by

1individuals who reside in a county having territory within the legislative district in
2which the candidate seeks office
, which have been received during the period ending
3on the date of the spring primary and July 1 preceding such date in the case of
4candidates at the spring election, or the date of the September primary and January
51 preceding such date in the case of candidates at the general election, or the date
6that a special primary will or would be held, if required, and 90 days preceding such
7date or the date a special election is ordered, whichever is earlier, in the case of
8special election candidates, which contributions are in the aggregate amount of $100
9or less, and which are fully identified and itemized as to the exact source thereof. A
10contribution received from a conduit which is identified by the conduit as originating
11from an individual shall be considered a contribution made by the individual. Only
12the first $100 of an aggregate contribution of more than $100 may be counted toward
13the required percentage. For a candidate at the spring or general election for an
14office identified in s. 11.26 (1) (a) or
a candidate at a special election, the required
15amount to qualify for a grant is 5% of the candidate's authorized disbursement
16limitation under s. 11.31. For any other candidate at the general election, the
17required amount to qualify for a grant is 10% of the candidate's authorized
18disbursement limitation under s. 11.31
SB1-SSA1, s. 224 19Section 224. 11.50 (2) (g) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1-SSA1,113,420 11.50 (2) (g) A candidate who voluntarily files an application to receive a grant
21in accordance with this subsection accepts and agrees to comply with the applicable
22contribution limitations prescribed in s. 11.26 and the disbursement limitations
23imposed under s. 11.31 (2), as adjusted under s. 11.31 (9), as binding upon himself
24or herself and his or her agents during the campaign of that candidate as defined in
25s. 11.31 (7), as a precondition to receipt of a grant under this section, unless except

1that the candidate is not required to comply with s. 11.26 (10) or 11.31 (2) if
the board
2determines that the candidate is not eligible to receive a grant, the candidate
3withdraws the application under par. (h), or par. (i) or s. 11.26 (10m) or 11.31 (3n)
SB1-SSA1, s. 225 5Section 225. 11.50 (2) (i) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1-SSA1,113,186 11.50 (2) (i) Notwithstanding par. (g), if an eligible candidate at the spring
7election or a special nonpartisan election who accepts a grant is opposed by one or
8more candidates in the election, or if an eligible candidate for an office at the general
9election or a special partisan election who accepts a grant is opposed by one or more
10candidates in the election who receive at least 6% of the vote cast for all candidates
11for the same that office on all ballots at the September primary or a special partisan
12primary if a primary was held, and in either case if any such opponent of the eligible
13candidate does not accept a grant under this section in whole or in part, the eligible
14candidate is not bound by the pledge made in his or her application to adhere to the
15contribution limitations limitation prescribed in s. 11.26 (10) and the disbursement
16limitation prescribed imposed under s. 11.31 (2), as adjusted under s. 11.31 (9),
17unless each such opponent files an affidavit of voluntary compliance under s. 11.31
SB1-SSA1, s. 226 19Section 226. 11.50 (2m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB1-SSA1,114,220 11.50 (2m) Public information. Annually, no later than August 15, the board
21may notify the state treasurer that an amount not exceeding 10% of the amount
22transferred to the fund under s. 20.855 (4) (b) in that year, but not more than $30,000,
23shall be placed in a public information account. Moneys in this account shall be
24expended as directed by the board for the purpose of providing public information
25concerning the purpose and effect of s. 71.10 (3) and this section. Any amount placed

1in the public information account that is not expended by the board in any year shall
2be retained in that account.
SB1-SSA1, s. 227 3Section 227. 11.50 (3) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1-SSA1,114,64 11.50 (3) (a) (intro.) Annually on August 15, Immediately after any transfer
5under sub. (2m), the state treasurer shall annually apportion
all moneys
6appropriated to the fund shall be apportioned as follows by the state treasurer:
SB1-SSA1, s. 228 7Section 228. 11.50 (3) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1-SSA1,114,138 11.50 (3) (a) 1. If an election for state superintendent is scheduled in the
9following year, 8% of the fund shall be placed in a superintendency account. From
10this account, an equal amount not exceeding the amount authorized under sub. (9)
11(a), as adjusted under sub. (9a),
shall be disbursed to the campaign depository
12account of
utilized to provide a grant to each eligible candidate by the state treasurer
13for state superintendent.
SB1-SSA1, s. 229 14Section 229. 11.50 (3) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1-SSA1,114,1915 11.50 (3) (a) 2. If an election for justice is scheduled in the following year, 8%
16of the fund shall be placed in a supreme court account. From this account, an equal
17amount not exceeding the amount authorized under sub. (9) (a), as adjusted under
18sub. (9a),
shall be disbursed to the campaign depository account of utilized to provide
19a grant to
each eligible candidate by the state treasurer for justice.
SB1-SSA1, s. 230 20Section 230. 11.50 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1-SSA1,115,221 11.50 (4) (b) The executive campaign account shall be divided into accounts for
22each executive office as provided in this paragraph. Each account shall be utilized
23to provide a grant to each eligible candidate for the office for which the account is
24established, in an amount not exceeding the amount authorized under sub. (9) (a),

