Guide to nonstatutory material
As is the case for all other bills, the Sections of the budget bill treating statutory
material are displayed in the ascending numerical sequence of the statute units
affected. In some parts of the bill, not all consecutive Section numbers are used.
Treatments of prior session laws (styled "laws of [year], chapter ...." from 1848
to 1981, and "[year] Wisconsin Act ...." beginning with 1983) are displayed next by
year of original enactment and by act number.
Following this material, the remaining nonstatutory material is displayed in
this order:

9101 to 9156: Nonstatutory provisions; entity name.
9201 to 9256: Appropriation changes; entity name.
9301 to 9356: Initial applicability; entity name.
9400 to 9456: Effective dates; entity name.
In each of the 4 categories, there is a separate Section number for every entity.
In that number, the last 2 digits correspond to the entities as shown below. For
example, for miscellaneous nonstatutory provisions affecting the historical society,
see Section 9124. The entities are listed in alphabetical sequence by key word, but
for any entity not yet assigned a 2-digit identification number, see number "56"
(other) in each category.
01 Administration
02 Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention and Pregnancy Services Board
03 Aging and Long-Term Care Board
04 Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
05 Arts Board
06 Boundary Area Commission, Minnesota-Wisconsin
07 Building Commission
08 Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board
09 Circuit Courts
10 Commerce
11 Corrections
12 Court of Appeals
13 Educational Communications Board
14 Elections Board
15 Employe Trust Funds
16 Employment Relations Commission
17 Employment Relations Department
18 Ethics Board
19 Financial Institutions
20 Gaming Board
21 Governor
22 Health and Educational Facilities Authority
23 Health and Family Services
24 Historical Society
25 Housing and Economic Development Authority
26 Workforce Development
27 Insurance
28 Investment Board
29 Joint Committee on Finance
30 Judicial Commission
31 Justice
32 Legislature
33 Lieutenant Governor
34 Lower Wisconsin State Riverway Board

35 Medical College of Wisconsin
36 Military Affairs
37 Natural Resources
38 Personnel Commission
39 Public Defender Board
40 Public Instruction
41 Public Service Commission
42 Regulation and Licensing
43 Revenue
44 Secretary of State
45 State Fair Park Board
46 Supreme Court
47 Technical College System
48 Tourism
49 Transportation
50 Treasurer
51 University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority
52 University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Board
53 University of Wisconsin System
54 Veterans Affairs
55 World Dairy Center Authority
56 Other
— — — — — —  — — — — — —  — — — — — 
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB100-engrossed, s. 1am 1Section 1am. 5.01 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,3,82 5.01 (4) (a) If 2 or more candidates for the same office receive the greatest, but
3an equal number of votes, the winner shall be chosen by lot in the presence of the
4board of canvassers charged with the responsibility to determine the election, except
5as provided in s. 8.17 (4) (b), or in the case of an election for state or national office
6or municipal judge, if the judge is elected under s. 755.01 (4), or metropolitan
7sewerage commissioner, if the commissioner is elected under s. 66.23 (11) (am), in the
8presence of the chairperson of the board
AB100-engrossed, s. 1ami 9Section 1ami. 5.085 of the statutes is repealed.
AB100-engrossed, s. 1amt
1Section 1amt. 6.95 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,4,20 26.95 Voting procedure for challenged electors. Whenever the inspectors
3under ss. 6.92 to 6.94 receive the vote of a person offering to vote who has been
4challenged, they shall give the elector a ballot. Before depositing the ballot, the
5inspectors shall write on the back of the ballot the serial number of the challenged
6person corresponding to the number kept at the election on the registration or poll
7list, or other list maintained under s. 6.79. If voting machines are used in the
8municipality where the person is voting, the person's vote may be received only upon
9an absentee ballot furnished by the municipal clerk which shall have the
10corresponding serial number from the registration or poll list or other list
11maintained under s. 6.79 written on the back of the ballot before the ballot is
12deposited. The inspectors shall indicate on the list the reason for the challenge. The
13challenged ballots shall be counted under s. 5.85 or 7.51. The municipal board of
14canvassers may decide any challenge when making its canvass under s. 7.53. If the
15returns are reported under s. 7.60, a challenge may be reviewed by the county board
16of canvassers. If the returns are reported under s. 7.70, a challenge may be reviewed
17by the chairperson of the board of state canvassers. The decision of the any board
canvassers or of the chairperson may be appealed under s. 9.01. The standard for
19disqualification specified in s. 6.325 shall be used to determine the validity of
20challenged ballots.
AB100-engrossed, s. 1an 21Section 1an. 7.03 (1) (bm) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,5,222 7.03 (1) (bm) Whenever a special election is called by a county or by a school
23district, a technical college district, a sewerage district, a sanitary district or a public
24inland lake protection and rehabilitation district for a date that is not concurrent

