Also under current law, a retired fire fighter who continues to be a member of,
and pay dues to, his or her association is not allowed to be an officer in the association.
This bill allows such a person to become an officer of the association.
Natural resources
Fish, game and wildlife
This bill authorizes the department of natural resources (DNR) to determine
who may issue each type of fish and game license, permit and stamp. DNR may issue
them directly and may appoint one or more county clerks or other persons as issuing
agents. Under current law, DNR must issue all types of fish and game licenses,
permits and stamps. Also under current law, with certain limited exceptions, if a
county clerk issues a type of fish and game license or stamp, all county clerks must
do so.
The bill also prohibits county clerks from appointing agents to issue fish and
game licenses and stamps. Under current law, county clerks may make these
The bill allows DNR to charge a fee for releasing the names, addresses and
telephone numbers of persons to whom fish and game licenses, permits and stamps
have been issued. Under current law, DNR must release this information for free.
Under this bill, if DNR and the Lac du Flambeau band of the Lake Superior
Chippewa have in effect an agreement under which the band agrees to limit its
treaty-based, off-reservation rights to fish, the band may elect to issue fishing
licenses and stamps that are equivalent to fishing licenses or stamps issued by DNR.
These licenses and stamps include resident and nonresident annual and 2-day
licenses and inland waters trout stamps. If the band chooses to issue any of these
licenses or the trout stamps, it must collect the same fee as DNR charges. Although
the licenses or stamps may be used wherever a DNR license or stamp is valid, they
may be issued only on the Lac du Flambeau reservation.
If the agreement described above is in effect, the bill authorizes the band to
issue DNR fishing licenses and the DNR trout stamp and to retain the fees that the
band collects for these licenses and stamps and authorizes DNR to pay the band an
amount equal to the amount that DNR collects from its agents who issue DNR fishing
licenses and trout stamps on the reservation.

The band must use the fees that it collects for its own and for DNR fishing
licenses and stamps and any payment from DNR for these licenses and trout stamps
for fishery management on the reservation.
Under current law, DNR must sell any wild animals or carcasses that are seized
in violation of the fish and game laws and that are not destroyed by DNR. This bill
allows DNR to distribute for free seized carcasses to programs that provide food to
low-income persons or to the elderly. The bill also specifically allows DNR to sell
seized animals and carcasses to certain businesses licensed by DNR, such as bait
dealers, wholesale fish dealers and taxidermists. Under the bill, these businesses
may resell the seized animals or carcasses. Resale is prohibited under current law
except by eating establishments to their customers.
Under current law, DNR may limit the total number of certain types of fish and
game that are harvested by establishing a system for issuing a limited number of
permits. Under this bill, DNR may establish a permitting system for harvesting
sturgeon, either by hook and line or by spearing or by both.
With certain exceptions, under current law any person born after January 1,
1973, must successfully complete a hunter education and safety course administered
by DNR in order to be issued a license that authorizes hunting, either by firearm or
by bow and arrow or by both. This bill requires DNR to include 2 components in the
course: one in firearm safety and one in bow hunting safety. Under the bill, a person
may take only the bow hunting safety component. However, if a person successfully
completes only the bow hunting safety component, the person may only be issued a
license authorizing hunting by bow and arrow.
Under current law, DNR charges a fee for admission to certain areas of state
parks, state forests and certain other recreation properties that it operates. Under
this bill, a person paying an admission fee must also pay an issuing fee. The bill
reduces the base admission fees so that the total amount that a person pays for
admission is no more than the amount that the person pays under current law. The
bill authorizes DNR to appoint agents to collect admission and issuing fees. Under
the bill, the agents may retain a portion of the issuing fees to compensate them for
providing this service.
Under current law, DNR administers a registration program for snowmobiles
and all-terrain vehicles (ATVs). Under this bill, if DNR and the Lac du Flambeau
band of the Lake Superior Chippewa have in effect an agreement under which the
band agrees to limit its treaty-based, off-reservation rights to fish, the band may
elect to establish a registration program for snowmobiles or ATVs. If the band
chooses to register these vehicles, it must collect the same registration fees as DNR
charges, and the registration certificates must be valid for the same length of time
as the DNR certificates. Although the registration certificates are valid for operation

