Foreign investment, plan development, 560.03 (18)
Foreign office agreements, enter into, 560.01 (3)
Foreign trade, shows and events promoting, reimbursement of businesses, 560.167
Forward Wisconsin, Inc.:
Aid to, 20.143 (1)
Contract with, 560.07 (3)
Funds, expenditure, 16.501
Funds for net jobs gain, report, 560.07 (9)
Brownfields grant program, 560.13
Community development block grant program, 560.045
Forestry education grant program, 560.18
Handicapped persons, business development, 560.20
Manufacturing assistance grants, 560.615
Mining economic development grants, 560.135
Minority business development finance and education and training grants, 560.837
Minority business incubator grants, 560.033, 560.039
Minority nonprofit corporation grants, 560.033, 560.038
Revolving loan fund capitalization, 560.145
Women's business initiative corporation, 560.037
Health care provider loan assistance program, 560.184
Housing, community development block grants, 560.045
Housing strategy plan, WHEDA operation to be consistent with, 234.034
Incorporation of cities and villages:
Function of department, 66.014 (9)
Review of action, 66.017
Standards to be applied, 66.016
Industrial building construction loan fund, creation, purpose, 560.10
Industrial committees, assist, 560.03 (1)
Industrial development, duties of department, 560.03
Industrial revenue bond financing:
Analyze use, report to legislature, 560.03 (15)
Employment impact estimates, 66.521, 560.03 (15)
Industrial sites, locate, 560.03 (6)
Intermediary assistance programs:
Regional and statewide, metropolitan, 560.53
State agency coordination, 560.54
International and export development division:
Administrator, 15.153 (4)
Fees, 560.165
Job shifting restrictions, administration, 66.521 (4s)
Leases, power to enter with nonstock, nonprofit corporations to provide facilities, 560.05
Loans, rapid response fund, 560.147
Local development corporations, assist, 560.03 (1)
Main street programs council:
Creation, membership, 15.157 (7)
Duties, 560.082
Mining industry, aid program, 560.03 (4)
Minority business:
Business incubator grants, 560.033, 560.039
Certification, rule making, 560.036
Development board, creation, members, terms, 15.155 (3)
Early planning and development projects, 560.80 to 560.85
Nonprofit corporation grants, 560.033, 560.038
Recycling loans and grants, 560.835
Northern Wisconsin, assist in development, 560.03 (3)
Physician loan assistance program, 560.183
Pollution prevention activities, 560.19
Grants and loans, 560.65
Port development, direct program, 560.08 (2) (a)
Position-opening notification requirement, monitor compliance, 560.097
Program responsibilities, 234.08 (5), (6)
Promotion, new economic enterprises, 560.07
Recycling grants and loans, 560.65
Recycling rebate program, 560.12
Rural economic development board, creation, members, terms, 15.155 (4)
Rural economic development program, 560.17
Rural health development council, 15.157 (8), 560.185
St. Lawrence Seaway, study impact, 560.08 (2) (a)
Small business:
Encourage, and ombudsman clearinghouse, 560.03 (9)
Encourage participation in statewide purchasing program, 16.75 (4)
Small business environmental council, 15.157 (10), 560.11
State-local affairs, duties, 560.04
Tax-exempt bonds, allocation of volume cap on, 560.032
Technology-based economic development, 560.90 to 560.935
Wis. development fund, 560.61
Administration, 560.68
Customized labor training grants and loans, 560.63
Grant and loan criteria:
, 560.605
Policies and standards, 560.602
Major economic development projects, grants and loans, 560.66
Rules, 560.685
Technology development grants and loans, 560.62
Wis. investments, 25.17 (70), 560.08 (2) (m)
Women-owned businesses, data base of, to be maintained, 560.035
Women's business initiative corporation grant, 560.037