SB2-AA1,1,21 At the locations indicated, amend the bill, as shown by senate substitute
2amendment 2, as follows:
SB2-AA1,1,7 31. Page 2, line 3: delete the material beginning with "measuring" and ending
4with "Schools" on line 5 and substitute "requiring the Milwaukee Public Schools to
5meet certain educational criteria, abolishing the board of school directors of the
6Milwaukee Public Schools and creating the Milwaukee Public Schools governing
SB2-AA1,1,8 82. Page 2, line 11: before that line insert:
SB2-AA1,1,9 9" Section 1m. 17.01 (8m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB2-AA1,1,1110 17.01 (8m) By a commissioner appointed under s. 119.92 (1), to the appointing
SB2-AA1, s. 1n 12Section 1n. 17.125 of the statutes is created to read:
117.125 Removal of Milwaukee Public Schools commissioners.
2Notwithstanding s. 17.12 (1), a commissioner appointed under s. 119.92 (1) may be
3removed at the pleasure of the appointing authority.
SB2-AA1, s. 1p 4Section 1p. 17.26 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB2-AA1,2,65 17.26 (2) In a 1st class city school district operating under subch. I of ch. 119,
6by special election as provided under s. 119.08 (4).
SB2-AA1, s. 1q 7Section 1q. 17.27 (3m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB2-AA1,2,108 17.27 (3m) Milwaukee Public Schools governing commission. A vacancy in
9the membership of the Milwaukee Public Schools governing commission shall be
10filled by the appointing authority.".
SB2-AA1,2,11 113. Page 2, line 11: delete " Section 1" and substitute "Section 1r".
SB2-AA1,2,12 124. Page 5, line 6: after that line insert:
SB2-AA1,2,13 13" Section 7m. 118.01 (2) (e) of the statutes is created to read:
SB2-AA1,2,1514 118.01 (2) (e) Applicability. This subsection does not apply to the school district
15operating under subch. II of ch. 119.
SB2-AA1, s. 7r 16Section 7r. 118.40 (1m) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB2-AA1,2,1817 118.40 (1m) (a) 1. A written petition requesting the school board to establish
18a charter school under this section may be filed with the school district clerk.
SB2-AA1,2,22 192. The petition shall be signed by at least 10% of the teachers employed by the
20school district or by at least 50% of the teachers employed at one school of the school
21district. This subdivision does not apply to the school district operating under subch.
22II of ch. 119.
SB2-AA1,2,23 235. Page 5, line 15: before that line insert:
SB2-AA1,2,24 24" Section 8m. 118.40 (5) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
1118.40 (5) (b) The pupils enrolled in the charter school failed to make sufficient
2progress toward attaining the educational goals under s. 118.01 (2). This paragraph
3does not apply to a charter school under contract with the Milwaukee Public Schools
4governing commission
SB2-AA1,3,5 56. Page 5, line 18: after that line insert:
SB2-AA1,3,6 6" Section 9m. Chapter 119 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB2-AA1,3,97 CHAPTER 119
9SYSTEM systems
SB2-AA1, s. 9r 10Section 9r. Subchapter I (title) of chapter 119 [precedes 119.01] of the statutes
11is created to read:
SB2-AA1,3,1212 CHAPTER 119
14 Board of school directors
SB2-AA1, s. 9s 15Section 9s. 119.01 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB2-AA1,3,1716 119.01 Applicability. This chapter subchapter applies only to cities of the 1st
SB2-AA1,3,18 18Section 9t 119.02 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB2-AA1,3,20 19119.02 Definitions. (intro.) In this chapter subchapter, unless the context
20clearly requires otherwise:".
SB2-AA1,3,21 217. Page 11, line 4: after that line insert:
SB2-AA1,3,22 22" Section 21m. 119.32 (8) of the statutes is created to read:
1119.32 (8) This section does not apply to the Milwaukee Public Schools
2beginning on the date that the board of school directors of the Milwaukee Public
3Schools is abolished under s. 119.92 (2).".
SB2-AA1,4,5 48. Page 11, line 19: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
5with page 14, line 7, as affected by senate amendments 19 and 22, and substitute:
SB2-AA1,4,7 6" Section 24m. Subchapter II of chapter 119 [precedes 119.90] of the statutes
7is created to read:
SB2-AA1,4,88 Chapter 119
10 Milwaukee public schools
11 governing commission
SB2-AA1,4,12 12119.90 Definitions. In this subchapter:
SB2-AA1,4,13 13(1) "Commission" means the Milwaukee Public Schools governing commission.
SB2-AA1,4,14 14(2) "Executive director" means the executive director of the system.
