By secret ballot, III, 3
General, when held, XIII, 1
Judicial, VII, 9
Recall, XIII, 12
Laws may be enacted on, III, 2
Qualifications, III, 1
Eminent domain, XI, 3a
Compensation, I, 13
Property taken for public use, XI, 2
Enabling act, acceptance, II, 2
Equality, inherent rights, I, 1
School fund, X, 2
Title in people of state, IX, 3
Ex post facto law, prohibited, I, 12
Exemption, of property of debtor, I, 17
Expenses of state:
Extraordinary, VIII, 6
Tax levy, VIII, 5
Ferries, special laws forbidden, IV, 31
Feudal tenures, prohibited, I, 14
Excessive, forbidden, I, 6
School fund, X, 2
Appropriations, VIII, 10
Taxation, classification, VIII, 1
Forfeitures, school fund, X, 2
Free government, maintenance of, I, 22
Free press guaranteed, I, 3
Free speech guaranteed, I, 3
Gambling, general prohibition, exceptions, IV, 24
Election, V, 3
Eligibility, V, 2
Executive power, V, 1
Joint election with lieutenant governor, V, 3
Lieutenant governor replaces, V, 7
Pardoning power, V, 6
Powers and duties, V, 4
Remove, appoint county officers, VI, 4
Secretary of state replaces, V, 8
Term, V, 1
Veto power, V, 10
Writs of election, to issue, IV, 14
Habeas corpus, I, 8
Heirship, special laws, IV, 31
Appropriations, VIII, 10
Special laws, IV, 31
Home rule, XI, 3
Impeachment, provisions, VII, 1
Imprisonment for contractual debt prohibited, I, 16
Special laws forbidden, IV, 31
Voters, III, 2
Inheritance, convictions shall not prevent, I, 12
Internal improvements, VIII, 10
Involuntary servitude, I, 2
Judges or justices:
Age limit, VII, 24
Compensation, VII, 10
Changes, effective date, IV, 26
Disciplinary proceedings, VII, 11
Eligibility for office, VII, 10, 24
Impeachment, VII, 1
Recall, XIII, 12
Removal, VII, 1, 11, 13
Reserve, VII, 24
Judicial circuits, boundaries, VII, 6
Judicial elections, VII, 9
Judiciary, court system established, VII, 2
Jurisdiction over rivers and lakes, IX, 1
Jury trial:
Civil cases, verdict, I, 5
Right to, I, 5, 7
Justice, right of persons, I, 9
Lakes, sovereignty over, free to public, IX, 1
Acquisition by state or subdivisions, XI, 3a
Of territory, title in state, IX, 2
Public, title in people, IX, 3
Restraint on alienation prohibited, I, 14
Enacted by bill, IV, 17
Private and local, restrictions, IV, 18
Publication, IV, 17