Under the bill, no manufacturer, wholesaler or importer may terminate, cancel,
fail to renew or substantially change the competitive circumstances of a sales
representative agreement without good cause, which is defined in the bill as any of
the following:
1. A material breach of a written sales representative agreement.
2. In the absence of a written sales representative agreement, a failure by the
sales representative to comply with any material, reasonable and nondiscriminatory
requirements of the manufacturer, wholesaler or importer.
3. The nonpayment of any sums due under the sales representative agreement.
4. The bankruptcy or insolvency of the sales representative.
5. An assignment for the benefit of creditors or similar disposition of the assets
of the sales representative's business.
6. The voluntary abandonment by the sales representative of his or her
business with no provision made for the resumption of that business by the sales
representative or for the continuation of that business by a transferee of the sales
7. The conviction of the sales representative for any offense the circumstances
of which substantially relate to the circumstances of the sales representative's
8. Any act by the sales representative that materially impairs the good will
associated with the manufacturer's, wholesaler's or importer's trade name,
trademark, service mark, logotype, advertising or other commercial symbol.
In addition, under the bill, a manufacturer, wholesaler or importer must give
a sales representative 90 days' notice of termination, cancellation, nonrenewal or

substantial change in competitive circumstances, stating the reasons for that action
and giving the sales representative 60 days in which to rectify any claimed deficiency,
except that, if the reason for that action is the nonpayment of sums due under the
sales representative agreement, the sales representative has only 10 days to cure the
default and that, if the reason for that action is any of the reasons specified in items
4. to 8. above, the notice provisions do not apply.
Finally, the bill requires a manufacturer, wholesaler or importer who cancels,
terminates or fails to renew a sales representative agreement to pay the sales
representative for all sales made by the sales representative and approved by the
manufacturer, wholesaler or importer on or before the effective date of that action
as provided in the bill.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB438, s. 1 1Section 1. 109.01 (1) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act 3, is
2renumbered 109.01 (1r).
AB438, s. 2 3Section 2. 109.01 (1m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB438,5,74 109.01 (1m) "Commission salesperson" means a person, other than an
5insurance agent or broker, who is paid on the basis of commissions for sales and who
6is not covered under s. 109.03 (2) or (2g) because the person is an independent
7contractor rather than an employe.
AB438, s. 3 8Section 3. 109.01 (1p) of the statutes is created to read:
AB438,5,149 109.01 (1p) "Commissions earned through the last day of employment" means
10commissions due a commission salesperson for any sale of goods made by the
11commission salesperson and approved by the employer on or before the commission
12salesperson's last day of employment or for any sale of services made by the
13commission salesperson and delivered to and accepted by the customer on or before
14the commission salesperson's last day of employment.
AB438, s. 4
1Section 4. 109.01 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB438,6,92 109.01 (3) "Wage" or "wages" mean remuneration payable to an employe or
3commission salesperson
for personal services, including salaries, commissions,
4commissions earned through the last day of employment, holiday and vacation pay,
5overtime pay, severance pay or dismissal pay, supplemental unemployment
6compensation benefits when required under a binding collective bargaining
7agreement, bonuses and any other similar advantages agreed upon between the
8employer and the employe or commission salesperson or provided by the employer
9to the employer's employes or commission salespersons as an established policy.
AB438, s. 5 10Section 5. 109.01 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB438,6,1311 109.01 (4) "Wage deficiency" means the difference between the amount
12required by law to be paid and the amount actually paid to an employe or commission
AB438, s. 6 14Section 6. 109.03 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB438,6,2115 109.03 (2) (title) Payment to discharged or resigned employes. Any Subject
16to sub. (4g), any
employe, except including a sales agent employed on a commission
17basis other than an insurance agent, not having a written contract for a definite
18period, who quits employment or who is discharged from employment shall be paid
19in full by no later than the date on which the employe regularly would have been paid
20under the employer's established payroll schedule or the date of payment required
21under sub. (1), whichever is earlier
immediately on the demand of the employe.
AB438, s. 7 22Section 7. 109.03 (2g) of the statutes is created to read:
AB438,7,223 109.03 (2g) Payment to resigned employes. (a) Subject to sub. (4g), any
24employe, including a sales agent employed on a commission basis other than an
25insurance agent, not having a written contract for a definite period, who quits or

1resigns his or her employment shall be paid in full on demand by no later than 5 days
2after the employe quits or resigns his or her employment.
