1997 - 1998 LEGISLATURE
May 1, 1997 - Introduced by Representatives Vrakas, Wieckert, Foti, Sykora,
Hanson, Kedzie, Travis, Freese, Kaufert, Olsen, Schafer, Jeskewitz, Plale,
Meyer, Hasenohrl, Kelso, Walker, Powers, Albers, Harsdorf, Huebsch,
Riley, Rutkowski, Handrick, Hoven, Lazich, Nass, Ott, Ward, Duff, Porter,
M. Lehman, Hutchison, Dobyns, Musser, Ainsworth, Murat
and Huber,
cosponsored by Senators Wineke, Welch, Risser, Rude, Moore, Fitzgerald,
Wirch, Plache, Weeden, Roessler, Zien, Cowles
and Schultz. Referred to
Committee on Housing.
AB334,1,4 1An Act to create 440.08 (2) (a) 38g. and subchapter X of chapter 440 [precedes
2440.97] of the statutes; relating to: the regulation of home inspectors,
3providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, granting
4rule-making authority and providing penalties.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill establishes requirements for the registration of home inspectors with
the department of regulation and licensing (DORL). The bill does not require an
individual to be registered as a home inspector in order to conduct home inspections
for compensation, but the bill does restrict the use of the title "Wisconsin registered
home inspector" to individuals who are registered as home inspectors by DORL. The
bill also prohibits an individual who is not registered as a home inspector from using
any other title or description which represents or may tend to represent the
individual to be registered as a home inspector.
The bill requires an individual to pass an examination in order to qualify for
registration as a Wisconsin registered home inspector and specifies other
requirements for initial registration and for renewal of a certificate of registration.
DORL may, by rule, establish continuing education requirements for Wisconsin
registered home inspectors. In addition, the bill:
1. Allows a business entity to use, in connection with the name or signature of
the business entity, Wisconsin "registered home inspectors" to describe its service if

at least one business representative (for example, an officer, director or partner) of
the business entity is a Wisconsin registered home inspector.
2. Specifies that a Wisconsin registered home inspector must perform a
reasonably competent and diligent inspection to detect observable conditions of an
improvement to residential real property that he or she is inspecting.
3. Requires DORL to promulgate rules establishing standards of practice for
home inspectors, subject to certain standards established in the bill concerning, for
example, what a Wisconsin registered home inspector must include in a home
inspection report and what things a Wisconsin registered home inspector is not
required to do and may not do as part of a home inspection.
4. Prohibits a Wisconsin registered home inspector from disclaiming liability,
or limiting the amount of his or her liability, for negligence or intentional
wrongdoing. The bill also establishes a 2-year period for a person to bring a cause
of action for damages resulting from an act or omission of a Wisconsin registered
home inspector in conducting a home inspection. Finally, a Wisconsin registered
home inspector is not liable to a person for damages that arise from an act or omission
relating to a home inspection conducted by the Wisconsin registered home inspector
if the person is not a party to the transaction for which the home inspection was
5. Authorizes DORL to reprimand a Wisconsin registered home inspector or to
deny, limit, suspend or revoke a certificate of registration as a Wisconsin registered
home inspector if the applicant or Wisconsin registered home inspector has engaged
in unprofessional conduct.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB334, s. 1 1Section 1. 440.08 (2) (a) 38g. of the statutes is created to read:
AB334,2,22 440.08 (2) (a) 38g. Home inspector: January 1 of each odd-numbered year; $41.
AB334, s. 2 3Section 2. Subchapter X of chapter 440 [precedes 440.97] of the statutes is
4created to read:
AB334,2,55 Chapter 440
AB334,2,76 Subchapter X
7 Registry of Home inspectors
AB334,2,8 8440.97 Definitions. In this subchapter:
1(1) "Client" means a person who contracts with a home inspector for a home
AB334,3,4 3(2) "Compensation" means direct or indirect payment, including the
4expectation of payment whether or not actually received.
AB334,3,8 5(3) "Dwelling unit" means a structure or that part of a structure that is used
6or intended to be used as a home, residence or sleeping place by one person or by 2
7or more persons who are maintaining a common household, to the exclusion of all
AB334,3,11 9(4) "Home inspection" means the inspection and analysis of the condition of the
10improvements to residential real property, including the mechanical or structural
11components of those improvements.
AB334,3,13 12(5) "Home inspection report" means a written opinion of a home inspector
13concerning all of the following:
AB334,3,1514 (a) The condition of the improvements to residential real property that contains
15not more than 4 dwelling units.
AB334,3,1716 (b) The condition of the mechanical or structural components of the
17improvements specified in par. (a).
AB334,3,19 18(6) "Home inspector" means an individual who, for compensation, conducts a
19home inspection.