1as adjusted under sub. (9a).
The apportionment of moneys in the executive campaign
2account shall be made as follows:
SB1-SSA1,115,43 1. Sixty-seven percent to be apportioned between all utilized to provide a grant
4to each
eligible candidates candidate for governor.
SB1-SSA1,115,65 2. Eight percent to be apportioned between all utilized to provide a grant to
eligible candidates candidate for lieutenant governor.
SB1-SSA1,115,87 3. Seventeen percent to be apportioned between all utilized to provide a grant
8to each
eligible candidates candidate for attorney general.
SB1-SSA1,115,109 4. Four percent to be apportioned between all utilized to provide a grant to each
10eligible candidates candidate for state treasurer.
SB1-SSA1,115,1211 5. Four percent to be apportioned between all utilized to provide a grant to each
12eligible candidates candidate for secretary of state.
SB1-SSA1, s. 231 13Section 231. 11.50 (4) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1-SSA1,115,2114 11.50 (4) (c) The legislative and special election campaign account shall be
15divided into a senate campaign account to receive 25% of the moneys, and an
16assembly campaign account to receive 75% of the moneys. Each account shall then
17be apportioned between all eligible candidates for the same office in the entire state
18The senate campaign account shall be utilized to provide a grant to each eligible
19candidate for the office of state senator. The assembly campaign account shall be
20utilized to provide a grant to each eligible candidate for representative to the
. No apportionment shall be made by legislative district.
SB1-SSA1, s. 232 22Section 232. 11.50 (4) (d) of the statutes is repealed.
SB1-SSA1, s. 233 23Section 233. 11.50 (9) of the statutes is renumbered 11.50 (9) (a) (intro.) and
24amended to read:
111.50 (9) (a) (intro.) The Except as provided in sub. (9a), the total grant
2available to an eligible candidate may not exceed that amount which, when added
3to all other contributions accepted from sources other than individuals, political
4party committees and legislative campaign committees, is equal to 45% of the
5disbursement level specified for the applicable office under s. 11.31.
the amount
6specified in this subsection, subject to the limitation under s. 11.26 (9). If there are
7insufficient moneys available within any account established under sub. (3) or (4) to
8provide for distribution of the maximum grant authorized under this subsection, as
9adjusted under sub. (9a), the maximum grant available to each candidate shall be
10reduced proportionately in such manner as to equally apportion the available
11moneys within that account to each eligible candidate. Maximum grant amounts
SB1-SSA1,116,17 13(b) The board shall scrutinize accounts and reports and records kept under this
14chapter to assure that applicable limitations under ss. 11.26 (9) and 11.31 (2), as
15adjusted under s. 11.31 (9),
are not exceeded and any violation is reported. No
16candidate or campaign treasurer may accept grants exceeding the amount
17authorized by this subsection.
SB1-SSA1, s. 234 18Section 234. 11.50 (9) (a) 1. to 6. of the statutes are created to read:
SB1-SSA1,116,1919 11.50 (9) (a) 1. For a candidate for the office of governor, $500,000.
SB1-SSA1,116,2020 2. For a candidate for the office of lieutenant governor, $62,500.
SB1-SSA1,116,2121 3. For a candidate for the office of attorney general, $175,000.
SB1-SSA1,116,2322 4. For a candidate for the office of state superintendent, justice, secretary of
23state or state treasurer, $75,000.
SB1-SSA1,116,2424 5. For a candidate for the office of state senator, $25,000.
SB1-SSA1,116,2525 6. For a candidate for the office of representative to the assembly, $12,500.
SB1-SSA1, s. 235
1Section 235. 11.50 (9a) of the statutes is created to read:
SB1-SSA1,117,22 11.50 (9a) Adjustment of maximum grant amounts. (a) In this subsection:
SB1-SSA1,117,53 1. "Consumer price index" means the average of the consumer price index over
4each 12-month period, all items, U.S. city average, as determined by the bureau of
5labor statistics of the federal department of labor.
SB1-SSA1,117,86 2. "Voting age population of this state" means the voting age population of this
7state, as determined by the federal election commission in its most recent
8determination prior to the date of any calculation under this subsection.
SB1-SSA1,117,259 (b) The dollar amounts of all maximum grant amounts specified in sub. (9) (a)
101. to 6. shall be subject to a biennial adjustment to be determined by rule of the board
11in accordance with this subsection. To determine the adjustment, the board shall
12calculate the percentage difference between the voting age population of this state
13on December 31 of each odd-numbered year and the voting age population of this
14state on December 31, 1997. The board shall then calculate the percentage difference
15between the consumer price index for the 12-month period ending on December 31
16of each odd-numbered year and the consumer price index for the base period,
17calendar year 1997. For each biennium, the board shall first multiply the
18disbursement levels by the percentage difference in the voting age populations. The
19board shall then multiply that product by the percentage difference in the consumer
20price indices. The board shall adjust the maximum grant amounts specified in sub.
21(9) to substitute that result for the existing amounts to the extent required to reflect
22any difference, rounded to the nearest multiple of $25, which amounts shall be in
23effect until a subsequent rule is promulgated under this subsection.
24Notwithstanding s. 227.24 (3), determinations under this subsection may be
25promulgated as an emergency rule under s. 227.24 without a finding of emergency.
SB1-SSA1, s. 236
1Section 236. 11.50 (10m) (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1-SSA1,118,22 11.50 (10m) (title) Return of grants prior to election.
SB1-SSA1, s. 237 3Section 237. 11.50 (11) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1-SSA1,118,74 11.50 (11) (d) No person may expend, authorize the expenditure of or incur any
5obligation to expend a grant or other contribution after the date of any election where
6the moneys contained in such contribution that grant are returnable to the state
7under sub. (8).
SB1-SSA1, s. 238 8Section 238. 11.50 (11) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1-SSA1,118,129 11.50 (11) (e) No candidate may expend, authorize the expenditure of or incur
10any obligation to expend any grant if he or she violates the pledge required under
11sub. (2) (a) as a precondition to receipt of a grant, except as authorized in sub. (2) (h)
12or (i) or ss. 11.26 (10m) and 11.31 (3n).
SB1-SSA1, s. 239 13Section 239. 11.50 (12) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1-SSA1,118,2114 11.50 (12) Proof of payment. No later than the next due date for continuing
15reports under s. 11.20 (4) which occurs at least
30 days after an election in which a
16candidate receives a grant, or no later than 30 days after each special election in
17which a candidate receives a grant, whichever is earlier,
the candidate or his or her
18campaign treasurer shall deliver or transmit to the board by 1st class mail, sufficient
19proof of payment for all disbursements made from grants distributed under this
20section. This subsection does not restrict the authority of the board to audit records
21under ss. 5.05 (2) and 13.94 (1) (k).
SB1-SSA1, s. 240 22Section 240. 11.60 (3s) and (3t) of the statutes are created to read:
SB1-SSA1,119,423 11.60 (3s) (a) Notwithstanding sub. (1) and except as provided in subs. (3t) and
24(3u), if an individual who or committee which is required to file a statement under
25s. 11.06 (7) (a) files a statement under s. 11.06 (7) (a) which contains a material

