AB645,63,2519 (e) "Revocable", with respect to a disposition, provision or nomination, means
20one under which the decedent, at the time of the divorce, annulment or similar event,
21was alone empowered, by law or under the governing instrument, to cancel the
22designation in favor of the former spouse or former spouse's relative, whether or not
23the decedent was then empowered to designate himself or herself in place of the
24former spouse or the former spouse's relative, and whether or not the decedent then
25had the capacity to exercise the power.
1(2) Scope. This section applies only to governing instruments that were
2executed by the decedent before the occurrence of a divorce, annulment or similar
3event with respect to his or her marriage to the former spouse.
AB645,64,5 4(3) Revocation upon divorce. Except as provided in subs. (5) and (6), a divorce,
5annulment or similar event does all of the following:
AB645,64,76 (a) Revokes any revocable disposition of property made by the decedent to the
7former spouse or a relative of the former spouse in a governing instrument.
AB645,64,98 (b) Revokes any disposition created by law to the former spouse or a relative
9of the former spouse.
AB645,64,1210 (c) Revokes any revocable provision made by the decedent in a governing
11instrument conferring a power of appointment on the former spouse or a relative of
12the former spouse.
AB645,64,1613 (d) Revokes the decedent's revocable nomination of the former spouse or a
14relative of the former spouse to serve in any fiduciary or representative capacity,
15including a personal representative, executor, trustee, conservator, agent or
AB645,64,2017 (e) Severs the interests of the decedent and former spouse in property held by
18them as joint tenants with the right of survivorship or as survivorship marital
19property and transforms the interests of the decedent and former spouse into
20tenancies in common.
AB645,65,2 21(4) Effect of revocation. Except as provided in subs. (5) and (6), provisions
22of a governing instrument that are revoked by this section are given effect as if the
23former spouse and relatives of the former spouse disclaimed the revoked provisions
24or, in the case of a revoked nomination in a fiduciary or representative capacity, as

1if the former spouse and relatives of the former spouse died immediately before the
2divorce, annulment or similar event.
AB645,65,3 3(5) Exceptions. This section does not apply if any of the following applies:
AB645,65,44 (a) The express terms of a governing instrument provide otherwise.
AB645,65,55 (b) The express terms of a court order provide otherwise.
AB645,65,86 (c) The express terms of a contract relating to the division of the decedent's and
7former spouse's property made between the decedent and the former spouse before
8or after the marriage or the divorce, annulment or similar event provide otherwise.
AB645,65,99 (d) The divorce, annulment or similar event is nullified.
AB645,65,1010 (e) The decedent and the former spouse have remarried.
AB645,65,1211 (f) There is a finding of the decedent's contrary intent. Extrinsic evidence may
12be used to construe that intent.
AB645,65,15 13(6) Revocation of nontestamentary provision in marital property agreement.
14The effect of a judgment of annulment, divorce or legal separation on marital
15property agreements under s. 766.58 is governed by s. 767.266 (1).
AB645,65,21 16854.18 Order in which assets apportioned; abatement. (1) (a) Except as
17provided in sub. (3) or in connection with the share of the surviving spouse who elects
18to take an elective share in deferred marital property under s. 861.02, a spouse who
19takes under s. 853.11 (2) or a child who takes under s. 853.25, shares of distributees
20abate, without any preference or priority as between real and personal property, in
21the following order:
AB645,65,2222 1. If the governing instrument is a will, property subject to intestacy.
AB645,65,2323 2. Residuary transfers or devises under the governing instrument.
AB645,65,2424 3. General transfers or devises under the governing instrument.
AB645,65,2525 4. Specific transfers or devises under the governing instrument.
1(b) For purposes of abatement, a general transfer or devise charged on any
2specific property or fund is a specific transfer to the extent of the value of the property
3on which it is charged, and upon the failure or insufficiency of the property on which
4it is charged, it is a general transfer to the extent of the failure or insufficiency.
AB645,66,7 5(2) (a) Abatement within each classification is in proportion to the amount of
6property that each of the beneficiaries would have received if full distribution of the
7property had been made in accordance with the terms of the governing instrument.
