Judicial review, 448.09 (2)
Certificate of, 448.04 (2)
Classes of, 448.04 (1)
Denied, 448.06
Duplicates, 448.04 (3)
Granted, 448.06
Granting by medical examining board, 448.02 (1)
Investigation, hearing, action, 448.02 (3)
Limited, 448.06
Requirement, exceptions, 448.03 (1), (2)
Restoration, 448.02 (6)
Revocation, 448.02 (3)
Suspension, 448.02 (4)
Voluntary surrender, 448.02 (5)
Life-sustaining procedures, withdrawal of,
Malpractice, 448.12
Medical certification, violations, investigation, 448.02 (3)
Partnership billing permitted, 448.08 (4)
Patient health care records, 146.81 to 146.83
Confidentiality and patient access violations, penalties, 146.84
Records of deceased practitioners, 857.035
Peer review:
Confidential, 146.38
Immunity, 146.37
Penalties for violations, 448.09
Physical and mental condition of motor vehicle operator, reports, 448.03 (5)
Physician assistants:
Employe status, 448.21 (2)
Prohibited practices, 448.21 (1)
Physician assistants council, duties, 448.20
Physicians must provide information on alternative treatment, 448.30
Practice rights previous to 1975 law, 448.10
Qualification for licensure or certification, 448.05
Registration for licensure or certification, 448.07 (1)
Rules may be adopted by medical examining board, 448.40
Separate billing required, 448.08 (2)
Sterilization refused, exemption from civil liability, 448.03 (5)
Titles, use of, 448.03 (3)
Unprofessional conduct:
Administrative appeal, 448.09 (2)
Administrative warning, 448.02 (8)
Insurers report to board, 632.715
Investigation, hearing, action, 448.02 (3)
Judicial review, 448.02 (9)
Penalties, 448.09 (1), (1m)
Telephone reporting, 440.03 (5m)
Waste management, 299.51
Wounds and burns, reporting requirements, 146.995
, Ch. 148
Counties, joint organization, 148.02
Expulsion, appeal, 148.015 (2)
Members, 148.02 (2)
Organization, powers, 148.02
Directors or officers:
Discharging duties, consideration of interests in addition to members' interests, 148.21
Liability limited, 148.23
Party to proceeding, allowance of expenses as incurred, 148.07, 148.11
Reliance on information, 148.19
Employes and agents, indemnification and allowance of expenses, 148.15
Health care service insurance corporations, power to organize, 148.03
Indemnification of director or officer:
Court-ordered, 148.13
Determination of right, 148.06
Mandatory, 148.05, 148.11
Society may limit, 148.09
Insurance, maintain against liability of director or officer, employe, agent, 148.17
Constitution, bylaws, 148.015 (1)
Corporation powers, 148.015 (1)
Aging and long-term care board inquiry and report, 16.009 (2)
Definition, 632.897 (1) (e)
Expanded buy-in, 49.468
Physicians, voluntary assignment acceptance program, 71.55 (10)
Supplement or replacement policies:
Benefit appeals, 632.84
Incontestability, 632.76 (2) (b)
Loss ratios, 625.16
Minimum standards, 632.81
Regulation, 185.983 (1m)
Return right, 632.73 (2m)
