Infrastructure loan program, 85.52
Transportation enhancement activities program, 85.026
Tunnel under, by owner of land, 81.35
Vacation of, 66.296, 236.43
Viaducts over, 66.048
Weight limitations, 349.16
Yield signs, authority to install, 349.07 (7)
TOWNS 8. Land Use, Building and Construction8. Land Use, Building and Construction
Airport affected area, agreement to establish, 66.31
Building at street ends on navigable waters, 30.30 (8)
Building codes:
Authority, 60.61 (1m)
Enforcement, 62.17
Multifamily, 66.303
One- and 2-family dwelling, 66.301, 101.65, 101.651
Public buildings,
Business improvement districts, 66.608
Community living arrangements, location, 59.69 (15), 60.63
Condominiums, local review of instruments, 703.115
Construction site erosion control, 60.627, 101.653
Storm water management, state plan, 281.33
Electrical construction inspection, 101.86, 101.865
Electricians, certification of, 101.87
Environmental remediation, tax incremental financing, 66.462
Fences in subdivisions, 60.23 (19)
Historic preservation, 60.64
Architectural conservancy districts, 66.609
Historic buildings, rights and obligations, 44.42, 66.037
Impact fees, 66.55
Main street improvement program, 560.081
Nonconforming uses, zoning authority, 60.61 (5)
Parks, planning, commission, 60.66
Approval, 236.10
Assessment plats, 70.27
Regulation, 145.04
Supervision, 145.05
Razing buildings, 66.05
Regional planning commission, 66.945
Regional planning programs, 60.82
Rural planning power, 60.23 (5)
Septage on land, ordinance regulating, 281.48 (5m)
Sewer and water:
Laterals or service pipes, 60.53, 66.625
Street grades, service pipes, 62.16 (2) (d)
Shooting range exception, 895.527
Subdivision control, 236.45
Unsewered property:
Building on, 66.036
Private sewage system ordinance, 59.70 (5)
Water quality protection, local regulation of livestock operations, 92.15
Airport areas, 114.136
Authority if exercising village powers, 60.62, 61.35, 62.23
Board of adjustment, 60.65
Boundary changes under cooperative plan, zoning in town, 66.023 (7m)
Family day care homes, 66.304
Floodplain, 87.30
General authority, procedure, enforcement, 60.61
Towns 9. Officers and Employes9. Officers and Employes
Action against:
Damages, costs, 895.46
Expenses and costs, 814.24, 895.35
Limitation of damages, notice of claim, 893.80
Administrator, 60.37 (3)
Appointment, assistants, 60.307
Oath and bond, 60.31 (3)
Attorneys, board may retain, 60.37 (2)
Board of review, 70.46, 70.47
, 60.31
Actions on; self-incrimination, immunity, 885.24
Form, filing, premium cost, 19.01
Board of review, 70.46, 70.47
Bribery and official misconduct, 946.10 to 946.18
Civil service system, 66.19 (2)
Collective bargaining, 111.70
Fire fighters, 111.77
Notice of negotiations, 19.86
Combined and part-time offices, 60.305
Compensation of officers, 60.32
Combined offices, 60.323
Abolition or establishment of office, 60.10 (1) (b)
Duties, office, 60.35