(c) For taxable years beginning after December 31, 1999, and before January
191, 2001:
1. On all taxable income from $0 to $7,500, 4.75%.
2. On all taxable income exceeding $7,500 but not exceeding $15,000, 6.35%.
3. On all taxable income exceeding $15,000, 6.72%.
(d) For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2000, and before January
241, 2002:
1. On all taxable income from $0 to $7,500, 4.70%.
12. On all taxable income exceeding $7,500 but not exceeding $15,000, 6.29%.
3. On all taxable income exceeding $15,000, 6.65%.
(e) For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2001:
1. On all taxable income from $0 to $7,500, 4.66%.
2. On all taxable income exceeding $7,500 but not exceeding $15,000, 6.22%.
3. On all taxable income exceeding $15,000, 6.58%.
(2) Married persons. (intro.) The tax to be assessed, levied and collected
9upon the taxable incomes of all married persons
for calendar year 1987 and
10corresponding fiscal years and for calendar and fiscal years thereafter shall be
11computed at the following rates:
(2) (a) (intro.) For joint returns
, for taxable years beginning after July
1431, 1986, and before January 1, 1998:
(2) (b) (intro.) For married persons filing separately
, for taxable years
17beginning after July 31, 1986, and before January 1, 1998:
(2) (c) For joint returns:
1. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 1997, and before January
211, 1999:
a. On all taxable income from $0 to $10,000, 4.85%.
b. On all taxable income exceeding $10,000 but not exceeding $20,000, 6.48%.
c. On all taxable income exceeding $20,000, 6.87%.
12. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 1998, and before January
21, 2000:
a. On all taxable income from $0 to $10,000, 4.80%.
b. On all taxable income exceeding $10,000 but not exceeding $20,000, 6.42%.
c. On all taxable income exceeding $20,000, 6.79%.
3. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 1999, and before January
71, 2001:
a. On all taxable income from $0 to $10,000, 4.75%.
b. On all taxable income exceeding $10,000 but not exceeding $20,000, 6.35%.
c. On all taxable income exceeding $20,000, 6.72%.
4. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2000, and before January
121, 2002:
a. On all taxable income from $0 to $10,000, 4.70%.
b. On all taxable income exceeding $10,000 but not exceeding $20,000, 6.29%.
c. On all taxable income exceeding $20,000, 6.65%.
5. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2001:
a. On all taxable income from $0 to $10,000, 4.66%.
b. On all taxable income exceeding $10,000 but not exceeding $20,000, 6.22%.
c. On all taxable income exceeding $20,000, 6.58%.
(2) (d) For married persons filing separately:
1. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 1997, and before January
231, 1999:
a. On all taxable income from $0 to $5,000, 4.85%.
b. On all taxable income exceeding $5,000 but not exceeding $10,000, 6.48%.
1c. On all taxable income exceeding $10,000, 6.87%.
2. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 1998, and before January
31, 2000:
a. On all taxable income from $0 to $5,000, 4.80%.
b. On all taxable income exceeding $5,000 but not exceeding $10,000, 6.42%.
c. On all taxable income exceeding $10,000, 6.79%.
3. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 1999, and before January
81, 2001:
a. On all taxable income from $0 to $5,000, 4.75%.
b. On all taxable income exceeding $5,000 but not exceeding $10,000, 6.35%.
c. On all taxable income exceeding $10,000, 6.72%.
4. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2000, and before January
131, 2002:
a. On all taxable income from $0 to $5,000, 4.70%.
b. On all taxable income exceeding $5,000 but not exceeding $10,000, 6.29%.
c. On all taxable income exceeding $10,000, 6.65%.
5. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2001:
a. On all taxable income from $0 to $5,000, 4.66%.
b. On all taxable income exceeding $5,000 but not exceeding $10,000, 6.22%.
c. On all taxable income exceeding $10,000, 6.58%.
(2m) Rate changes. If a rate under sub. (1)
, (1m) or (2) changes during
23a taxable year, the taxpayer shall compute the tax for that taxable year by the
24methods applicable to the federal income tax under section
15 of the internal revenue
(2s) Nonresidents and part-year residents. For taxable years
3beginning after December 31, 1996, with respect to nonresident individuals,
4including individuals changing their domicile into or from this state, the tax brackets
5under subs. (1) and (2) shall be multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is
6Wisconsin adjusted gross income and the denominator of which is federal adjusted
7gross income. In this subsection, for married persons filing separately "adjusted
8gross income" means the separate adjusted gross income of each spouse, and for
9married persons filing jointly "adjusted gross income" means the total adjusted gross
10income of both spouses. If an individual and that individual's spouse are not both
11domiciled in this state during the entire taxable year, the tax brackets under subs.
12(1) and (2) on a joint return shall be multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which
13is their joint Wisconsin adjusted gross income and the denominator of which is their
14joint federal adjusted gross income.
