Death of obligor, estate liable, 113.06
Definitions, 113.01
Interpretation of act, 113.08
Judgment, obligor not party, 113.02
Recoveries credited, limitation, 113.03
Release of some obligors, 113.04, 113.05
Repeal of inconsistent acts, 113.10
Retroactivity, 113.07
Title of chapter, 113.09
Administrative termination for real property, savings accounts, checking accounts, stocks and bonds, 867.045
Bank deposits:

Rules of joint tenancy inapplicable, 700.22
Certificate of termination, 867.04
Characteristics of joint tenancy, 700.17 (2)
Survivorship, 854.03 (2)
Constructive trust in favor of third person, 700.215
Contracts to transfer, rights to purchase money, 700.21
Creation, 700.19
Disclaimer of interest by survivor, 701.26, 854.13
Husband and wife:

Marital property law effect, 700.17 (1), 700.19 (2), 766.60 (4)
Spouse's death, satisfaction of obligations from joint property, 859.18
Killing other joint tenant, tenancy severed, 700.17 (2)
Liens against one tenant's interest:
Cotenant may acquire equitable lien, 700.215
Survivorship, not defeated on death, 700.24
Partition, by final judgment, tenancy created by will, 863.17

Rents and profits:
Action for, 847.05
Liability for, 700.23
Securities transfers, 182.24
Simultaneous death, disposition of property, 854.03
Termination, 865.20, 867.04, 867.045
Health care plans, legislative findings, 609.001
JUDGES 1. General Provisions1. General Provisions
Note: Entries under this subhead relate to judges generally. For provisions dealing with judges of specific courts, refer to the subject heading for that court, e.g., Circuit Courts-5. Judges

Acknowledgments, may take, 757.02
Affidavit as to work done, required to receive salary, 757.025
Arrest, liability, 757.26
Assignment of, by chief justice or justice, 751.03
Attorneys, office sharing with judicial officers prohibited, 757.22
Calendar printed, 757.39
Children's code proceedings,
Circuit court,
Claims, judge not to prosecute as attorney, 895.057, 946.16
Conflicts of interest, disqualification, 757.19, 801.56
Court commissioners,
Court of appeals,
Decisions, time to complete, 757.025
Disability and misconduct proceedings, 757.81 to 757.99
For detailed analysis,

When presiding, procedure, 751.03 (4)
Change of venue, 801.56
When, 757.19
Eligibility for nonjudicial office, VII, 10; 757.02
False information to, penalty, 946.65
Impeachment or removal, VII, 1
Recall, 9.10 (3)
John Doe proceedings, 968.26
Judicial agencies,
Judicial notice:
Adjudicative facts, 902.01
Administrative rules of state and federal agencies, 902.03
City ordinances, 902.03
County ordinances, 902.03
Foreign laws, 902.02
Juvenile justice code proceedings,
Law practice:
Employment by railroad or public utility prohibited, 196.675
Not to engage in, 19.45 (9)
Restricted, 757.22
Liability for wilful violation of law of injunctions, receivers, 757.24
Marriages, may solemnize, 765.16 (4)
Misconduct or disability proceedings, 757.81 to 757.99
For detailed analysis,

Municipal judges,
Notarial acts, uniform law, 706.07
Oaths, may administer, must take, 757.02
Opinion evidence, when forbidden to give, 757.67
Recall, 9.10 (3)
Removal, circuit or supreme court, 17.06
Reserve judges, compensation, qualifications, 753.075
Resignation, 17.01
Sick leave, 757.02 (5)
Supreme court,
see Misconduct or disability proceedings, under this head