AB645,66,108 (b) If the subject of a preferred transfer is sold or used incident to
9administration of an estate, abatement shall be achieved by appropriate
10adjustments in, or contribution from, other interests in the remaining assets.
AB645,66,14 11(3) If the governing instrument expresses an order of abatement, or if the
12decedent's estate plan or the express or implied purpose of the transfer would be
13defeated by the order of abatement under sub. (1), the shares of the distributees
14abate as necessary to give effect to the intention of the transferor.
AB645,66,19 15854.19 Penalty clause for contest. A provision in a governing instrument
16that prescribes a penalty against an interested person for contesting the governing
17instrument or instituting other proceedings relating to the governing instrument
18may not be enforced if the court determines that the interested person had probable
19cause for instituting the proceedings.
AB645,66,20 20854.20 Status of adopted persons.
AB645,66,24 21(3) Sequential adoption. Subject to sub. (4), if an adoptive parent dies or his
22or her parental rights are terminated in a legal proceeding and the adopted child is
23subsequently adopted by another person, the former adoptive parent is considered
24to be a birth parent for purposes of this section.
1(4) Applicability. Subsections (1), (2) and (3) apply only if at least one of the
2following applies:
AB645,67,33 (a) The decedent or transferor is the adoptive parent or adopted child.
AB645,67,44 (b) The adopted person was a minor at the time of adoption.
AB645,67,65 (c) The adopted person was raised as a member of the household by the adoptive
6parent from the child's 15th birthday or before.
AB645,67,9 7(5) Contrary intent. This section does not apply if the transfer is made under
8a governing instrument and there is a finding of contrary intent of the person who
9executed the instrument. Extrinsic evidence may be used to construe that intent.
AB645,67,16 10854.21 Persons included in family groups or classes. (1) Adopted
(a) Except as provided in par. (b) or sub. (7), a gift of property by a governing
12instrument to a class of persons described as issue, lawful issue, children,
13grandchildren, descendants, heirs, heirs of the body, next of kin, distributees or the
14like includes a person adopted by a person whose birth child would be a member of
15the class, and issue of the adopted person, if the conditions for membership in the
16class are otherwise satisfied and any of the following applies:
AB645,67,1717 1. The transferor is the adoptive parent or adopted child.
AB645,67,1818 2. The adopted person was a minor at the time of adoption.
AB645,67,2019 3. The adopted person was raised as a member of the household by the adoptive
20parent from the child's 15th birthday or before.
AB645,67,2321 (b) Except as provided in sub. (7), a gift under par. (a) excludes a birth child and
22his or her issue otherwise within the class if the birth child has been adopted and
23would cease to be a child of the birth parent under s. 854.20 (2).
1(2) Individuals born to unmarried parents. (a) Subject to par. (b) and sub. (7),
2individuals born to unmarried parents are included in class gifts and other terms of
3relationship in accordance with s. 852.05.
AB645,68,94 (b) In addition to the requirements of par. (a) and subject to the provisions of
5sub. (7), in construing a disposition by a transferor who is not the birth parent, an
6individual born to unmarried parents is not considered to be the child of a birth
7parent unless that individual lived while a minor as a regular member of the
8household of that birth parent or of that birth parent's parent, brother, sister, spouse
9or surviving spouse.
AB645,68,12 10(3) Relatives by marriage. Subject to sub. (7), terms of family relationship in
11statutes or governing instruments that do not differentiate between relationships by
12blood and relationships by marriage are construed to exclude relatives by marriage.
AB645,68,16 13(4) Relatives of the half-blood. Subject to sub. (7), terms of family
14relationship in statutes or governing instruments that do not differentiate between
15relationships by the half-blood and relationships by the full-blood are construed to
16include both types of relationships.
AB645,68,22 17(5) Posthumous issue. Subject to sub. (7), if a statute or governing instrument
18transfers an interest to a group of persons described as a class, such as "issue",
19"children", "nephews and nieces" or any other class, a person conceived at the time
20the membership in the class is determined and subsequently born alive is entitled
21to take as a member of the class if that person otherwise satisfies the conditions for
22class membership and survives at least 120 hours past birth.
AB645,69,2 23(6) Person related through 2 lines. Subject to sub. (7), a person who is eligible
24to be a transferee under a statute or governing instrument through 2 lines of

1relationship is limited to one share, based on the relationship that entitles the person
2to the larger share.