1misrepresentation with respect to support or opposition to a candidate, the
2individual or committee shall forfeit an amount equal to any disbursement made or
3obligation incurred for a purpose that is inconsistent with the statement filed by the
4individual or committee.
SB1-SSA1,119,115 (b) Notwithstanding sub. (1) and except as provided in subs. (3t) and (3u), if a
6registrant, organization or individual who or which is required to file a statement
7under s. 11.065 (2) or (5) files a statement under s. 11.065 (2) or (5) which contains
8a material misrepresentation with respect to support or opposition to a candidate,
9the registrant, organization or individual shall forfeit an amount equal to any
10expenditure made or obligation to make an expenditure incurred for a purpose that
11is inconsistent with the statement filed by the registrant, organization or individual.
SB1-SSA1,119,19 12(3t) (a) Notwithstanding sub. (1), if any committee or individual makes a
13disbursement or incurs an obligation to make a disbursement of $500 or more that
14is required to be disclosed under s. 11.06 (7) (a) without disclosing the disbursement
15or obligation, or prior to the 10th day after disclosing the disbursement or obligation,
16or in an amount which understates by more than $5,000 the amount disclosed, the
17committee or individual shall forfeit an amount equal to any amount exceeding
18$5,000 that is disbursed or obligated to be disbursed or understated by the committee
19or individual in violation of s. 11.06 (7) (a).
SB1-SSA1,120,320 (b) Notwithstanding sub. (1), if any registrant, organization or individual
21makes an expenditure or incurs an obligation to make an expenditure of more than
22$1,000 that is required to be disclosed under s. 11.065 (2) or (5) without disclosing the
23expenditure or obligation, or prior to the 10th day after disclosing the expenditure
24or obligation, or in an amount which understates by more than $5,000 the amount
25disclosed, the registrant, organization or individual shall forfeit an amount equal to

