Discrimination, 111.31 to 111.395
For detailed analysis,

Elections, public, restrictions on employers, 12.07
Embezzlement, settlement, submission to judge, 134.57
Employe's cash bond, employers' duties, 895.41
Employes' right to know law, 101.58 to 101.599
Employment and training programs:
, 106.11 to 106.21
Adjustment assistance overpayments, waiver, 106.19
AFDC recipients, work incentive programs, 106.18
Connecting education and work, 106.12
Dislocated workers, assistance for, 106.15
Employment and training delivery system, federal job training partnership act, 106.11
Job opportunity business subsidy program, 106.20
Notification of job openings, companies receiving state loans, 106.16
School to work program, 106.13
Wisconsin service corps program, 106.21
Youth apprenticeship program, 106.13
Employment offices, 106.09
Employment references, employer immunity, 895.487
Genetic testing, restrictions, 111.372, 111.375, 111.39, 942.07
Graft by employe, 134.05, 134.06
Grooming requirements, employer to notify employe, 103.14
Hazardous materials, employe rights:
Confidential information, 101.592
Education and training programs, 101.597
Employe rights, 101.595
Employes' right to know law, 101.58 to 101.599
Information collection and maintenance, 101.588
Information requirements, 101.585
Information time periods, exceptions, 101.589
Manufacturer, supplier, requirements, 101.59
Notice requirements, 101.581
Hiring reporting, 103.05
Honesty testing devices,
Hours of labor:
Apprentices, 106.01 (7)
Compensatory time, 103.025
Day of rest in seven, 103.85
Day's work, eight hours, 103.38
Definitions, 103.01
Establishment, 103.02
Fire fighters, cities, 62.13 (11), 213.13
Highway contracts, 103.50
Migrant labor, 103.935
Minors, schedule, 103.68
Police, council to fix, 62.13 (7m), (7n)
State employes, 230.35 (4)
Street trades, minors in, 103.24
Violations, 103.03
Infectious agents, see Hazardous materials, under this subhead
Job shifting, restriction on municipal revenue bonds facilitating, 66.521 (4s)
Jury service of employe, employer may not discharge, 756.255
Leaves of absence:
Election official, service as, 7.33, 20.921 (2) (b)
Family and medical leave, 103.10
Military service, 45.50
Voting and elections, 6.76, 12.07
Local labor market information collection, 106.17
Lunches, suitable space to eat, 101.211
Medical examination of employe or applicant, cost, 103.37
Medical leave, 103.10
Migrant labor:
, 103.90 to 103.97
Access and entry to camps, 103.925
Certification of camps, 103.92
District attorney to enforce orders, 103.92 (4)
Civil action by, 103.94
Contractors, registration, duties, prohibited activities, 103.91
Correction period for violations, 103.965 (1)
Definitions, 103.90
Duties of workforce development department, 103.905
Hours of labor, 103.935
New contract compliance, 103.969
Nonwaiver of rights, 103.945
Penalties for violations of regulations, 103.97
Recruitment, 103.915 (1), (8)
Repeated violations, 103.965 (2)
Residence at camp, vacating, 103.926
Retaliation by employer or contractor prohibited, 103.96
Transportation furnished by employer must be safe, 103.917
Wages, 103.93
Work agreements, 103.915
Minimum wage law
Tips and gratuities, minimum wage obligation, 104.045
Minors on racetracks, 562.06
Noisy, worker's compensation, 102.555
Personnel records, 103.13
Pesticides, see Hazardous materials, under this subhead