Pesticides, 94.67 to 94.71
Commercial application businesses, 94.703
Dealers and distributors of restricted-use pesticides, 94.685
Individual commercial applicators, 94.704
Manufacturers, 94.68
Fees and surcharges, 94.681
Veterinary use, 94.702
Pharmacists, 450.03, 450.05
Pharmacy, 450.06
Pheasant farm, shooting, 29.865
Physical therapy:
Granting, 448.02 (1)
Requirement and exceptions, 448.03 (1), (2)
Suspension, 448.02 (4)
Plant additives, 94.65 (2), (3)
Plant pests, sale, shipment, 94.03
Plumbers, 145.06
Fees, expiration, 145.08
Investigation, revocation, 145.10
Restricted, limitations, classifications, 145.14
Temporary permits, 145.035
Granting, 448.02 (1)
Requirement and exceptions, 448.03 (1), (2)
Suspension, 448.02 (4)
Pollution discharge elimination:
Alcohol fuel production systems, private, exempt, 283.61
General permits, 283.35
Practical nurses, 441.10
Practicing law without, unlawful, 757.30
Private detectives, 440.26
Processing plants:
Food, 97.29
For dead animals, 95.72
Denial, suspension and revocation, 455.09
Fees, 455.07
Renewal, 455.06
Requirements for licensing, 455.04
Public swimming pools, 254.47
Denial or suspension of delinquent tax obligors, 254.115
Public utilities, certificate, 196.49
Pump installing, 280.15 to 280.19
Quail farm, shooting, 29.865
Radioactive waste site exploration, 293.25 (2), (3)
Raffles, 563.92
Rate service organization, 625.32
Rating bureau, worker's compensation, 626.09 (2)
Real estate appraisers, Ch. 458
Real estate brokers and salespersons, Ch. 452
Recorded by city clerk, 62.09 (11)
Recreational and educational camps, 254.47
Denial or suspension of delinquent tax obligors, 254.115
Rendering plants, 95.72
Residential care institutions, 49.73
Restaurants, 254.64, 254.68, 254.69, 254.86
Retail food establishments, 97.30, 97.41
Riding horses, 59.54 (19)
Sacramental wine permit, 125.56 (2)
Salvage dealers, 218.20 to 218.25
Sanitarian, registration certificate, 250.05
Sanitary permits, 145.135
Secondhand dealers, 134.71
Seed labeler, 94.43
Sellers of checks, 217.03
Septic tank services, 281.48
Shelter care facilities, 48.66
Sheltered work shops, license to employ for less than living wage, 104.07
Shows, employing children under 15, 103.19
Skilled nursing facilities, 49.498
Slaughterhouse, 97.42 (2)
Sleigh rides, 349.25
Social workers, Ch. 457
Soda water, local, 66.053 (2)
Soil additives, 94.65 (2), (3)
Solar access permits, 66.032
Solid waste management:
Alcohol fuel production systems exempt, 289.44
Operating license for facilities, 289.31
Permit fee refunds, 299.05
Site used for hazardous waste, 291.25, 291.87
Permit fee refunds, 299.05
Speech-language pathologists, 459.20 to 459.34
Street trades, minors in, 103.25, 103.26
Surveyors, 443.02 (4)
Taxicabs and drivers, 349.24
Teachers, 118.19, 118.192
Tobacco products:
Distributors and subjobbers, 139.79