Certification of, 145.045
Soldiers, Sailors and MarinesSOLDIERS, SAILORS AND MARINES
See also Veterans

Absent voting, 6.22
Acknowledgment before commissioned officers, 706.07 (5)
Attorney for person in military service, 879.25
Civil relief act, 45.53
Congressional medal of honor winners, special plates, 341.14 (5)
Fiduciaries in war service, suspension of powers, 112.02
Housing, municipal appropriations, 66.92
Hunting and fishing licenses, 29.194, 29.569 (2) (c)
Income tax:
Extension of time to file, 71.03 (7)
Modifications, 71.05 (6) (b)
Overseas, exemption, 71.09 (2)
Penalties and interest, 71.85 (3)
Leave of absence from civil job, reemployment, 45.50, 45.51, 63.06, 230.32
Military parole, 304.071
Minors, notes and mortgages, 880.32
Motor vehicle:
License plate:
Honorary medals decals, 341.142
Special groups, 341.14 (6r)
Refund of registration fee, 341.33 (2)
Registration fee, 341.28 (4) (c), 341.31 (1) (d)
Municipal officers and employes, military leave, 17.035
National guard,
Oaths, before whom taken, 887.01 (3)
Receivers appointed for, 813.23 (1) (b), 813.24, 813.26 (3)
Relief act, civil, 45.53
Statute of limitation, effect of exemptions, 893.21
University tuition, stationed in state, 36.27 (2) (b)
Worker's compensation claims, extension of time to file, 102.17 (6)
, Chs. 287, 289
For detailed analysis,

Transfer for unlawful use, sale, 943.207
Special, Private or Local LawsSPECIAL, PRIVATE OR LOCAL LAWS
Corporations, municipal, XI, 1
Forbidden, in what cases, IV, 31
General acts not to affect or repeal special, 991.10
Subject expressed in title, IV, 18
Table, see Appendix
Bonds and certificates, municipal, 66.54
Municipal, reserve fund, 66.54 (15)
Payment from tax levy, 66.54 (15m)
Refunding B, 66.54 (16)
City, 66.60
Condemnation benefits, 66.63
Instalments, bond payments, 66.54
Parking systems, 66.079
Parks, 27.10
Parkways and boulevards, 27.11
Planning, 62.23 (14) to (16)
Sewers and street improvements, 66.62
Sidewalks, 66.615
Trees along streets, 27.09
Validating act, 66.295
Collection of, actions for, 66.645
Corporate property subject to, 66.64
Parks, reassessment on division of land, 27.065 (13)
Parks and parkways, 27.065
Upon towns for highways, 83.03
Dams, 31.38 (4)
Defective, reassessment, 66.635
Agreements between county and municipality or district, 75.365
Public improvements, 66.54
Drainage districts,
Due date deferred, 66.605
Farmland preservation land, exemption from, 91.15
Fence removal from highway, 83.01 (7)
Fish and game violations, natural resources assessments, 29.987
Flood control act, 87.10 (1)
Harbor improvements, 30.30 (4), 30.31 (6)
Heat, light, power for municipality, 66.08
Highway or street, match federal aid, 86.25 (3)
Highways on or across municipal boundaries, 80.12
Highways over 18 feet, city or village contribution, 83.05
Improvement companies, maintenance, 779.70
Inland lake protection and rehabilitation districts, 33.32
Instalment payments, 66.54 (7), 66.605
Lands condemned beyond city limits, 66.63
Lien, 66.604, 70.01