SB2-AA1,4,15 15(3) "System" means the Milwaukee Public Schools.
SB2-AA1,4,20 16119.91 Educational achievement criteria. (1) By December 15, 2000, the
17department, the department of administration and the legislative fiscal bureau shall
18jointly determine and certify to the governor and the joint committee on finance
19whether, in the preceding school year, all of the following were true, as calculated and
20defined by the department of public instruction:
SB2-AA1,4,2121 (a) The system's graduation rate was at least 90%.
SB2-AA1,4,2222 (b) The system's attendance rate was at least 91%.
SB2-AA1,4,2323 (c) The system's dropout rate was no greater than 9%.
1(d) The percentage of pupils enrolled in the 3rd grade in the system whose score
2on the reading test under s. 121.02 (1) (r) in the preceding school year was at least
3at the basic level was equal to at least 90% of the percentage of all pupils enrolled
4in 3rd grade in the state whose score on the test in the preceding school year was at
5least at the basic level.
SB2-AA1,5,9 6(2) If the department, the department of administration and the legislative
7fiscal bureau certify that the system meets all of the criteria under sub. (1), then the
8certification procedure shall be repeated biennially by December 15, unless the
9system does not meet the educational criteria under sub. (1).
SB2-AA1,5,11 10(3) The department shall calculate the percentages under sub. (1) and (2)
11without the benefit of rounding.
SB2-AA1,5,25 12119.92 Commission; creation, duties. (1) If the department, the
13department of administration and the legislative fiscal bureau certify that the
14system does not meet all of the criteria under s. 119.91, on March 1 of the year
15following the certification, the commission is established. The commission shall
16consist of 3 members, all of whom shall reside in the city of Milwaukee. One member
17shall be appointed by the governor, one member shall be appointed by the state
18superintendent and one member shall be appointed by the mayor of the city of
19Milwaukee. The governor's appointee shall serve as the chairperson of the
20commission. Unless the context clearly dictates otherwise, any law that applies to
21the members of the board of school directors of a 1st class city school district applies
22to the commissioners of the commission, and any law that applies to the president
23of the board of school directors of a 1st class city school district applies to the
24chairperson of the commission. Members of the commission shall serve at the
25pleasure of the appointing authority.
1(2) (a) If the commission is established under sub. (1), on July 1 of the year in
2which the commission is established, the board of school directors of the system, the
3position of superintendent of schools for the system and the positions under s. 119.32
4(3) are abolished, and the commission assumes management and control of the
5system. Unless the context clearly dictates otherwise, any law that applies to the
6board of school directors of a 1st class city school district applies to the commission.
SB2-AA1,6,77 (b) The commission shall do all of the following:
SB2-AA1,6,88 1. Increase the quality of education in the system.
SB2-AA1,6,99 2. Ensure continuing academic improvement of pupils.
SB2-AA1,6,1110 3. Reduce noninstructional expenditures in the system and use, to the extent
11practicable, the moneys saved for instructional purposes.
SB2-AA1,6,1212 4. Develop school-based budgeting.
SB2-AA1,6,1413 5. Approve, reject or modify educational reform plans as provided under s.
14119.94 (2) (b).
SB2-AA1,6,1515 6. Appoint an executive director.
SB2-AA1,6,2016 7. On July 1 of the year in which the commission is established, establish a body
17to govern each school in the system beginning in the following school year and
18determine the governing body's powers, composition and size, the process of selecting
19the members of the governing body and the terms of its members. The commission
20may establish different kinds of governing bodies for different schools in the system.
SB2-AA1,6,25 21(3) In any action or proceeding in which the commission is a defendant, service
22of any summons, writ, pleading or other papers served in commencing the action or
23proceeding upon the chairperson of the commission and the executive director
24constitutes service upon the entire commission. It is sufficient to serve on one
25commissioner any notice required by law to be served upon the commission.
1119.93 Executive director. (1) The executive director appointed under s.
2119.92 (2) (b) 6. shall be a person of suitable learning and experience in the art of
3instruction and shall have practical familiarity with the most approved methods of
4organizing and conducting a system of schools. Unless the context clearly dictates
5otherwise, any law that applies to the superintendent of schools of a 1st class city
6school district, except s. 119.32, applies to the executive director.
SB2-AA1,7,8 7(2) Under the direction of the commission, the executive director shall have
8general supervision of all of the following:
SB2-AA1,7,99 (a) The public schools and the manner of conducting and grading such schools.
SB2-AA1,7,1110 (b) The supervisory and administrative employes appointed under sub. (3),
11principals, vice principals and teachers of the system.