AB438,7,83 (b) 1. Subject to sub. (4g), any employe, including a sales agent employed on a
4commission basis other than an insurance agent, having a written contract for a
5definite period, who gives his or her employer not less than 5 days' written notice of
6his or her intention to quit or resign his or her employment shall be paid in full on
7demand by no later than 24 hours after the employe quits or resigns his or her
AB438,7,159 2. Subject to sub. (4g), any employe, including a sales agent employed on a
10commission basis other than an insurance agent, having a written contract for a
11definite period, who gives his or her employer less than 5 days' written notice of his
12or her intention to quit or resign his or her employment shall be paid in full on
13demand by no later than the date on which the employe regularly would have been
14paid under the employer's established payroll schedule or the date of payment
15required under sub. (1), whichever is earlier.
AB438, s. 8 16Section 8. 109.03 (2m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB438,7,2317 109.03 (2m) Payment to terminated or resigned commission salesperson. (a)
18Subject to subs. (4) and (4g), any commission salesperson who gives his or her
19employer not less than 5 days' written notice of his or her intention to resign his or
20her position or whose contract of employment is terminated, canceled or nonrenewed
21by the employer shall be paid all commissions earned through the last day of
22employment on demand by no later than 3 working days after the commission
23salesperson's last day of employment.
AB438,8,324 (b) Subject to sub. (4g), any commission salesperson who gives his or her
25employer less than 5 days' written notice of his or her intention to resign his or her

1position shall be paid all commissions earned through the last day of employment on
2demand by no later than 6 working days after the commission salesperson's last day
3of employment.
AB438, s. 9 4Section 9. 109.03 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB438,8,235 109.03 (3) (title) Payment upon death of employe or commission salesperson.
6In Subject to sub. (4g), in case of the death of an employe or commission salesperson
7to whom wages are due, the full amount of the wages due shall upon on demand be
8paid by the employer to the spouse, children child, or other dependent living with
9such the employe or commission salesperson at the time of death. In the case of an
10employe or commission salesperson of the state, the amount of the wage due includes
11all unused vacation allowance. Any county or municipality may include unused
12vacation allowances for any employe or commission salesperson who died after
13January 1, 1961. An employer may, not less than 5 days after the death of an employe
14or commission salesperson and before the filing of a petition for letters testamentary
15or of administration in the matter of the decedent's estate, make payments payment
16of the wage due the deceased employe or commission salesperson to the spouse,
17children child, parent, brother or sister of the decedent, giving preference in the
that order; or, if no such none of those relatives survive, the employer may
19apply such that payment or so much thereof of that payment as may be necessary to
20paying creditors of the decedent in the order of preference prescribed in s. 859.25 for
21satisfaction of debts by executors and administrators. The making of payment in
22such that manner shall be a discharge and release of the employer as to the amount
23of such that payment.
AB438, s. 10 24Section 10. 109.03 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
1109.03 (4) (title) Payment to certain separated employes and commission
. Whenever Subject to sub. (4g), if an employe or commission
is separated from the payroll of an employer as a result of the employer
4merging, liquidating or otherwise disposing of the business, ceasing business
5operations in whole or in part, or relocating all or part of the business to another area
6within or without the state, the employer, or the successors in interest of the
7employer, shall pay all unpaid wages to the employe or commission salesperson at
8the usual place of payment within on demand by no later than 24 hours of after the
9time of separation.
AB438, s. 11 10Section 11. 109.03 (4g) of the statutes is created to read:
AB438,9,2111 109.03 (4g) Payment to employes or commission salespersons entrusted with
12money or property.
Notwithstanding subs. (2), (2g), (2m), (3) and (4), if the
13discharged, terminated, resigned, deceased or separated employe or commission
14salesperson, during his or her employment, was entrusted with the collection,
15disbursement or handling of money or property, the employer shall have 10 working
16days after the employe's or commission salesperson's last day of employment to audit
17and adjust the accounts of the employe or commission salesperson before the
18employe or commission salesperson may demand his or her wages. In cases covered
19under this subsection, the penalties specified in s. 109.11 (1m) shall apply only from
20the date of demand made after the expiration of the 10 working days allowed for audit
21and adjustment.
