Audits, 100.07
Failing to furnish information, 93.21 (1)
Financial condition, bond requirements, 100.06
Highways in front of, dust-free, 86.08
Licensing and permits, 97.20
Milk and dairy product regulations,
Out-of-state plants, financial condition, 100.06
Payment to milk producers, 100.07
Producer security program, 100.06
Statistics collection, 93.07 (21)
See also Dairy Plants

Adulterated foods, 97.02
Babcock test,
see Testing and weighing, under this head
Bovine growth hormone labeling, rules, 97.25
Brucellosis control program, 95.26
Advertising, 100.36
Definition, 97.01
Graders, licensing, 97.175
Grading, labeling, 97.176
Accounts, 100.05
Licensing, 97.17
Graders, licensing, 97.175
Grading, labeling, 97.177
Personal property tax exemption, 70.111 (11)
Restaurants, serving free, 125.68 (5)
Wisconsin logotype, 100.057
Accounts, 100.05
Licensing, 97.17
Enforcement of food regulation laws, 97.12
Foreign fats, addition, 97.48
Ice cream and frozen desserts, standard containers, 98.12
Inspectors, 97.32
Labeling requirements, 97.03
Bovine growth hormone, 97.25
Legislative purpose in regulating, 97.24 (4)
Marketing and trade practices, Ch. 96, Ch. 100
Adulterated, prohibition, 97.50, 97.52
Definition, 97.01
Drug residue in, 97.23
Grade A operators, certification, 254.89
Grade A requirement, 97.24
Haulers and distributors, 97.21
see Labeling, under this head
Price discrimination prohibited, 100.22
Producers, 97.22
Testing and weighing,
see Testing and weighing under this head
Prohibited acts, 97.10
Promotion by state, 93.07, 93.40
Testing and weighing:
False or fraudulent reporting, 98.15
Babcock test, 98.13
Standardized equipment, 98.14
Testers, licensing, 98.145
Weighers and samplers, licensing, 98.146
Weighing devices,
Unfair trade practices, 100.201
Abortions, refusal to perform, 253.09, 441.06
Action by purchaser at execution sale, 815.54
Against estates, limited, 895.02
Agricultural marketing contracts, breach, 100.23 (3)
Aircraft causing, 114.04 to 114.07
Airport approaches, protection, 114.135
Animals doing damage, 172.51 to 172.56
Anti-trust laws, treble damages, 133.18
Arson, injury caused by, treble damages, 943.065
Assessment, in supreme court, 751.09
Attachment, 811.21, 811.22
Automatic teller machines, theft damage, 895.79
Bank deposits and collections:
Amount, 404.103
Breach of warranty, 404.207 (3)
Failure of bank to exercise ordinary care, 404.103 (5)
Wrongful dishonor of bank item, 404.402
Bills of lading:
Issuance in set, 407.304 (1)
Liability for nonreceipt or misdescription, 407.301
Liability for overissue, 407.402
Limitation of damages, 407.309 (2)
Boat accidents, 30.67
Bovine tuberculosis, obstructing tests, 95.25
Branded containers, unlawful use, 132.08
Bridge, wrongful act, 86.14