Financial assistance program, 281.65
Fruit and vegetable washing, exemption from compliance, 283.62, 289.445
Legislative approval of rules relating to animal waste, 13.565, 160.31
Local regulation of livestock operations, 92.15
Manure storage facilities; ordinances, standards, 92.16
Performance standards and prohibition, promulgation of rules, 281.16
Resource management program, 92.14
Shoreland management, 92.17
Stream bank protection program, 23.094
Point source pollution abatement, financial assistance program, 281.57
Pollution of certain lakes, 281.47 (1)
Financial assistance program to municipalities and school districts from state, 281.51 to 281.69
Platting land requirements, 236.13 (2m)
Sanitary survey, 281.13
Solid waste activity regulated by dept., 281.77
State employes, duty to report pollution, 281.91
State policy and purpose, 283.001
Storm water:
Construction site erosion control, 281.33
Discharge fees, 283.33 (9)
Discharge permits, 283.33
Sewer, combined storm and sanitary, overflow abatement, financial assistance program, 281.63
Transportation department activities in connection with highway bridge construction and maintenance, exception, 29.601 (5), 30.12 (4)
Violations of ch. 281, penalties, 281.98
Waste and refuse prohibited, 29.601 (3)
Water supplies, damage to by regulated activity, 281.77
Penalty, 944.05

Acknowledgments, Uniform Act, 706.07
Bill of Human Rights, 66.433
Blight Elimination and Slum Clearance Act, 66.431
Blighted Area Law, 66.43
Bridefare Program, 49.25
Close Pursuit, Uniform Act on, 976.04
Condominium Ownership Act, Ch. 703
Conservation Easement Act, 700.40
Consumer Act, Chs. 421 to 427
Controlled Substances Act, Ch. 961
Corporate Take-Over Law, Ch. 552
Detainer, Interstate Agreement, 976.05
Diggers Hotline, 182.0175
Divorce Recognition Act, Uniform, 767.22
Durable Power of Attorney, Uniform Act, 243.04
Employes Right To Know Law, 101.58 to 101.599
Environmental Policy Act, 1.11
Fair Dealership Law, Ch. 135
Fair Employment Law, 111.31 to 111.395
Fair Housing Law, 106.04
Family Code, 765.001
Family Leave Law, 103.10
Franchise Investment Law, Ch. 553
Fraudulent Conveyances, Uniform Act, Ch. 242
Hate Crimes, penalty, 939.645
Hazardous Substance Act, 100.37
Huber Law, 303.08
Kline Law, 32.50 to 32.72
Learnfare Program, 49.26
Lemon Law, 218.015
Len Bias Law, 940.02
Limited Partnership, Uniform Act, 179.01
Living Will, Ch. 154
Marital Property Law, Ch. 766
Milk Producer Security Program, 100.06
Milwaukee parental choice program, 119.23
Mining moratorium, 293.50
Open Meeting Law, 19.81 to 19.98
Partnership, Uniform Act, Ch. 178
Plant Closing Law, 109.07
Point system, 343.32
Principal and Income Act, 701.20
Public school choice, 118.51, 118.52
Rape Shield Law, 972.11 (2)
Right From The Start Program, 48.982
Right To Die, Ch. 154
Right To Farm Law, 823.08
Safety Responsibility Law, 344.12 to 344.22
Securities Law, Ch. 551
Sexual Predator Law, Ch. 980
Stop and Frisk Law, 968.24, 968.25
Three Strikes and You're Out, 939.62 (2m), 973.12
Transfers To Minors Act, 880.61
Unclaimed Property Act, Ch. 177
Unfair Sales Act, 100.30
Uniform Commercial Code, Chs. 401 to 411