Private schools, criteria and determination, 118.165, 118.167
Privileged communications, exceptions, students using alcohol or drugs, 118.126
Pupil records, confidentiality, maintenance, 118.125
Reading program, 118.015
Records and reports, neglect by teachers or officers, forfeiture, 118.123
Rural safety zones, 118.09
Safety patrols, 118.10
Safety requirements, 118.07
Safety zones, 118.09
Sale of goods and services at schools, 118.12
School premises, regulation of person on, 120.13 (35)
School zones, traffic signs, 118.08
Special observance days, 118.02
Spending limits, professional employes, 118.245
Strip search by school employe, 118.32, 948.50
Suicide, intervention, civil liability exemption, 118.295
Summer classes, 118.04
Agricultural and homemaking courses, payment, 118.21 (3)
Certificates, requirements, 118.19, 118.192
Contracts, 118.21
Discrimination in hiring or licensing, 118.195
Discrimination in employment, 118.20
Lunch period, duty-free, 118.235
Milwaukee county, tenure, 118.23
Renewal of contracts, 118.22
Reports, 118.18
Technology education projects,
see Distance education and technology projects, under this subhead
Textbooks, 118.03
Traffic control on school premises, 118.105
Truancy committee and plan, 118.162
Abused or neglected children, report by administrator, teacher or counselor, 48.981
Academic excellence higher education scholarships, 39.41
Accident insurance, 120.13 (2)
High school, 118.145
Immunization program, 252.04
Age, X, 3
Minimum and maximum, 118.14
Aid to 18-year-old students, 49.20
Alcohol beverages, possession on school grounds prohibited, 125.09 (2)
Alcohol or controlled substance consumption, liability for referral to police, 118.257
Alcohol use, chemical test for, 118.45
Alternative education experience for troubled youth, 118.42
Assessment, 118.30
Compulsory, 118.15
Duties, 118.16
Inspections as to child labor, 103.80
Street trades law enforcement, 103.28
Policy, enforcement, programs for absent students, 118.16
Bilingual-bicultural education, 115.95 to 115.996
Blind children, compulsory education, 115.54
Board and lodging in lieu of transportation, 121.57
Children at risk, identification, program, 118.153
Compulsory attendance, 118.15
Conduct, board to set rules, 120.13 (1) (a)
Corporal punishment, 118.31
Day care, 120.125
Deaf children, compulsory education, 115.54
Discrimination prohibited, 118.13
Dress, board to set rules, 120.13 (1) (a)
Identification, program, 118.153
Municipal ordinances, 118.163
Administration to pupils, 118.29
Asthmatics, possession and use of inhalers, 118.291
Emergency care, administration to pupils, 118.29
Annual reports, 120.18
Open enrollment,
see Open enrollment, under this subhead
Expulsion or suspension, 120.13 (1)
Eye protective goggles, 255.30
Gifted and talented, programs, 118.35
Harming others, providing information regarding, 118.128
Hazing, penalty, 948.51
High school graduation standards, 118.33
Home-based private educational program, compulsory attendance substitution, 118.15 (4)
Human growth and development instruction, 118.019
Identification numbers, 118.169
Immunization program, 252.04
Report, 118.17
Transportation, 120.13 (27m)
Locker searches, 118.325
Membership audits by education dept., 115.28 (18)