AB645,69,6 3(7) Contrary intent. This section does not apply if the transfer is made under
4a governing instrument and there is a finding of contrary intent of the person who
5executed the governing instrument. Extrinsic evidence may be used to construe that
AB645,69,17 7854.22 Form of distribution for transfers to family groups or classes.
Interests in heirs, next of kin and the like. Subject to sub. (4), if a statute or
9governing instrument specifies that property is to be distributed to, or that a future
10interest is to be created in, a designated individual's "heirs", "heirs at law", "next of
11kin", "relatives", "family" or a term that has a similar meaning, the property passes
12to the persons, including the state, to whom it would pass and in the shares in which
13it would pass under the laws of intestacy of the designated individual's domicile, if
14the designated individual had died immediately before the transfer was to take effect
15in possession or enjoyment. If the designated individual's surviving spouse is living
16and remarried when the transfer is to take effect in possession or enjoyment, the
17surviving spouse is not an heir of the designated individual.
AB645,69,25 18(2) Transfers to descendants, issue and the like. Subject to sub. (4), if a
19statute or governing instrument creates a class gift in favor of a designated
20individual's "descendants", "issue" or "heirs of the body" but does not specify the
21manner in which the property is to be distributed among the class members, the
22property is distributed among the class members who are living when the interest
23is to take effect in possession or enjoyment in the shares that they would receive
24under the laws of intestacy of the designated individual's domicile, if the designated
25individual had then died owning the subject matter of the class gift.
1(3) Doctrine of worthier title abolished. The doctrine of worthier title is
2abolished as a rule of law and as a rule of construction. Language in a governing
3instrument describing the beneficiaries of a disposition as the transferor's "heirs",
4"heirs at law", "next of kin", "distributees", "relatives" or "family", or a term that has
5a similar meaning, does not create or presumptively create a reversionary interest
6in the transferor.
AB645,70,10 7(4) Contrary intent. This section does not apply if the transfer is made under
8a governing instrument and there is a finding of contrary intent of the person who
9executed the governing instrument. Extrinsic evidence may be used to construe that
AB645,70,19 11854.23 Protection of payers and other 3rd parties. (1) Liability depends
12on notice.
(a) A payer or other 3rd party is not liable for having transferred property
13to a beneficiary designated in a governing instrument who, under this chapter, is not
14entitled to the property, or for having taken any other action in good faith reliance
15on the beneficiary's apparent entitlement under the terms of the governing
16instrument, before the payer or other 3rd party received written notice of a claimed
17lack of entitlement under this chapter. However, a payer or other 3rd party is liable
18for a payment made or other action taken after the payer or other 3rd party received
19written notice of a claimed lack of entitlement under this chapter.
AB645,70,2520 (b) Severance of a joint interest under the provisions of this chapter does not
21affect any 3rd-party interest in property acquired for value and in good faith reliance
22on an apparent title by survivorship, unless a document declaring the severance has
23been noted, registered, filed or recorded in records appropriate to the kind and
24location of the property that are relied upon, in the ordinary course of transactions
25involving such property, as evidence of ownership.
1(2) Manner of notice. A claimant shall mail written notice of a claimed lack
2of entitlement under sub. (1) to the 3rd party's main office or home by registered or
3certified mail, return receipt requested, or serve the claim upon the 3rd party in the
4same manner as a summons in a civil action.
AB645,71,12 5(3) Deposit of property with court. (a) Upon receipt of written notice of a
6claimed lack of entitlement under this chapter, a 3rd party may transfer property
7held by it to the court having jurisdiction of the probate proceedings relating to the
8decedent's estate. If no proceedings have been commenced, the transfer may be made
9to the court having jurisdiction of probate proceedings relating to decedents' estates
10located in the county of the decedent's residence. The court shall hold the property
11and, upon its determination of the owner, shall order disbursement in accordance
12with the determination.
AB645,71,1413 (b) Property transferred to the court discharges the 3rd party from all claims
14for the property.
