Brands, use, recording, 95.11
Brucella organisms, report of sale, 95.39
Control program, 95.26
Indemnity for slaughter, restrictions, 95.48
Movement and sale of animals, 95.49
Research program, 36.25 (3) (c)
Test, veterinarian only, 95.43
Vaccination, 95.46
Disposition, transportation, 95.50, 95.72
Disposition by county, 59.54 (21)
Town board may dispose, 60.23 (20)
Contagious abortion,
see Brucellosis, under this head
Definitions, 95.001
Disease control products, proper use, 95.67
Diseased animals, general provisions:
Animals in transit, applicability of regulations, 95.18
Appraisal of condemned animals, 95.32
Condemnation of, 95.31
Cooperation with U.S., 95.17
Embargo against infected animals, 95.20
Emergency, county board actions, 59.70 (17)
Indemnity for slaughter, 95.36, 95.37
Investigation, testing, 95.23
Prohibitions, 95.19
Quarantine, 95.23
Slaughter, 95.34
Veterinarians, reports by, 95.22
Drugs, regulated:
, 453.068
Proper use required, 95.67
Ear tags, tampering, 95.38
False pedigree, 95.12
Hog cholera, 95.24
Horses, drugs administered to alter performance in pulling contest, 95.01
Indemnity for slaughter:
, 95.36, 95.37
Appropriation, 20.115 (2)
Brucellosis, 95.48
Pseudorabies, 95.27
Scrapie, 95.35
Tuberculosis, 95.25 (5)
Interstate shipments, inspection, 95.45
Johne's disease,
see Paratuberculosis, under this head
See also Livestock

Corporations to improve, 95.14
Dealers, markets and truckers, licenses, 95.68 to 95.71
Movement and sale, 95.49
Misrepresenting breed, 95.13
Paratuberculosis, 95.195
Confidentiality of records, 95.232
Defined, 95.001 (1) (c)
Penalties for violating laws, 95.99
Pseudorabies, 95.27
Rabies control program, 95.21
Appropriation, 20.115 (2) (j)
Bat control, pesticide use, 94.708 (4)
Race animals, humane treatment, 562.001
Records, altering, 95.38
Regional laboratory in Barron, 93.07 (16)
Remedies and medicines,
see Drugs, under this head
Scrapie eradication, 95.35
Diseased animals, supervised, 95.34
Humane requirement, 95.80
Indemnity for, 95.36, 95.37
Feeding garbage to, 95.10
Hog cholera virus, 95.24
Pseudorabies control program, 95.27
Distribution of, ear tags, 95.41
Products for, regulated, 95.39
Test regulations, 95.40, 95.42
Control program, 95.25
Disposal of infected animals, 95.30
Infected animals, but not reacting, 95.33
University research, humane treatment, 36.40
ANIMALS 1. General Provisions1. General Provisions
Animal fighting:
Penalties, 951.18 (2)
Promoting prohibited, 951.08
Seizure, 173.12
Veterinarian to report, 173.12 (1)
Bat control, pesticide use, 94.708