of the vehicles in the state wherever the DNR certificates are valid, the certificates
may be issued only on the Lac du Flambeau reservation. The band must use the
snowmobile and ATV registration fees that it collects for activities and facilities
related to snowmobiling and ATVs respectively.
Forestry and endangered resources
This bill authorizes DNR to award grants to owners of private forest land that
is not used commercially to produce timber for the purpose of developing and
implementing land management plans. The bill requires that the plans incorporate
certain practices that will protect and enhance the natural resources on the forest
This bill requires DNR to award grants to cities, villages, towns, counties and
fire fighting organizations for fire fighting services. The grants may pay up to 50%
of the cost of acquiring fire fighting supplies, equipment and vehicles. Only entities
that agree to assist DNR in fighting forest fires are eligible for these grants.
This bill appropriates moneys received by the state from the sale or lease of
resources, such as timber, from land located in the state natural areas system to fund
the endangered resources program. The purposes of the endangered resources
program are to improve habitats for endangered or threatened species and to provide
wildlife management services.
Under current law, DNR may charge a fee for providing information to 3rd
parties under the natural heritage inventory program, under which natural areas
and endangered animals and plants are inventoried and monitored. The fee is
deposited in the conservation fund. This bill appropriates revenues from these fees
to fund the endangered resources program and the natural heritage inventory
Other natural resources
Current law prohibits trespassing. Generally, a person is guilty of trespassing
if he or she does any of the following: 1) enters or remains on any land of another after
having been notified (by "no trespassing" signs or otherwise) not to enter or remain
on the land; or 2) enters enclosed, cultivated or undeveloped land of another, or any
land of another that is occupied by a structure used for agricultural purposes,
without the express or implied consent of the owner or occupant, except that, with
respect to undeveloped private land that abuts a parcel of land that is owned by the
United States, this state or a local governmental unit, a person is guilty of
trespassing only if he or she enters or remains on such land after having been notified
(by "no trespassing" signs or otherwise) not to enter or remain on the land. A person
who is found guilty of trespassing is subject to a forfeiture (civil penalty) of not more
than $1,000.
This bill reduces the penalty for trespassing to a forfeiture of not more than
$500. The bill also provides that, with respect to undeveloped private land that abuts

a parcel of land that is either leased by the United States, this state or a local
governmental unit or subject to a public access requirement, a person is guilty of
trespassing only if he or she enters or remains on such land after having been notified
(by "no trespassing" signs or otherwise) not to enter or remain on the land. Under
the bill, a public access requirement is any requirement under a federal, state or local
law that land to which the law applies must be open to public access, including a
requirement that the public have access only for specified purposes (such as
Under current law, DNR provides state funding for recreational boating
projects. The Wisconsin waterways commission determines which projects receive
funding. This bill authorizes DNR, with the approval of the Wisconsin waterways
commission, to pay 100% of the costs of acquiring land for and constructing a harbor
of refuge along the Lake Superior shoreline.
Under current law, DNR provides state funding to construct recreational
boating facilities. This bill requires that DNR do all the following:
1. Provide up to $1,200,000 to Adams County for boat launching facilities and
a harbor of refuge on Petenwell Lake.
2. Provide up to $750,000 to Fond du Lac County for boat launching facilities
at Columbia County Park on Lake Winnebago.
3. Provide up to $700,000 to Calumet County to complete Stockbridge Harbor
on Lake Winnebago.
4. Spend up to $500,000 to construct breakwater structures in Lake Winnebago
at the entrance to High Cliff State Park harbor for boater safety.
This bill requires DNR and the department of transportation to jointly develop
a plan to landscape highways in the state, with priority given to southern Wisconsin.
Under current law, DNR is appropriated moneys from the conservation fund to
enable it to receive intra-departmental moneys from vehicle and equipment pools
and spend these moneys for the operation, maintenance, replacement and purchase
of vehicles and equipment. This bill amends this provision to cover information
technology pools. The bill also requires DNR to submit a report to the department
of administration (DOA) no later than January 1, 1998, detailing DNR's proposed
expenditures from this appropriation necessary to conform to any information
technology guidelines and standards established by DOA. In addition, current law
allows a department to expend general purpose revenue from certain specified
appropriations in an amount equal to the depreciated value of equipment financed
under these appropriations. This bill adds the DNR vehicle and equipment pool
appropriation to the list of specified appropriations, so that DNR may expend general
purpose revenue from this appropriation equal to the amount of the depreciated
value of vehicles and equipment financed by the appropriation.

