Television service, 196.01 (1p), 943.46
Television system, 66.082 (2), 77.51
Television telecommunications service provider, 196.01 (1r)
Calendar, 563.03 (4e)
Calendar raffle, 563.03 (4m)
Campaign, 11.31 (7)
Contribution, 199.03 (2)
Expenditure, 199.03 (3)
Campground, 707.02
Amenity, 707.02
Contract, 707.02
Member, 707.02
Operator, 707.02
Camping trailer, 340.01 (6m)
Campus, 36.05 (3)
C. & F., 402.320
Candidate, 11.01 (1), 12.01
Candidate for state public office, 19.42 (4)
Canned fish, 29.503 (1) (a)
Canning, 97.29 (1) (d)
Capable of indicating intent, 51.40 (1)
Capable of use as human food, 97.42 (1)
Capacity, 127.01 (3)
Cost loan, 281.58 (1) (ae)
Expenditure, 150.01 (6), 289.41 (1) (am)
Invested, 182.70 (1)
Participation instrument, 234.94 (1)
Project, 85.52 (1) (ac)
Capitalized cost reduction, 429.104 (6)
Car line company, 76.39 (1)
Car line equipment, 76.39 (1)
Car pool vehicle, 340.01 (6r)
Cardholder, 218.50, 943.41 (1) (b)
Care, 16.11 (2)
Care fund, 157.061
Caretaker, 55.01 (1p)
Carry-over employe, 233.10 (3), (3r)
Characteristics, 635.02 (2)
Closure letter, 292.65 (1) (b)
Involving a dependent child, 767.078 (1)
Management, 46.90 (1)
Management services, 51.44 (1) (ag)
Advance, 422.202 (2m)
Advance item, 445.125 (3m) (a) 3.
Proceeds, 409.306 (1)
Cashier's check, 403.104 (7)
Cataloged, 157.70 (1) (c)
Catastrophic need, 230.35 (2r) (a)
Catastrophic or life-threatening illness or condition, 632.68 (1) (a)
Cause, 17.16, 971.02 (2)
Association, 157.061
Authority, 157.061 (2)
Lot, 157.061
Merchandise, 157.061 (3)
For the developmentally disabled, 51.01 (3)
Line of highway, 84.30 (2)
Holder, 457.01 (1)
Of approval, 50.065 (1) (am)
Of authority, 600.03
Of deposit, 403.104 (10)
Of limited partnership, 179.01
Of number, 30.50
Certificated security, 408.102 (1) (d)
Applicator, 94.67 (4)
Appraiser, 458.01 (7)
Capital company, 560.30 (2)
Capital company tax credit, 560.30 (3)
Capital investment, 560.30 (4)
Check, 403.409 (4)
Dietitian, 448.70 (1m)
General appraiser, 458.01 (8)
Investor, 560.30 (5)
Laboratory, 299.11 (1) (b)
Local register of historic property, 101.121 (2) (a), 452.05 (1m) (a) 1.
Railroad locomotive engineer, 192.25 (1) (a)