Used, disclosure requirements, 218.14, 218.15
Licensing and regulation, 16.366, 66.058
Manufacturers, licensing, 101.95
Monthly parking fee, 66.058
Out-of-state manufacturers, jurisdiction and venue, 218.165
Oversize, permit, 348.26 (4), 348.27 (7)
Parking fees:
Amount, exception, liability, 66.058 (3)
Assessment by municipalities, 66.0585
Monthly, 66.058
Agent status for villages, cities and counties for permits or inspections, 16.366 (2)
County zoning, 59.69 (4)
Licensing, regulation, 16.366, 66.058
Assessment by public service commission, 196.85 (2g)
Reimbursement for parking fees, 66.058 (3m)
Water and sewer service, regulated, 196.498
Plumbing, powers and duties of department, 101.93
Powers and duties of commerce department, 101.92, 101.93
Property tax:
Exemption, 70.111 (19), 70.112 (7)
Real or personal property definition, 70.043
Purpose of regulation law, 101.90
Penalty for operating unregistered mobile home, 341.04
Sales tax, proof of payment necessary prior to, 77.61 (1)
Sales tax exemption:
Rental, 77.54 (36)
Used homes, 77.54 (31)
Salesperson, license, regulation, 218.12
Site, leases, regulation, 710.15
Tire equipment, 347.45
Transporting persons in, 346.94 (8), (8m)
Used, sale or lease, 218.15
Variable rate loans for, 138.056
Warranty and disclosure, 218.14
Water and sewer service, regulated, 196.498
, Ch. 138
Cash proceeds as included in secured transactions, 409.306 (1)
Commercial paper, payment, 403.107
Community currency exchange, licensing, regulations, 218.05
Contracts, expressed in dollars, 138.02
Counterfeiting, 943.38
Dollar, cent, mill, 138.01
False, for boxes or telephones, 943.22
Foreign, in litigation, 806.30 to 806.44
Issuing and using what is not, 134.15 (1)
Contract void, 134.15 (2)
Judgments computed in dollars, 138.03
Levied on execution, 815.25
Municipal debt, paid in U.S., 67.10 (1)
Public, collector or receiver, removal, 17.08
Sales contract providing for payment of price in, 402.304
, Ch. 133
For detailed analysis,

, Ch. 45
Camp Randall memorial park, 45.35 (3m)
Counties may erect, 45.05, 45.055
Fine arts, acceptance and maintenance by administration department, 16.84 (10)
Fire fighters memorial, 213.105
Land for, acquisition by city, state, XI, 3a
Memorial bridges, 84.1045, 84.1046
Memorial corporations under 1919 act, 45.052
Memorial halls, municipality may donate site, 66.93
Memorial highways, 84.102 to 84.1049
Milwaukee county, 45.058
Municipalities, may erect, 45.05, 45.055
Noted persons, 45.05, 45.055
Public buildings used for, 45.06
Section corners, town monuments, 60.84 (3)
Soldiers, sailors and marines, 45.05, 45.055
Trees, cutting forbidden, 45.066
Veterans, tax exemption, 70.11 (9)
Veterans memorial grants, 45.04
Veterans memorials at the Highground, 45.03
Veterans museum:
Memorial collection, 45.02
Space for, 45.01
Veterans state memorials, 45.35 (3m)

Dealers, regulation, 218.40 to 218.43
Registration and regulation by local governments, 349.18
MORTGAGES 1. General Provisions1. General Provisions
Recording not notice to mortgagor, 706.08 (6)
Recording requirements, 706.05 (2m)