AB438, s. 12 22Section 12. 109.03 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB438,9,2523 109.03 (5) Enforcement. Except as provided in sub. (1), no employer may by
24special contract with employes an employe or a commission salesperson or by any
25other means secure exemption from this section. Each employe shall have a right

1of action against any employer for the full amount of the employe's wages due on each
2regular pay day as provided in this section sub. (1) and for increased wages as
3provided in s. 109.11 (2), and each employe and commission salesperson shall have
4a right of action against any employer for the full amount of the employe's or
5commission salesperson's wages due as provided in sub. (2), (2g), (2m), (3), (4) or (4g),
6whichever is applicable, and for increased wages as provided in s. 109.11 (1m) and
in any court of competent jurisdiction. An employe or commission salesperson
8may bring an action against an employer under this subsection without first filing
9a wage claim with the department under s. 109.09 (1). An employe or commission
who brings an action against an employer under this subsection shall
11have a lien upon all property of the employer, real or personal, located in this state
12as described in s. 109.09 (2).
AB438, s. 13 13Section 13. 109.03 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB438,10,1914 109.03 (6) Wage claim. In an action by an employe, a commission salesperson
15or the department against the an employer on a wage claim, no security for payment
16of costs is required. In any such proceeding action on a wage claim the court may
17allow the prevailing party, in addition to all other costs, a reasonable sum for
18expenses. No person other than an employe, commission salesperson or the
19department shall be benefited or otherwise affected by this subsection.
AB438, s. 14 20Section 14. 109.03 (7) (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB438,10,2121 109.03 (7) (title) Protection of employes and commission salespersons.
AB438, s. 15 22Section 15. 109.09 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB438,11,2023 109.09 (1) The department shall investigate and attempt equitably to adjust
24controversies between employers and employes or commission salespersons as to
25alleged wage claims. The department may receive and investigate any wage claim

1which is filed with the department, or received by the department under s. 109.10
2(4), no later than 2 years after the date the wages are due. The department may, after
3receiving a wage claim, investigate any wages due from the employer against whom
4the claim is filed to any employe or commission salesperson during the period
5commencing 2 years before the date the claim is filed. The department shall enforce
6this chapter and ss. 66.293, 103.02, 103.49, 103.82 and 104.12. In pursuance of this
7duty, the department may sue the employer on behalf of the employe or commission
to collect any wage claim or wage deficiency and ss. 109.03 (6) and 109.11
9(1m), (2) and (3) shall apply to such actions. Except for actions a wage claim or wage
under s. 109.10, the department may refer such an action a wage claim or
11wage deficiency
to the district attorney of the county in which the violation occurs
12occurred for prosecution and collection and the district attorney shall commence an
13action in the circuit court having appropriate jurisdiction. Any number of wage
14claims or wage deficiencies against the same employer may be joined in a single
15proceeding, but the court may order separate trials or hearings. In actions that are
16referred to a district attorney under this subsection, any taxable costs recovered by
17the district attorney shall be paid into the general fund of the county in which the
18violation occurs occurred and used by that county to meet its financial responsibility
19under s. 978.13 (2) for the operation of the office of the district attorney who
20prosecuted the action.
AB438, s. 16 21Section 16. 109.09 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB438,12,1722 109.09 (2) The department, under its authority under sub. (1) to maintain
23actions for the benefit of employes and commission salespersons, or an employe or
24commission salesperson
who brings an action under s. 109.03 (5) shall have a lien
25upon all property of the employer, real or personal, located in this state for the full

1amount of any wage claim or wage deficiency. A lien under this subsection takes
2effect when the department or, employe or commission salesperson files a verified
3petition claiming the lien with the clerk of the circuit court of the county in which the
4services or some part of the services were performed, pays the fee specified in s.
5814.61 (5) to that clerk of circuit court and serves a copy of that petition on the
6employer by personal service in the same manner as a summons is served under s.