1with an election specified in s. 5.02 (5), (18), (21) or (22)
, the county or district shall
2pay the compensation of all election officials, as determined under sub. (2).
AB100-engrossed, s. 1m 3Section 1m. 7.08 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,5,54 7.08 (3) (a) Be compiled by the board, with the advice of the elections advisory
AB100-engrossed, s. 1mm 6Section 1mm. 7.15 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,5,167 7.15 (2) (d) Whenever the governing body of any municipality submits any
8question to a vote of the electors or whenever a proper recall petition and certificate
9are filed under s. 9.10, the municipal clerk shall issue a call for the election and
10prepare and distribute ballots as required in the authorization of submission or as
11provided in s. 9.10. The date of the referendum shall be established in accordance
12with s. 8.065, and shall be
fixed by the municipal clerk or board of election
13commissioners unless otherwise provided by law or unless the governing body fixes
14a date. The ballot for any referendum shall conform to s. 5.64 (2). If there is already
15an official municipal referendum ballot for the election, the question may appear on
16the same ballot.
AB100-engrossed, s. 1n 17Section 1n. 7.70 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,5,2518 7.70 (3) (a) The chairperson of the board of state canvassers shall meet publicly
19canvass the returns and make his or her certifications and determinations at the
20state capitol or at the office of the elections board on or before the 2nd Tuesday
21following a spring primary, the 15th day of May following a spring election, the 4th
22Tuesday in September following a September primary, the first day of December
23following a general election, the 2nd Thursday following a special primary, or within
2418 days after any special election to canvass the returns and determine the election
AB100-engrossed, s. 1na
1Section 1na. 7.70 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,6,112 7.70 (3) (b) The chairperson of the board of state canvassers shall examine the
3certified statements of the county boards of canvassers. If it appears that any
4material mistake has been made in the computation of votes, or any county board of
5canvassers failed to canvass the votes or omitted votes from any ward or election
6district in the county, the chairperson of the board of state canvassers may dispatch
7a messenger to the county clerk with written instructions to certify the facts
8concerning the mistake or the reason why the votes were not canvassed. A clerk to
9whom such instructions are delivered shall immediately make a true and full
10answer, sign it, affix the county seal and deliver it to the messenger. The messenger
11shall deliver it with all possible dispatch to the elections board.
AB100-engrossed, s. 1p 12Section 1p. 7.70 (3) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,6,1513 7.70 (3) (c) The chairperson of the board of state canvassers may adjourn as
14necessary but not more than
shall conclude the state canvass within 10 days in all
15after its commencement.
AB100-engrossed, s. 1q 16Section 1q. 7.70 (3) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-engrossed,7,317 7.70 (3) (d) When the certified statements and returns are received, the
18chairperson of the board of state canvassers shall proceed to examine and make a
19statement of the total number of votes cast at any election for the offices involved in
20the election for president and vice president; a statement for each of the offices of
21governor, lieutenant governor, if a primary, and a joint statement for the offices of
22governor and lieutenant governor, if a general election; a statement for each of the
23offices of secretary of state, state treasurer, attorney general, and state
24superintendent; for U.S. senator; representative in congress for each congressional
25district; the state legislature; justice; court of appeals judge; circuit judge; district

1attorney; municipal judge, if he or she is elected under s. 755.01 (4); metropolitan
2sewerage commission, if the commissioners are elected under s. 66.23 (11) (am); and
3for any referenda questions submitted by the legislature.
AB100-engrossed, s. 1r 4Section 1r. 7.70 (3) (e) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: