Following this material, the remaining nonstatutory material is displayed in
this order:
9101 to 9156: Nonstatutory provisions; entity name.
9201 to 9256: Appropriation changes; entity name.
9301 to 9356: Initial applicability; entity name.
9400 to 9456: Effective dates; entity name.
In each of the 4 categories, there is a separate Section number for every entity.
In that number, the last 2 digits correspond to the entities as shown below. For
example, for miscellaneous nonstatutory provisions affecting the historical society,
see Section 9124. The entities are listed in alphabetical sequence by key word, but
for any entity not yet assigned a 2-digit identification number, see number "56"
(other) in each category.

01 Administration
02 Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention and Pregnancy Services Board
03 Aging and Long-Term Care Board
04 Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
05 Arts Board
06 Boundary Area Commission, Minnesota-Wisconsin
07 Building Commission
08 Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board
09 Circuit Courts
10 Commerce
11 Corrections
12 Court of Appeals
13 Educational Communications Board
14 Elections Board
15 Employe Trust Funds
16 Employment Relations Commission
17 Employment Relations Department
18 Ethics Board
19 Financial Institutions
20 Governor
21 Health and Educational Facilities Authority
22 Health and Family Services
23 Higher educational aids board
24 Historical Society
25 Housing and Economic Development Authority
26 Insurance
27 Investment Board
28 Joint Committee on Finance
29 Judicial Commission
30 Justice
31 Legislature
32 Lieutenant Governor
33 Lower Wisconsin State Riverway Board
34 Medical College of Wisconsin
35 Military Affairs
36 Natural Resources
37 Personnel Commission
38 Public Defender Board
39 Public Instruction
40 Public Service Commission
41 Regulation and Licensing
42 Revenue
43 Secretary of State
44 State Fair Park Board
45 Supreme Court

46 Technical College System
47 Tourism
48 Transportation
49 Treasurer
50 University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority
51 University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Board
52 University of Wisconsin System
53 Veterans Affairs
54 World Dairy Center Authority
55 Workforce Development
56 Other
— — — — — —  — — — — — —  — — — — — 
Commerce and economic development
Buildings and safety
Under current law, the department of workforce development (DWD)
administers the fair housing law. This bill transfers from DWD to the department
of commerce the responsibility for administering that portion of the fair housing law
that requires certain multifamily housing to be designed and constructed so as to be
accessible to persons with disabilities. Specifically, under the bill, the responsibility
for setting accessibility standards, for reviewing plans and specifications for
proposed covered multifamily housing and for granting variances from those
standards is transferred to the department of commerce. The responsibility for
receiving, investigating and hearing complaints charging that there has been a
violation of those accessibility standards, however, remains with DWD.
Economic development
This bill authorizes the department of commerce to make a grant to a
consortium consisting of a business and a higher educational institution in Eau
Claire County for establishing a distance education center for technology and
engineering instruction.
The bill also authorizes the department of commerce to award grants for
capitalization of revolving loan funds for local and regional economic development
and to make loans for specific projects consisting of the renovation or construction
of buildings, or the purchase of land, buildings, machinery or equipment, for the
purpose of fostering economic development in an area.
In general, a recipient of a grant or loan must submit a plan detailing the
proposed use of the grant or loan, enter into a written agreement that specifies the
conditions for the use of the funds and agree to submit a report on the use of the funds
after they have been spent. A loan recipient must contribute matching funds for at
least 25% of the project cost.
Current law authorizes the department of commerce to award grants to
businesses in rural municipalities for the start-up, modernization or expansion of

a dairy farm or other agricultural business. Grants are limited to no more than
$200,000 in the aggregate in a fiscal year. This bill changes the maximum aggregate
amount for those grants to $500,000 in a fiscal year.
Current law directs the business development assistance center in the
department of commerce to act as an ombudsman for brownfields redevelopment
projects and to assist the department of commerce in administering the brownfields
grant program. (Brownfields are abandoned or idle industrial or commercial
facilities or sites that are not expanded or redeveloped because of actual or perceived
environmental contamination.) Current law contains an appropriation under which
moneys from the petroleum inspection fund are to be used for activities of and staff
for the business development assistance center in the department of commerce. This
bill changes the purpose of that appropriation to administration of brownfields
redevelopment activities.
Correctional system
Current law requires the department of corrections (DOC) to establish fees for
juvenile correctional services provided by DOC. Current law also requires the
department of health and family services (DHFS) to include DOC's fees in DHFS'
uniform system of fees and to collect the fees owed to DOC. This bill requires DOC
to establish its own uniform system of fees and to collect the fees owed to DOC for
the juvenile correctional services provided by DOC.
Courts and procedure
Circuit courts
Under current law, the county of venue (the county in which a proceeding before
the court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under the children's code and the juvenile
justice code (juvenile court) takes place) must pay reasonable compensation to a
guardian ad litem (GAL) appointed for a child in such a proceeding. This bill permits
the juvenile court to order the child's parents to pay all or any part of that
compensation and to pay the fee for any expert witness used by the GAL. Under the
bill, if one or both of the child's parents are indigent, or if the juvenile court
determines that it would be unfair to require a parent to pay, the juvenile court may
order the county of venue to pay the GAL's compensation and the fees of any expert
witness, in whole or in part. If the juvenile court orders the county of venue to pay
because a parent is indigent, the juvenile court may order the parents to reimburse
the county, in whole or in part, for the payment.
Under current law, the chief justice of the supreme court may appoint certain
persons to serve as temporary reserve judges, including persons who have been
supreme court justices, court of appeals judges or circuit judges. Temporary reserve
judges perform judicial duties on a day-to-day basis as the chief justice directs.
Currently, a temporary reserve judge receives a per diem payment for his or her
services of $243.49, which is based on a per diem payment of $225 in 1993 increased

by the same percentage increase as the total percentage increase in circuit judges'
salaries authorized during each 12-month period ending on August 1.
Under this bill, the per diem payment for a temporary reserve judge is $255.66
until August 1, 1998, when the per diem payment is increased by the percentage
increase authorized for circuit judges' salaries.
This bill provides immunity from civil liability for any governmental unit or
public official, employe or agent for any act or omission committed in reliance upon
a written opinion of the attorney general. The opinion may relate to any subject. The
bill does not specify whether the opinion must be published.