AB100-engrossed, s. 2261fm
15Section 2261fm. 71.06 (2s) of the statutes, as created by 1997 Wisconsin Act
16.... (this act), is renumbered 71.06 (2s) (a) and amended to read:
(2s) (a) For taxable years beginning after December 31, 1996,
and ending
18before January 1, 1998, with respect to nonresident individuals, including
19individuals changing their domicile into or from this state, the tax brackets under
20subs. (1) and (2) shall be multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is
21Wisconsin adjusted gross income and the denominator of which is federal adjusted
22gross income. In this
subsection paragraph, for married persons filing separately
23"adjusted gross income" means the separate adjusted gross income of each spouse,
24and for married persons filing jointly "adjusted gross income" means the total
25adjusted gross income of both spouses. If an individual and that individual's spouse
1are not both domiciled in this state during the entire taxable year, the tax brackets
2under subs. (1) and (2) on a joint return shall be multiplied by a fraction, the
3numerator of which is their joint Wisconsin adjusted gross income and the
4denominator of which is their joint federal adjusted gross income.
(2s) (b) For taxable years beginning after December 31, 1997, with
7respect to nonresident individuals, including individuals changing their domicile
8into or from this state, the tax brackets under subs. (1m) and (2) (c) and (d) shall be
9multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is Wisconsin adjusted gross income
10and the denominator of which is federal adjusted gross income. In this paragraph,
11for married persons filing separately "adjusted gross income" means the separate
12adjusted gross income of each spouse, and for married persons filing jointly "adjusted
13gross income" means the total adjusted gross income of both spouses. If an individual
14and that individual's spouse are not both domiciled in this state during the entire
15taxable year, the tax brackets under subs. (1m) and (2) (c) and (d) on a joint return
16shall be multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is their joint Wisconsin
17adjusted gross income and the denominator of which is their joint federal adjusted
18gross income.
(2dd) (e) No credit may be claimed under this subsection for taxable
21years that begin on January 1, 1998, or thereafter. Credits under this subsection for
22taxable years that begin before January 1, 1998, may be carried forward to taxable
23years that begin on January 1, 1998, or thereafter.
(2de) (d) No credit may be claimed under this subsection for taxable
2years that begin on January 1, 1998, or thereafter. Credits under this subsection for
3taxable years that begin before January 1, 1998, may be carried forward to taxable
4years that begin on January 1, 1998, or thereafter.
(2di) (i) No credit may be claimed under this subsection for taxable years
7that begin on January 1, 1998, or thereafter. Credits under this subsection for
8taxable years that begin before January 1, 1998, may be carried forward to taxable
9years that begin on January 1, 1998, or thereafter.
(2dj) (i) No credit may be claimed under this subsection for taxable years
12that begin on January 1, 1998, or thereafter. Credits under this subsection for
13taxable years that begin before January 1, 1998, may be carried forward to taxable
14years that begin on January 1, 1998, or thereafter.
(2dL) (h) No credit may be claimed under this subsection for taxable
17years that begin on January 1, 1998, or thereafter. Credits under this subsection for
18taxable years that begin before January 1, 1998, may be carried forward to taxable
19years that begin on January 1, 1998, or thereafter.
(2dr) (a)
Credit. Any person may credit against taxes otherwise due
22under this chapter an amount equal to 5% of the amount obtained by subtracting
23from the person's qualified research expenses, as defined in section
41 of the internal
24revenue code, except that "qualified research expenses" include only expenses
25incurred by the claimant in a development zone under subch. VI of ch. 560
, except
1that a taxpayer may elect the alternative computation under section 41 (c) (4) of the
2Internal Revenue Code and that election applies until the department permits its
3revocation and except that "qualified research expenses" do not include
4compensation used in computing the credit under sub. (2dj) nor research expenses
5incurred before the claimant is certified for tax benefits under s. 560.765 (3), the
6person's base amount, as defined in section
41 (c) of the internal revenue code, in a
7development zone, except that gross receipts used in calculating the base amount
8means gross receipts from sales attributable to Wisconsin under s. 71.04 (7) (b) 1. and
92. and (d) and research expenses used in calculating the base amount include
10research expenses incurred before the claimant is certified for tax benefits under s.
11560.765 (3), in a development zone, if the claimant submits with the claimant's
12return a copy of the claimant's certification for tax benefits under s. 560.765 (3) and
13a statement from the department of commerce verifying the claimant's qualified
14research expenses for research conducted exclusively in a development zone. The
15rules under s. 73.03 (35) apply to the credit under this paragraph. The rules under
16sub. (2di) (f) and (g), as they apply to the credit under that subsection, apply to claims
17under this paragraph. Section
41 (h) of the internal revenue code does not apply to
18the credit under this paragraph.
(2dr) (i)
Sunset. No credit may be claimed under this subsection for
21taxable years that begin on January 1, 1998, or thereafter. Credits under this
22subsection for taxable years that begin before January 1, 1998, may be carried
23forward to taxable years that begin on January 1, 1998, or thereafter.
(2ds) (i) No credit may be claimed under this subsection for taxable years
2that begin on January 1, 1998, or thereafter. Credits under this subsection for
3taxable years that begin before January 1, 1998, may be carried forward to taxable
4years that begin on January 1, 1998, or thereafter.
(2dx) Development zones credit. (a)
Definitions. In this subsection:
1. "Brownfield" means an industrial or commercial facility the expansion or
8redevelopment of which is complicated by environmental contamination.