1any amount exceeding $5,000 that is expended or obligated to be expended or
2understated by the registrant, organization or individual in violation of s. 11.065 (2)
3or (15).
SB1-SSA1, s. 241 4Section 241. 11.60 (3u) of the statutes is created to read:
SB1-SSA1,120,115 11.60 (3u) (a) Notwithstanding sub. (1), if an individual who or committee
6which is required to file a statement under s. 11.06 (7) (a) intentionally files a
7statement under s. 11.06 (7) (a) which contains a material misrepresentation with
8respect to the amount of a proposed disbursement or obligation, the individual or
9committee shall forfeit an amount equal to any disbursement made or obligation
10incurred for a purpose that is inconsistent with the statement filed by the individual
11or committee.
SB1-SSA1,120,1812 (b) Notwithstanding sub. (1), if a registrant, organization or individual who or
13which is required to file a statement under s. 11.065 (2) or (5) intentionally files a
14statement under s. 11.065 (2) or (5) which contains a material misrepresentation
15with respect to the amount of a proposed expenditure or obligation, the registrant,
16organization or individual shall forfeit an amount equal to any expenditure made or
17obligation to make an expenditure incurred for a purpose that is inconsistent with
18the statement filed by the registrant, organization or individual.
SB1-SSA1, s. 242 19Section 242. 11.60 (4) and (5) of the statutes are amended to read:
SB1-SSA1,121,720 11.60 (4) Actions under this section arising out of an election for state office or
21a statewide referendum may be brought by the board or by the district attorney of
22the county where the violation is alleged to have occurred, except as specified in s.
2311.38. Actions under this section arising out of an election for local office or a local
24referendum may be brought by the district attorney of the county where the violation
25is alleged to have occurred. Actions under this section arising out of an election for

1county office or a county referendum may be brought by the county board of election
2commissioners of the county wherein the violation is alleged to have occurred.
If a
3violation concerns a district attorney or circuit judge or candidate for such offices, the
4action shall be brought by the attorney general. If a violation concerns the attorney
5general or a candidate for such office, the governor may appoint special counsel
6under s. 14.11 (2) to bring suit in behalf of the state. The counsel shall be independent
7of the attorney general and need not be a state employe at the time of appointment.
SB1-SSA1,121,13 8(5) Any elector may file a verified petition with the board, the county board of
9election commissioners
or the appropriate district attorney or both with more than
10one of them
where the their authority is concurrent under sub. (4), requesting that
11civil action under this chapter be brought against any person, committee or group.
12The petition shall allege such facts as are within the knowledge of the petitioner to
13show probable cause that a violation of this chapter has occurred.
SB1-SSA1, s. 243 14Section 243. 13.82 (1) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
SB1-SSA1,121,1715 13.82 (1) (d) Shall create a bipartisan committee to study campaign finance
16reform whenever changing electoral dynamics and campaign finance technology
17demand such action.
SB1-SSA1, s. 244 18Section 244. 14.58 (20) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1-SSA1,121,2119 14.58 (20) (title) Election campaign system fund. Make disbursements to each
20candidate certified under s. 7.08 (2) (c) or (cm) by the elections board as eligible to
21receive moneys from the Wisconsin clean election campaign system fund.
SB1-SSA1, s. 245 22Section 245. 15.615 of the statutes is created to read:
SB1-SSA1,122,2 2315.615 Same; attached boards. (2) Referendum appeal board. There is
24created a referendum appeal board which is attached to the elections board under
25s. 15.03. The board shall consist of the governor, the senate majority leader, the

1senate minority leader, the speaker of the assembly and the assembly minority
2leader or the designees of these persons.