AB645,71,19 15854.24 Protection of buyers. A person who purchases property for value or
16who receives property in partial or full satisfaction of a legally enforceable obligation
17is neither obligated under this chapter to return the property nor liable under this
18chapter for the value of the property, unless the person has notice as described in s.
19854.23 (2).
AB645,71,25 20854.25 Personal liability of recipients not for value. (1) Original
A person who, not for value, receives property to which the person is not
22entitled under this chapter shall return the property. If the property is not returned,
23the recipient shall be personally liable for the value of the property to the person who
24is entitled to it under this chapter, regardless of whether the recipient has the
25property or its proceeds.
1(2) Subsequent recipients. (a) If a recipient described in sub. (1) gives all or
2part of the property described in sub. (1) to a subsequent recipient, not for value, the
3subsequent recipient shall return the property. If the property is not returned, the
4subsequent recipient shall be personally liable to the person who is entitled to it
5under this chapter for the value received, if the subsequent recipient has the
6property, its proceeds or property acquired with the property or its proceeds.
AB645,72,117 (b) If the subsequent recipient described in par. (a) does not have the transfer
8described, its proceeds or the property acquired with the property or its proceeds, but
9knew or should have known of his or her liability under this section, the subsequent
10recipient remains personally liable to the person who is entitled to it under this
11chapter for the value received.
AB645,72,15 12(3) Mode of satisfaction. On petition of the person entitled to the property
13under this chapter showing that the mode of satisfaction chosen by the recipient in
14sub. (1) or (2) will create a hardship for the entitled person, the court may order that
15a different mode of satisfaction be used.
AB645,72,21 16854.26 Effect of federal preemption. If any provision in this chapter is
17preempted by federal law with respect to property covered by this chapter, a person
18who receives property, other than for full consideration, which the person is not
19entitled to receive under this chapter shall return the property or be personally liable
20for the value of the property to the person who would have been entitled to it were
21the provision not preempted.
AB645, s. 169 22Section 169. 856.05 (5) of the statutes is created to read:
AB645,72,2523 856.05 (5) Applicability of section. This section applies to wills, codicils,
24documents incorporated by reference under s. 853.32 (1) or (2) and information
25needed for proof of a lost will under s. 856.17.
AB645, s. 170
1Section 170. 856.16 of the statutes is created to read:
AB645,73,3 2856.16 Self-proved will. A self-proving acknowledgment and affidavit
3included in a will are governed by s. 853.04.
AB645, s. 171 4Section 171. 857.01 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB645,73,22 5857.01 Ownership in personal representative; management and
Upon his or her letters being issued by the court, the personal
7representative succeeds to the interest of the decedent in all property of the decedent.
8The personal representative or surviving spouse may petition the court for an order
9determining the classification of property under ch. 766, and for other equitable
10relief necessary for management and control of the marital property during the
11administration of the estate. The court may make any decree under ch. 766,
12including a decree that the property be titled in accordance with its classification, to
13assist the personal representative or surviving spouse in managing and controlling
14the marital property and the decedent's property other than marital property during
15administration of the estate. During administration, the management and control
16rules under s. 766.51 apply to the property of a decedent spouse which is subject to
17administration and to the property of the surviving spouse. With regard to property
18subject to the election of the surviving spouse under s. 861.02 (1), the personal
19representative may manage and control the property while the property is subject
20to administration. The personal representative shall determine when, during
21administration, property shall be distributed to satisfy an election under s. 861.02
AB645, s. 172 23Section 172. 857.015 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB645,74,11 24857.015 Management and control of certain business property by
25holding spouse.
A spouse who holds property described under s. 766.70 (3) (a), (b)

1or (d) which is not also held by the other spouse may direct in a will or other signed
2writing that the marital property interest of the nonholding spouse in such property
3and the election under s. 861.02 (1) against such property be satisfied as provided
4under ss. s. 861.015 and 861.02 (2). The holding spouse shall identify in a will or
5other signed writing the property described under s. 766.70 (3) (a), (b) or (d) to which
6the directive applies. The signature of the holding spouse on a directive other than
7a will shall be acknowledged, attested or witnessed under s. 706.07. The estate of
8the holding spouse may not execute a directive under this section. If at the death of
9a spouse the surviving spouse is the holding spouse, the surviving spouse may
10execute a directive under this section if executed within 90 days after the decedent
11spouse's death.
