Administration, 77.9941
Establishment; ordinance, 66.307
Property taxes, generally,
Admissions tax, 562.08
Prohibited taxes and assessments, 66.74
Room tax; hotel, motel, 66.75
Special assessments, 66.60
Annexed territory, 66.03 (13)
Condemnation, benefits, 66.63
Contesting, limitations, 893.72
Instalments, bond payments, 66.54
Invalid, reassessment, 66.635
Lien of special assessment, 66.604
Matching federal highway aid, 86.25 (3)
Property in adjacent municipality benefited by improvements, 66.65
Railroad property, 66.694, 66.695
Sewer construction, 66.62
Street repair, service pipes and mains, 62.16
Unlawful contract, reassessment, 66.295
Void contract, refund, 66.53
Special charges, 66.60 (16)
State aid in lieu of property taxes on certain state lands, 70.113, 70.119
Tax increment powers in public improvement financing, 66.46
CITIES 17. Treasurer17. Treasurer
Accounts of separate funds, 62.12 (3)
Bond for tax money, 70.67
Collect forfeitures from municipal judge, 778.14
Compensation, 62.09 (9)
Funds, deposits and disbursements,
Deputy, appointment, 62.09 (9) (f)
Embezzlement of forfeitures, 778.16
Fees, 62.09 (9)
Forfeitures, pay and report to county, 778.15
Metropolitan sewerage district, treasurer, 66.23
Park funds, 27.10
Powers and duties, 62.09 (9)
Training programs; state treasurer may conduct, 14.59
, Ch. 199
Annual membership meeting, 199.08
Bonding, 199.06 (5)
Conduct of procedure, 199.09
Conflicts of interest, 199.14
Construction of law, 199.18
Corrupt practices, 199.14
Definitions, 199.03
Director statement of financial interest, 199.074
Election, 199.12
Interim, appointment, 199.11
Dissolution, 199.17
Duties, 199.07
Election, 199.06 (1)
Executive director:
Method of hire, 199.075
Powers and duties, 199.07 (2)
Qualifications, 199.075
Expenses, 199.06 (4), 199.16
Formation, 199.04
Mailing procedure, 199.10
Meetings, 199.06 (3)
Membership, 199.04
Nonpartisan, to be, 199.15
Officers, 199.13
Powers and duties, 199.05
Prohibited acts, 199.105
Purpose, 199.02
Qualifications, 199.06 (2)
Recall, special elections, 199.06 (6)
Records, public, 199.125
Terms, 199.06 (1)
Title of act, 199.01
Established by court order if papers lost, 891.345
Ethics board, 15.62
Naturalization proceedings, venue, 753.065
Public officers, burden of proof, 891.34
Training programs, 66.73
Municipalities may provide, 66.49
Schools, may be used as, 119.70
, Chs. 801 to 806
Note: The subject matter included under this head relates to general procedural matters in trial courts only. For the treatment of appellate procedure, see Appellate Procedure; for the treatment of special actions, refer to the subject head for that action, e.g. Garnishment.

1. General and Miscellaneous Provisions
2. Depositions
3. Discovery Generally
4. Judgments
5. Jurisdiction
6. Motions
7. Parties to Action
8. Pleadings Generally
9. Pleadings in Special Cases
10. Pretrial Practice
11. Small Claims Actions
12. Telephone and Audio-Visual Proceedings
13. Trials
14. Venue

CIVIL PROCEDURE 1. General and Miscellaneous Provisions1. General and Miscellaneous Provisions
Alternative dispute, 802.12
Applicability of rules of civil procedure, 809.84