7801.11 or by certified mail with a return receipt requested. The department or,
8employe or commission salesperson must file the petition within 2 years after the
9date that on which the wages were due. The petition shall specify the nature of the
10claim and the amount claimed, describe the property upon which the claim is made
11and state that the petitioner claims a lien on that property. The lien shall take
12precedence over all other debts, judgments, decrees, liens or mortgages against the
13employer, except a lien under s. 292.31 (8) (i), 292.41 (6) (d) or 292.81, and may be
14enforced in the manner provided in ss. 779.09 to 779.12, 779.20 and 779.21, insofar
15as such those provisions are applicable. The lien ceases to exist if the department
16or, the employe or commission salesperson does not bring an action to enforce the lien
17within the period prescribed in s. 893.44 for the underlying wage claim.
AB438, s. 17 18Section 17. 109.11 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB438,12,2319 109.11 (1) (a) In adjusting a controversy between an employer and an employe
20or commission salesperson as to an alleged wage claim filed with the department
21under s. 109.09 (1), the department may compromise and settle that wage claim for
22such a sum as may be that is agreed upon between the department, the employe or
23commission salesperson
and the employer.
AB438, s. 18 24Section 18. 109.11 (1m) of the statutes is created to read:
1109.11 (1m) Late payment penalties. (a) If an employer fails to pay any wages
2due an employe, on demand, within the time period specified in s. 109.03 (2), (2g),
3(3), (4) or (4g), whichever is applicable, the department or a circuit court, subject to
4par. (c), may order the employer to pay to the employe, in addition to the amount of
5wages due and unpaid and in addition to or in lieu of any increased wages specified
6in sub. (1) (b) or (2) (a) or (b) or criminal penalties specified in sub. (3), increased
7wages in the amount of the employe's average daily earnings for each day for which
8the employer is late in paying those wages or in compromising and settling the wage
9claim to the satisfaction of the employe.
AB438,13,1910 (b) If an employer fails to pay any wages due a commission salesperson, on
11demand, within the time period specified in s. 109.03 (2m) (3), (4) or (4g), whichever
12is applicable, the department or a circuit court, subject to par. (c), may order the
13employer to pay to the commission salesperson, in addition to the amount of wages
14due and unpaid and in addition to or in lieu of any increased wages specified in sub.
15(1) (b) or (2) (a) or (b) or criminal penalties specified in sub. (3), increased wages in
16the amount of one-fifteenth of the commission salesperson's commissions earned
17through the last day of employment that remain unpaid for each day for which the
18employer is late in paying those wages or in compromising and setting the wage
19claim to the satisfaction of the commission salesperson.
AB438,14,220 (c) Notwithstanding pars. (a) and (b), if an employer disputes the amount of a
21wage claim under s. 109.03 (2), (2g), (2m), (3), (4) or (4g) made by an employe or
22commission salesperson and pays to the employe or commission salesperson the
23amount that the employer in good faith reasonably believes is due within the time
24period specified in s. 109.03 (2), (2g), (2m), (3), (4), (4g), whichever is applicable, the
25penalties provided in pars. (a) and (b) do not apply, unless the department or a court

1later determines that the amount actually owed to the employe or commission
2salesperson is greater than the amount paid by the employer.
AB438, s. 19 3Section 19. 109.11 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB438,14,114 109.11 (2) (a) In a wage claim action that is commenced by an employe or
5commission salesperson
before the department has completed its investigation
6under s. 109.09 (1) and its attempts to compromise and settle the wage claim under
7sub. (1), a circuit court may order the employer to pay to the employe or commission
, in addition to the amount of wages due and unpaid and in addition to
9or in lieu of the late payment penalties specified in sub. (1m) and the criminal
10penalties specified in sub. (3), increased wages of not more than 50% of the amount
11of wages due and unpaid.
AB438, s. 20 12Section 20. 109.11 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB438,14,2013 109.11 (2) (b) In a wage claim action that is commenced after the department
14has completed its investigation under s. 109.09 (1) and its attempts to settle and
15compromise the wage claim under sub. (1), a circuit court may order the employer
16to pay to the employe or commission salesperson, in addition to the amount of wages
17due and unpaid to an employe or commission salesperson and in addition to or in lieu
18of the late payment penalties specified in sub. (1m) and the criminal penalties
19specified in sub. (3), increased wages of not more than 100% of the amount of those
20wages due and unpaid.