SB2-AA1,7,13 12(3) Subject to the commission's approval, the executive director shall appoint
13supervisory and administrative employes as determined by the commission.
SB2-AA1,7,16 14(4) The executive director shall be an advisory member of every committee of
15the commission, except when an inquiry into his or her acts or an investigation of his
16or her official conduct is under consideration by the committee.
SB2-AA1,7,18 17(5) The executive director shall assign all teachers and engage and assign
18substitute teachers at the per diem compensation fixed by the commission.
SB2-AA1,7,21 19(6) The executive director shall collect such statistics and information relating
20to schools and the population entitled to school privileges in the city of Milwaukee
21as the commission directs.
SB2-AA1,7,24 22(7) Notwithstanding ss. 115.28 (7), 118.19 (1) and 121.02 (1) (a), the commission
23may appoint an executive director and may employ a business manager who are not
24licensed by the department.
1119.94 Educational reform plans. (1) This section applies if the commission
2is established under s. 119.92 (1).
SB2-AA1,8,6 3(2) (a) By February 1 of the year following the establishment of the commission
4and annually thereafter, each school governing body in the system shall submit to
5the commission for its review the school's educational reform plan for the following
6school year that includes all of the following:
SB2-AA1,8,77 1. The educational goals and expectations of the school governing body.
SB2-AA1,8,98 2. A description of the educational program of the school, including the method
9to be followed to ensure parental involvement.
SB2-AA1,8,1110 3. The methods that the school will use to enable pupils to achieve the
11educational goals and expectations under subd. 1.
SB2-AA1,8,1312 4. The methods that the school will use to measure pupils' progress towards the
13educational goals and expectations under subd. 1.
SB2-AA1,8,1414 5. An annual budget and operational plan.
SB2-AA1,8,1515 6. A professional development plan.
SB2-AA1,8,1716 (b) Within 60 days of submission of the educational reform plan, the
17commission shall either approve it, or, if any of the following are true, reject it:
SB2-AA1,8,1918 1. The commission disapproves of the educational goals and expectations
19contained in the educational reform plan.
SB2-AA1,8,2220 2. The commission determines that the educational program of the school will
21not allow the school's pupils to meet the educational goals and expectations
22contained in the educational reform plan.
SB2-AA1,8,2423 3. The commission determines that a modification is necessary to ensure the
24proper management of the school or the system.
1(c) If the commission rejects the educational reform plan, it shall notify the
2school governing body in writing of the reasons for the rejection. The school
3governing body shall submit a revised educational reform plan by May 1. By June
41, the commission shall either approve the revised educational reform plan or modify
5it for any of the reasons enumerated under par. (b).".
SB2-AA1,9,6 69. Page 14, line 19: delete lines 19 to 22 and substitute:
SB2-AA1,9,14 7"(2c) Educational certification. By December 15, 1999, the department of
8public instruction, the department of administration and the legislative fiscal
9bureau shall jointly determine and certify to the governor and the joint committee
10on finance the graduation, attendance and dropout rates for the Milwaukee Public
11Schools in the 1998-99 school year and the percentage of pupils enrolled in the 3rd
12grade in the Milwaukee Public Schools whose score on the reading test under section
13121.02 (1) (r) of the statutes in the 1998-99 school year was at least at the basic level,
14as calculated and defined by the department of public instruction.
SB2-AA1,9,17 15(2f) Milwaukee Public Schools governing commission. If the Milwaukee
16Public Schools governing commission is established, on July 1 of the year in which
17the commission is established, all of the following shall occur:
SB2-AA1,9,20 18(a) Assets and liabilities. The assets and liabilities of the board of school
19directors of the Milwaukee Public Schools become assets and liabilities of the
20Milwaukee Public Schools governing commission.
SB2-AA1,9,23 21(b) Tangible personal property. All tangible personal property, including
22records, of the board of school directors of the Milwaukee Public Schools is
23transferred to the Milwaukee Public Schools governing commission.
1(c) Employe status. Except for the superintendent of schools and the
2appointees of the superintendent of schools under section 119.32 (3) of the statutes,
3all employes of the board of school directors of the Milwaukee Public Schools become
4employes of the Milwaukee Public Schools governing commission and have the same
5rights and status that they enjoyed as employes of the board of school directors of the
6Milwaukee Public Schools.
SB2-AA1,10,12 7(d) Contract. All contracts entered into by the board of school directors of the
8Milwaukee Public Schools remain in effect and are transferred to the Milwaukee
9Public Schools governing commission. The Milwaukee Public Schools governing
10commission shall carry out any such contractual obligations until modified or
11rescinded by the Milwaukee Public Schools governing commission to the extent
12allowed under the contract.