Membership list, restrictions on use, 181.1605
Registered agent:
, 181.0501
Change, 181.0502
Foreign corporation, 181.1507
Change, 181.1508
Resignation, 181.1509
Resignation, 181.0503
Service of process on, 181.0504
Registered office:
, 181.0501
Change, 181.0502
Foreign corporation, 181.1507
Change, 181.1508
Savings clause, 181.1703
Securities, offer and sale, 181.0330
Indemnification and insurance against securities claims, 181.0889
Service of process on corporation, 181.0504
Foreign corporation, 181.1510
Unauthorized corporate acts, effect, 181.0304
Volunteers, liability limited, 181.0670
Written consent, action by, 181.0704
, Ch. 302

Air pollution, clean indoor air, 101.123
Circuit court jurisdiction, 302.02
Correctional officers, training, 301.28
Corrections compact, 302.25, 302.255, 302.26
Dodge central reception unit, inmate account, 301.32 (2)
Farmland preservation agreement, relinquishment of lands, 91.19 (6m)
Minimum security, staffing of institutions, 301.17
Named, 302.01
Officers, firearm possession, 941.29 (6)
Parole law, 304.06
Prison population ceilings, 301.055
State-local shared, 301.14, 973.035
Establishment and use, 302.45
Strip searches of inmates, 968.255 (7)
Sturtevant institution:
Establishment and employes, 301.16 (1o)
Property disposition, 301.24 (4m)
Taycheedah, not to be used as state-local shared facility, 302.45 (4)
Transfer of inmates, 302.18 (6)
To state-local shared facility, 973.035
, 302.25, 302.255, 302.26

Affirmative action, 230.213
Alternative corrections programs:
Challenge incarceration program for youthful offenders, 302.045
Community residential confinement, 301.046
Intensive sanctions, 301.048, 973.032
Mother-young child care, 301.049
Appropriation, 20.410, 20.866 (2)
Authority, general, 301.03
Chain gangs, 303.063
Challenge incarceration program, 302.045
Claims against estates, entitled to notice, 859.07
Community residential confinement, 301.046
Complaints, investigation, 301.29 (3)
Condemnation, 32.02
Cooperation and contracts with federal government, 301.07
Correctional facilities:
Reimbursement of employes, 20.917 (5)
State-local shared, contract for, 301.14, 302.45
Correctional institutions:
Emergency removal of prisoners, 304.115
Establishment and employes, 301.16 (1o)
Expansion and establishment of facilities, 301.18
Health care, standards, 302.385
Minimum security, establish, 301.13
Staffing, 301.17
Property disposition, 301.24 (4m)
Reports of, 301.11
Correctional officers:
Furnish uniforms, 302.20
Overtime monitoring, 301.287
Training, 301.28
Corrections compact, 302.25, 302.255, 302.26
Corrections programs report, 301.315
County buildings, establishment, approval, inspection, 301.37
Creation, 15.14
Depositions concerning institutions, 887.23
Detention and shelter care facilities for juveniles:
Minnesota detention facilities, contract for use, 938.223
Plan approval, 938.22
Disbursement of funds and facsimile signatures, 301.075
Division of hearings and appeals, probation revocation, 973.10 (4)
Education and prevention programs, 301.06