AB334,3,22 20(7) "Technically exhaustive" means the extensive use of measurements,
21instruments, testing, calculations and other means to develop scientific or
22engineering findings, conclusions or recommendations.
AB334,3,24 23(8) "Wisconsin registered home inspector" means an individual who is
24registered as a home inspector under this subchapter.
1440.971 Registry established. The department shall establish a registry of
2home inspectors.
AB334,4,6 3440.9712 Use of title. (1) No individual may use the title "Wisconsin
4registered home inspector", use any title or description that implies that he or she
5is registered under this subchapter or represent himself or herself to be registered
6under this subchapter unless the individual is registered under this subchapter.
AB334,4,10 7(2) A business entity may use, in connection with the name or signature of the
8business entity, the title "Wisconsin registered home inspectors" to describe the
9business entity's services, if one business representative of the business entity is
10registered under this subchapter.
AB334,4,12 11440.972 Registration requirements. (1) The department shall register an
12individual under this subchapter if the individual does all of the following:
AB334,4,1413 (a) Submits an application for registration to the department on a form
14provided by the department.
AB334,4,1515 (b) Pays the fee specified in s. 440.05 (1).
AB334,4,1716 (c) Subject to ss. 111.321, 111.322 and 111.335, submits evidence satisfactory
17to the department that he or she does not have an arrest or conviction record.
AB334,4,1818 (d) Passes an examination under s. 440.973 (1).
AB334,4,20 19(2) The renewal date and renewal fee for certificates granted under this section
20are specified under s. 440.08 (2) (a) 38g.
AB334,4,22 21440.973 Examinations. (1) No person may be registered under this
22subchapter unless he or she passes an examination approved by the department.
AB334,4,25 23(2) The department shall conduct examinations for home inspector
24registration at least semiannually at times and places determined by the
1(3) An individual is not eligible for examination unless the individual has
2satisfied the requirements for registration under s. 440.972 (1) (a) to (c) at least 30
3days before the date of the examination.
AB334,5,5 4440.974 Rules. (1) The department shall promulgate rules necessary to
5administer this subchapter, including rules to establish all of the following:
AB334,5,76 (a) Standards for acceptable examination performance by an applicant for
AB334,5,98 (b) Subject to s. 440.975, standards for the practice of home inspection by
9Wisconsin registered home inspectors.
AB334,5,1210 (c) Subject to s. 440.975, the information that a Wisconsin registered home
11inspector is required to provide to a client concerning the results of the home
12inspection conducted by the Wisconsin registered home inspector.
AB334,5,17 13(2) The department may promulgate rules establishing continuing education
14requirements for individuals registered under this subchapter. The rules
15promulgated under this subsection may require continuing education either if it is
16necessary to preserve the public health, safety or welfare or as a part of the
17disciplinary process to ensure competency.
AB334,5,20 18440.975 Standards of practice. (1) In this section, "reasonably competent
19and diligent inspection" means an inspection that complies with the standards
20established under this subchapter or the rules promulgated under this subchapter.
AB334,5,24 21(2) A Wisconsin registered home inspector shall perform a reasonably
22competent and diligent inspection to detect observable conditions of an improvement
23to residential real property that he or she is inspecting. A reasonably competent and
24diligent inspection is not required to be technically exhaustive.
1(3) After completing a home inspection, a Wisconsin registered home inspector
2shall submit a written report to a client that does all of the following:
AB334,6,53 (a) Lists the components of an improvement to residential real property that
4the home inspector is required to inspect under the rules promulgated under s.
5440.964 (1) (b).
AB334,6,76 (b) Lists the components of an improvement to residential real property that
7the Wisconsin registered home inspector has inspected.
AB334,6,128 (c) Describes any condition of an improvement to residential real property or
9of any component of an improvement to residential real property that is detected by
10the Wisconsin registered home inspector during his or her home inspection and that,
11if not repaired, will have a significant adverse effect on the life expectancy of the
12improvement or the component of the improvement.
AB334,6,1713 (d) Describes any condition of an improvement to residential real property or
14of any component of an improvement to residential real property that is detected by
15the Wisconsin registered home inspector during his or her home inspection and that
16constitutes a significant health hazard to any occupant of the improvement
AB334,6,19 18(4) A Wisconsin registered home inspector is not required to report on any of
19the following:
AB334,6,2120 (a) The life expectancy of an improvement to residential real property or a
21component of an improvement to residential real property.
AB334,6,2322 (b) The cause of the need for any major repair to an improvement to residential
23real property or a component of an improvement to residential real property.
AB334,6,2524 (c) The method of making any repair or correction, the materials needed for any
25repair or correction or the cost of any repair or correction.
1(d) The suitability for any specialized use of an improvement to residential real