AB645, s. 173 12Section 173. 858.01 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB645,74,13 13858.01 (title) Personal representative files; presumptions.
AB645, s. 174 14Section 174. 858.01 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 858.01.
AB645, s. 175 15Section 175. 858.01 (2) of the statutes is repealed.
AB645, s. 176 16Section 176. 859.40 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB645,75,3 17859.40 Creditor's action for property not inventoried. Whenever there
18is reason to believe that the estate of a decedent as set forth in the inventory may be
19insufficient to pay the decedent's debts, a creditor whose claim has been allowed may,
20on behalf of all, bring an action to reach and subject to sale any property or interest
not included in the inventory, which is liable for the payment of debts. The
22creditor's action shall not be brought to trial until the insufficiency of the estate in
23the hands of the personal representative is ascertained; if found likely that the assets
24may be insufficient, the action shall be brought to trial. If the action is tried, any
25property or interest therein which ought to be subjected to the payment of the debts

1of the decedent shall be sold in the action and the net proceeds used to pay such debts
2and to reimburse the creditor for the reasonable expenses and attorney fees incurred
3by the creditor in the action as approved by the court.
AB645, s. 177 4Section 177. 859.41 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB645,75,18 5859.41 Creditor's action for property fraudulently sold by decedent.
6Whenever there is reason to believe that the estate of a decedent as set forth in the
7inventory may be insufficient to pay the decedent's debts, and the decedent conveyed
8any property or any interest therein with intent to defraud the decedent's creditors
9or to avoid any duty, or executed conveyances void as against creditors, any creditor
10whose claim has been allowed may, on behalf of all, bring an action to reach any
and subject it to sale any property or interest therein. The creditor's action
12shall not be brought to trial until the insufficiency of the estate in the hands of the
13personal representative is ascertained; if found likely that the assets may be
14insufficient, the action shall be brought to trial. If the action is tried any property
15or interest therein which ought to be subjected to the payment of the debts of the
16decedent shall be sold in the action and the net proceeds used to pay such debts and
17to reimburse the creditor for the reasonable expenses and attorney fees incurred by
18the creditor in such action as approved by the court.
AB645, s. 178 19Section 178. 861.015 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB645,76,220 861.015 (1) If following the death of a spouse property is subject to a directive
21under s. 857.015, the marital property interest of the nonholding spouse in the
22property shall be satisfied within one year after the decedent spouse's death from
23other property which is of equal clear market value at the time of satisfaction. Except
24as provided under sub. (3), if the interests of the nonholding spouse under this section
25and s. 861.02 (2) are not satisfied within one year after the decedent spouse's death,

1this section does not apply and the nonholding spouse's marital property interest in
2the property subject to the directive continues as if the directive had not been made.
AB645, s. 179 3Section 179. 861.015 (3) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB645,76,74 861.015 (3) (intro.)  If the interests of the nonholding spouse under this section
5and s. 861.02 (2) are not satisfied within one year after the decedent spouse's death
6because the clear market value of the property subject to the directive has not been
7determined, the court having jurisdiction of the decedent spouse's estate shall:
AB645, s. 180 8Section 180. Subchapter II (title) of chapter 861 [precedes 861.018] of the
9statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
AB645,76,1010 Chapter 861
AB645,76,1311 Subchapter II
12 Elective share in
13 deferred marital property
AB645, s. 181 14Section 181. 861.018 of the statutes is created to read:
AB645,76,15 15861.018 Definitions. In this subchapter:
AB645,76,17 16(1) "Augmented deferred marital property estate" means the property under
17s. 861.02 (2).
AB645,76,21 18(2) "Deferred individual property" means any property that is not classified by
19ch. 766, that was brought to the marriage or acquired while the spouses were married
20and that would have been classified as individual property under ch. 766 if it had
21been acquired when ch. 766 applied.
AB645,77,2 22(3) "Nonadverse party" means a person who has a power relating to a trust or
23other property arrangement but who does not have a substantial beneficial interest
24that would be adversely affected by exercise or nonexercise of that power, except that

1"nonadverse party" does not include a person who has a general power of
2appointment over property, with respect to that property.