Genetic tests, restrictions on use, 631.89
HIV positive individuals, medical care, 252.14
Housing, 106.04
Municipal, 66.40 (2m)
Antidiscrimination ordinances authorized, 66.432
Housing authorities, prohibited, 66.395
Veterans, 66.39 (13)
Housing and economic development authority projects, occupancy and employment, 234.29
Lawful products, use or nonuse, 111.35
Marital property law, 766.97
Marital status, in employment, 111.321, 111.345
Mental treatment facilities, law applies to employes and patients, 51.90
Metropolitan transit authority employes, 66.94 (28)
Milk, buying, 100.22
Motor carriers, prohibition, 194.025
National guard membership, prohibited, 21.35, 111.321
National origin, in employment, 111.321
Passes, XIII, 11
Price discrimination with intent to destroy competition, 133.04
Property right, aliens and citizens, to be treated equally, I, 15
Public accommodations and private group facilities, 106.04 (9)
Public employes safety and health regulations, protection of employes exercising rights, 101.055 (8), 106.06 (4), 230.45 (1) (g)
Public toilets, showers, saunas, dressing rooms, 106.04 (9)
Public utilities:
Penalty, 196.60, 196.604
Rates, forbidden, 196.22
Race, in employment, 111.321
Cars furnished without, 195.22 (2)
Preferences prohibited, 195.12
Rates, prohibited, 195.11
Real estate:
Representations to induce panic sales, 106.04 (2m)
Sales on basis of race, 452.14 (3) (jm), 452.17 (4)
In employment, 111.337
Political, in civil service, 230.18
Rental, animals assisting persons with disabilities, 106.04 (2r) (bm)
School pupils, 118.13
Schools, physical education facilities, 119.22
Sex and sexual orientation, in employment, 111.321, 111.36
Sexual harassment in employment prohibited, 108.04 (7) (i)
Sexual orientation, in civil service, 230.18
Spousal credit, 138.20 (1m)
State defense force membership, prohibited, 111.321
State employes, complaints, 230.45
Statutes, review by department and agency heads, 15.04
Students, 36.12, 38.23
Employment, penalty, 118.20
Handicapped, 118.195
Telecommunications utilities, forbidden, 196.625
Urban redevelopment projects, 66.405 (2m)
Worker's compensation, rates, prohibited, 626.25 (2)

Aid, patient liability, 49.687
AIDS virus,
Alzheimer's disease:
Family and caregiver program, 46.87
Training and information grants, 46.856
Animal, insect and vector-borne diseases:
Health and family services department, duties, 254.51
Lyme disease, 254.52
Vector defined, 254.50
Breast, screening program, 255.06
Cervical, rural treatment training program, 255.07
Control and prevention grants, 255.05
Fire fighters, presumption of employment connection, 891.455
Reporting, 255.04
Chronic diseases:
Epidemiologist, state; duties, 255.02
Health and family services dept. duties, 255.03
, Ch. 252
County isolation hospitals, 59.53 (16)
Definition, 990.01 (5g)
Foods, person having not to handle, 252.18
Local health officers, duties, 252.03
Penalty, 252.25
Powers of health and family services dept., 252.02
Quarantine, 252.06
Reporting, 252.05
Schools, 252.21
Suspected cases, protection of public, 252.19
Cystic fibrosis aids, 49.683
Recovery of aid from estate, 49.682
Definitions, 252.01, 255.01