Cattle passes, 83.12, 84.06 (9)
Controlled-access highways, 84.25
Drains, across highways, 88.68
Railroad, duty of employes, neglect, 192.295
Railroad and road:
Certain vehicles must stop, 346.45
Elimination, city may cooperate, 195.19 (4)
Flagmen or gates, 192.29 (3)
Grade separation, 84.05, 86.11
Municipal assessments, 66.694 to 66.699
Railroad may construct, 190.02 (5)
Railroad to keep in repair, 86.12, 86.13
Signal protection devices, 195.28
Stop signs, 192.29 (2), 346.46, 349.085
Traffic control, 86.135
Trains obstructing, 192.292
Trains, speed regulations, 192.29
Transportation commissioner's hearings on relocations, 195.29
Warning signs, 195.286
Railroad by railroad:
Grade separation requirements, 195.305
Grade separation, safety devices, 195.30
Railroad may construct, 190.02 (6)
Controlled, owner's liability for vehicle illegally crossing, 346.465
Crossing guards, appointment, 120.13 (31), 349.215
Vehicles to stop, 346.46
Engines on, spanning, 81.36
Entrance to highways, 86.05
Privately installed, permit, 86.07
Standard, 86.14
Town roads, county aid, 81.38
, Ch. 992
Alleys, alteration or vacation, 992.03
All-union agreements, 111.06 (1) (c)
Anatomical gift documents, 157.06 (11m)
Blighted area law contracts, 66.43 (16)
Bonds, municipal, validated, 67.02, 992.04
Bridge projects, 84.14 (4)
Cemetery associations, validation, 157.062 (3)
Charter ordinances, publication, 66.01 (3a)
City may pay for work done in good faith, 66.295
Conveyances, from husband to wife, 992.05
Cooperative educational service agency debts validated, 992.19
Defects in organization, 992.07
Recording name, conveyances, 992.06
County bonds, home for aged in adjoining county, 46.205
County-city hospitals, 66.47 (6)
County civil service ordinances, 59.26 (8)
County may pay for work done in good faith, 66.295
County tax titles, 992.08
Effect of repeal, 990.03 (2), 992.01
Epileptics, marriage of, 765.035
Highways, streets, alleys, piers, 80.01 (4)
Indian tribes, agreements with validated, 992.20
Drafter's name missing, 59.43 (6)
Names not printed, 59.43 (6)
Liberty bond investments validated, 992.09
Limited partnership certificates, 179.105
Memorial corporations formed under 1919 act, 45.052
Municipal bonds for public improvements, 67.24
Municipal refunding bonds, 992.04
Nonstock corporations, 181.1703
Highways, streets, alleys, piers, 80.01 (4)
Illegal annexation to city, 66.021 (9)
Platting lands, 236.50
Public utility franchise, 196.51, 196.54 (3)
Recordings, register of deeds, 59.43
Religious societies, 187.09
Repeal of act:
Not to impair cure, 990.03 (2), 992.01
Re corporate acknowledgments, 992.02
Sale of land by guardian, 786.52, 786.56
School debts validated, 992.13
Securities of public service corporations, 200.14
Slum clearance bonds, 67.25
Special assessments, 893.72
Streets or highways, laying, dedication, vacation, 80.01 (4)
Town line highway, maintenance, charges, 80.11
Village debts and contracts, validation, 992.17
Village housing authorities, creation, 61.73
Village ordinances, planning, 61.35
See Money