AB438, s. 21 21Section 21. 109.11 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB438,15,522 109.11 (3) Criminal penalties. Any employer who, having the ability to pay,
23fails to pay the wages due and payable as provided in this chapter or falsely denies
24the amount or validity thereof of those wages or that such those wages are due, with
25intent to secure any discount upon such that indebtedness or with intent to annoy,

1harass, oppress, hinder or defraud the person to whom such those wages are due,
2may be fined not more than $500 or imprisoned not more than 90 days or both. Each
3failure or refusal to pay each employe or commission salesperson the amount of
4wages due at the time, or under the conditions required in this chapter, constitutes
5a separate offense.
AB438, s. 22 6Section 22. Chapter 135 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB438,15,97 CHAPTER 135
8 dealership and sales
9 representation
AB438, s. 23 10Section 23. Subchapter I (title) of chapter 135 [precedes 135.01] of the statutes
11is created to read:
AB438,15,1212 CHAPTER 135
AB438,15,1413 subchapter I
14 dealership practices
AB438, s. 24 15Section 24. 135.01 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB438,15,17 16135.01 Short title. This chapter subchapter may be cited as the "Wisconsin
17Fair Dealership Law".
AB438, s. 25 18Section 25. 135.02 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB438,15,19 19135.02 Definitions. (intro.) In this chapter subchapter:
AB438, s. 26 20Section 26. 135.025 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB438,15,2221 135.025 (1) This chapter subchapter shall be liberally construed and applied
22to promote its underlying remedial purposes and policies.
AB438, s. 27 23Section 27. 135.025 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB438,15,2524 135.025 (2) (intro.) The underlying purposes and policies of this chapter
25subchapter are as follows:
AB438, s. 28
1Section 28. 135.025 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB438,16,42 135.025 (3) The effect of this chapter subchapter may not be varied by contract
3or agreement. Any contract or agreement purporting to do so is void and
4unenforceable to that extent only.
AB438, s. 29 5Section 29. 135.05 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB438,16,11 6135.05 Application to arbitration agreements. This chapter subchapter
7shall not apply to provisions for the binding arbitration of disputes contained in a
8dealership agreement concerning the items covered in s. 135.03, if the criteria for
9determining whether good cause existed for a termination, cancellation, nonrenewal
10or substantial change of competitive circumstances, and the relief provided is, are
11no less than that provided for in this chapter subchapter.
AB438, s. 30 12Section 30. 135.06 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB438,16,19 13135.06 Action for damages and injunctive relief. If any grantor violates
14this chapter subchapter, a dealer may bring an action against such that grantor in
15any court of competent jurisdiction for damages sustained by the dealer as a
16consequence of the grantor's violation, together with the actual costs of the action,
17including reasonable actual attorney fees, and the dealer also may be granted
18injunctive relief against unlawful termination, cancellation, nonrenewal or
19substantial change of competitive circumstances.
AB438, s. 31 20Section 31. 135.065 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB438,16,24 21135.065 Temporary injunctions. In any action brought by a dealer against
22a grantor under this chapter subchapter, any violation of this chapter subchapter by
23the grantor is deemed considered to be an irreparable injury to the dealer for
24purposes of determining if a temporary injunction should be issued.
AB438, s. 32 25Section 32. 135.07 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
1135.07 Nonapplicability. (intro.) This chapter subchapter does not apply:
AB438, s. 33 2Section 33. Subchapter II of chapter 135 [precedes 135.20] of the statutes is
3created to read:
AB438,17,44 CHAPTER 135
AB438,17,65 subchapter ii
6 sales representation practices
AB438,17,7 7135.20 Definitions. In this subchapter:
AB438,17,18 8(1) "Good cause" means a material breach of a written sales representative
9agreement governing the relationship between a sales representative and a
10manufacturer, wholesaler or importer or, in the absence of a written sales
11representative agreement, a failure by a sales representative to comply substantially
12with any essential and reasonable requirements imposed on the sales representative
13by a manufacturer, wholesaler or importer, which requirements are not
14discriminatory as compared with requirements imposed on other similarly situated
15sales representatives either by their terms or in the manner of their enforcement.
16"Good cause" also includes the nonpayment of any sums due under the sales
17representative agreement and any of the circumstances specified in s. 135.23 (1) to