Occupant, 254.11 (9r)
Deafness, 102.555
License, 343.01
Therapist, 448.01 (2g)
Therapy, 448.01 (2m)
Therapy assistant, 448.01 (2r)
Occurrence, 101.143 (1) (cs)
Occurrence of injury, 102.01
Odometer, 340.01 (37m)
Offense, 165.83 (1)
To purchase, 553.03
Offeree, 552.01
Offering, 707.02
Offeror, 552.01
Office of long-term care ombudsman, 16.009 (1) (gm)
Office wastepaper, 16.15 (1)
Officer of any court, 946.65 (2)
Officers, 990.01 (25)
Official, 220.04 (9)
Duties, 19.01 (3)
Fees, 421.301 (26)
Identification card, 125.085 (1)
Inspection mark, 97.42 (1)
Of the agency, 227.01
Required to file, 19.42 (10)
Sample, 94.64 (1)
Traffic control device, 340.01 (38)
Vaccinate, 95.001 (1)
Officially inspected source, 94.10 (1)
Oil overcharge funds, 14.065
Older individual, 46.81 (1), 46.82 (1) (c)
Oleomargarine, 97.18 (1)
Ombudsman, 16.009 (1) (gr)
On consignment, 129.01 (3)
On duty time, 340.01 (15q)
On-line services and supplies, 565.01 (4g)
Construction, 30.62 (4), 101.71
Session, 19.82 (3)
Open-end credit plan, 421.301 (27)
Open-end plan, 766.555 (1)
Operates, 16.11 (2) (n)
Operating, 16.11 (2) (n)
Agreement, 183.0102 (16)
Costs, 66.88
Deficit, 85.20 (1)
Levy rate, 66.77 (1) (e)
Note, 18.71 (4)
Plan, 66.608 (1)
Privilege, 340.01 (40)
Procedures, 601.59 (2) (L)
Revenues, 85.20 (1)
While intoxicated, 85.53 (1) (d)
Operation of:
Aircraft, 114.002 (17)
Motorboat, 30.50 (8g)
Snowmobile, 350.01 (9r)
Operational, 16.11 (2) (n)
Operational cost, 38.24 (1)
Operational grant, 44.51 (1m)
Operator of funeral establishment, 445.01 (7)
Operator's license, 340.01 (41g)
Opiate, 961.01 (16)
Opium poppy, 961.01 (17)
Optical disk, 990.01 (25g)
Optical imaging, 990.01 (25r)
Optician, dispensing, 449.01
Optometry, practice of, 449.01
Oral communication, 968.27
Ordinary care, 403.103 (1) (g)
Ore, 107.30
Organ procurement organization, 157.06 (1) (fm), 343.01 (2) (dg)
Organic food, 97.09 (5)