occupational regulation
Under current law, the department of regulation and licensing (DORL) or an
attached examining board or affiliated credentialing board may not issue certain
occupational and professional credentials if an applicant has been arrested for a
pending charge or been convicted, and the circumstances of the charge or conviction
are substantially related to the occupation or profession. This bill provides specific
statutory authority that allows DORL to conduct an investigation to determine
whether an applicant satisfies any of the eligibility requirements for a credential,
including not having such an arrest or conviction record. In addition, DORL may
require an applicant to provide any information that is necessary for the
investigation or to complete forms provided by the federal bureau of investigation
(FBI) or department of justice (DOJ) for the purpose of obtaining information about
his or her arrest or conviction record. DORL must charge an applicant for any fees,
costs or expenses incurred in conducting its investigation.
This bill changes the fees for initial and renewal credentials issued by DORL
or a board for each of the professions, occupations and businesses that DORL or a
board regulates, except for renewal credentials for charitable organizations,
professional geologists, occupational therapy assistants, physical therapists and
social workers.
Current law does not specify a renewal credential fee for real estate business
entity licenses. This bill imposes a renewal credential fee of $70.
Retirement and group insurance
Under current law, all pension plan benefits provided by the department of
employe trust funds (DETF), any retirement system of a 1st class city (currently, only
the city of Milwaukee) and any retirement system established by a county
government (currently, only Milwaukee County) are generally not assignable or
subject to execution, levy, attachment, garnishment or other legal process. This bill
makes any monthly annuity payment by DETF, any retirement system of a 1st class
city or any retirement system established by a county government assignable and
subject to execution, levy, attachment, garnishment and other legal processes that
relate to child support and family or other maintenance support. In addition, the bill
authorizes the department of industry, labor and job development (DILJD) to direct
DETF, any retirement system of a 1st class city, any retirement system established
by a county government or any private pension plan to withhold from any lump sum
payment that may be paid to a person an amount owed by the person for delinquent
Under current law, with one exception, individual personal information in the
records of DETF may not be disclosed.
This bill provides that individual medical information in the records of DETF
may be disclosed only under one of the following conditions:
1. When a disability application or health insurance claim denial is appealed.

2. Under a court order or an order of a hearing examiner duly obtained after
notice to DETF and upon a showing to the court or the hearing examiner that the
information is relevant to a pending court or administrative action.
3. Upon written request, to the employer of a person who applies for a disability
annuity or duty disability benefit or who files a claim for income continuation
insurance or, if the person is a state employe, to the department of administration
for the purpose of managing the state employes' worker's compensation program.
The only individual medical information that may be disclosed is information
contained in the medical records of the person and any documentation submitted to
DETF pursuant to certain applications for disability benefits.
4. Upon written request, to a participant in the Wisconsin retirement system
or his or her designee, but only if the participant's or his or her designee's access to
the individual medical information is not otherwise restricted by law. The only
individual medical information that may be disclosed by DETF is that specifically
identified in the written request.
State government
District attorneys
Under current law, this state pays for the salaries and various benefits for
district attorneys, deputy district attorneys and assistant district attorneys. Among
their other duties, district attorneys may, if the attorney general has declined to do
so, bring a petition under the sexually violent person commitment law seeking the
commitment for involuntary treatment of a person found to be a sexually violent
This bill specifies that 4 assistant district attorney project positions (one each
in Brown, Dane, Marathon and Milwaukee counties) shall be used until June 30,
1999, to provide assistant district attorneys who will file and prosecute petitions
anywhere in this state under the sexually violent person commitment law. The bill
also requires district attorneys to maintain, during the period ending on June 30,
1999, records of the time spent on cases brought under the sexually violent person
commitment law and to report that information to the department of administration
State building program
Currently, with certain limited exceptions, state construction projects that are
estimated to cost more than $30,000 must be publicly advertised and awarded to the
lowest qualified responsible bidder. Projects that are estimated to cost more than
$250,000 must be specifically enumerated in the authorized state building program
as set forth by law. These requirements apply regardless of the funding source for
a project. As work progresses under a contract, the state makes partial payments
to the contractor and if the work is satisfactorily completed, the state pays the
contractor in full.
This bill permits DOA to contract with a qualified contractor for the
performance of an energy conservation audit of any state-owned building, structure
or facility. The contractor must then prepare a report recommending specific

