Contracts, 120.13 (26m)
Establishment, organization, duties, 115.817
Membership report, 121.05 (1)
State aid, 121.135, 121.14
Uniform financial accounting, 115.28 (13)
Deaf children, compulsory education, 115.54
Definitions, 115.76
District and other responsible agency duties, generally, 115.77
Division for learning support, equity and advocacy, 15.373 (1), 115.762
Due process hearings, 115.80
Educational placements, 115.79
Disputes, 115.812 (1)
Reimbursement for private school placement, 115.791
Report on qualifying pupils not attending in district, 115.812 (2)
Evaluations, 115.782
Health treatment services to private school pupils, 118.255
Individualized education program, 115.787
Individualized education program team: timeline, 115.78
Interagency cooperation, 115.812 (3)
Mediation, 115.797
Medical services, medical assistance program, 49.45 (39)
Milwaukee, special schools, 119.28
Model school special education program, 36.25 (19)
Nonresident pupils, admission and transportation, 115.82
Parental rights, transfer at age 18, 115.807
Procedural safeguards, 115.792
Due process hearings, 115.80
Exhaustion of administrative remedies, 115.897
Mediation, 115.797
Public instruction dept.:
Remedies for noncompliance with chapter, 115.90
Rule making, 115.898
Special education referrals, 115.777
State aid, 115.88
Proration of, 115.882
Schools 7. Cities of First Class7. Cities of First Class
Accident insurance covering pupils, 119.18 (4)
Admission charges to activities, regulation by board, 119.18 (14)
Admission of pupils, attendance districts, 119.24
Annexation of districts, 62.071
Applicability of ch. 119 law, 119.01
Applicability of general education laws, 119.04
Annual report, 119.44
Borrowing on promissory notes, 119.495, 119.496, 119.498
Claims against, 119.68
Conflicts of interest, 119.66
Continuing body, 119.10 (1)
Duties, 119.16
Election, 119.08
District boundaries, voting rights, 119.08 (1)
Names on spring ballot, 5.58 (3), 5.60 (4) (b)
Special, 8.50, 17.26 (2)
Employes, civil service applicability, 63.53
Fences, around schoolhouse, playground, 119.18 (19)
General provisions, 119.12
Initial establishment, 119.06
Legal adviser is city attorney, exception, 119.12 (6)
Meetings, 119.10
Number of members, 119.08 (1)
Oath of members, 119.08 (1)
Payrolls, resolution regarding payment, 119.50 (2)
President, duties, 119.10 (2)
Powers, 119.18
Private schools, services contracts with, 119.235
Quorum, 119.10 (4)
Residency requirement, 119.08 (1)
Salary, 119.12 (3)
Salary schedules, 119.40
School closings, 119.18 (23)
Service of process and papers, 119.12 (2)
Terms, 119.08 (3)
Vacancy, how filled, 119.08 (4), 119.10 (5)
Bond issues, 119.49
Borrowing, 119.495, 119.496, 119.498
Report on debt service required, 120.115
Budget, 119.16 (8)
Buildings and grounds use for civic purposes, 119.70
Buildings and sites, board's duties, 119.16 (3)
Business manager, authorized, 119.32 (7)
Calendar, determine, 119.18 (6)
Census, by superintendent, 119.32 (6)
Competitive bidding, 119.16 (4)
Conflicts of interest, 119.66
Copyright materials, board may, 119.18 (18)
Council for Milwaukee public schools grant programs, 115.28 (20)
Definitions, 119.02
Diplomas, board may grant, 119.18 (20)
Disbursement of moneys, 119.50