physical modifications to effect future energy savings and determining the minimum
savings that will be realized by the state if the modifications are made. After
receiving the audit report, and subject to approval of the building commission where
required, the bill permits DOA to contract for construction work to be performed by
the contractor on the building, structure or facility, at the contractor's expense, for
the purpose of realizing potential savings of future energy costs identified in the
audit if, in DOA's judgment, the anticipated savings to the state after completion of
the work will enable recovery of the costs of the work within a reasonable period of
time. Any such contract must provide for the state to pay a stated amount, which
must include any financing costs incurred by the contractor. The amount may not
exceed the minimum savings determined under the audit to be realized within the
period specified in the audit. The state makes payments under the contract as the
savings identified in the audit are realized by the state, in the amounts actually
realized, but not to exceed the stated amount.
Under the bill, any such contract must include a provision stating in substance
that the payments under the contract are contingent upon available appropriations.
The bill exempts any such contract from notice and bidding requirements and from
the requirement for enumeration in the authorized state building program.
State employment
Under current law, the administrator of the division of merit recruitment and
selection in the department of employment relations (DER) is responsible for
administering state law relating to the recruitment, appointment, examination and
certification of applicants for positions in the state classified service. Current law
provides that the administrator may delegate any of these functions to an appointing
authority of a state agency, within prescribed standards, if the administrator finds
that the state agency has personnel management capabilities to perform such
functions effectively and has indicated its approval and willingness to accept such
responsibility by written agreement. Current law also provides that if the
administrator determines that a state agency is not performing such delegated
function within prescribed standards, the administrator must withdraw such
delegated function.
This bill provides that, at the request of the board of regents of the University
of Wisconsin (UW) System, the administrator must delegate to the board of regents
any of his or her functions relating to the recruitment, appointment, examination
and certification of applicants for classified, nonprofessional positions in the UW
System. This delegation is not subject to prescribed standards and is not revocable
by the administrator. Any personnel decision made by the board of regents, however,
is subject to appeal to the personnel commission.
Currently, with limited exceptions, any change in the number of full-time
equivalent positions for any state agency must be approved by law, by the legislature
in budget deliberations, by the joint committee on finance (JCF) or by the governor,
depending upon the funding source for the positions. This bill permits the secretary
of administration, at the request of the secretary of employment relations, to

authorize additional temporary positions for any state agency from any funding
source to provide temporary staffing for the purpose of permitting the agency to loan
the staff members to another state agency or to a state agency of another state, an
agency of a foreign government, a federal agency, an institution of higher education
or a local government. The bill does not define "temporary".
Under current law, any department, agency or instrumentality of the state or
institution of higher education or any local government or municipal corporate
agency may participate in an employe interchange program with departments,
agencies or instrumentalities of a foreign government, the federal government,
another state or local government, an institution of higher education, municipal
corporate agencies or other agencies or instrumentalities of this state. Employes of
the sending governmental unit, even though they report for work at the receiving
governmental unit, are still considered employes of the sending governmental unit
during the duration of the interchange. The employes' salaries and benefits are paid
by the sending governmental unit during the duration of the interchange, except that
a receiving governmental unit (except for a department, agency or instrumentality
of the state) may provide supplemental salaries and benefits to the employe during
the duration of the interchange.
This bill provides that a department, agency or instrumentality of the state that
is a receiving governmental unit may also provide supplemental salaries and
benefits to the employe during the duration of the interchange. In addition, the bill
requires the compensation plan to provide for a supplemental salary increase of up
to 10% of an employe's base salary for any employe who participates in the temporary
interchange program, but only if the state agency to which the employe is assigned
during the period of the interchange pays the cost of the supplemental salary
increase. The bill affects only the compensation and conditions of employment of
state employes who are included in collective bargaining units for which
representatives are recognized or certified to the extent allowed under the employes'
collective bargaining agreements.
This bill eliminates certain requirements for making promotional
appointments to positions in the classified service at the UW System. (See
Education, higher education.).
Under current law, the investment board is authorized to provide bonus
compensation to the executive director of the board and other employes of the board
for meritorious performance. This bill provides that an employe is not eligible to
participate in the bonus compensation plan if the employe is hired by the investment
board after the day on which the bill becomes law to perform functions primarily
related to information technology.
State finance
In addition to modifying the amounts of authorized bonding for existing state
bonding programs, this bill authorizes bonding for several new programs including
an educational technology infrastructure loan program. (See Education, Other

educational and cultural agencies
), a safe drinking water loan program (see
Environment, Water quality), and a transportation infrastructure bank program
(see Transportation, Transportation aids.).