AB838,7,223 (i) "Transition area jurisdiction" means the unincorporated area within 3 miles
24of the corporate limits of a 1st, 2nd or 3rd class city, or within 1.5 miles of a 4th class
25city or a village. If transition area jurisdictions overlap, the transition area of each

1city or village shall be determined by dividing the overlapping area on a line all
2points of which are equidistant from the boundaries of each city or village.
AB838,7,13 3(2) Areas where residential development prohibited. Residential
4development may not occur in a town outside of a residential transition area, except
5that residential development may occur on a lot that, on the effective date of this
6subsection .... [revisor inserts date], is included in a preliminary or final subdivision
7plat that has been submitted for approval under s. 236.11 or in a subdivision plat that
8has been recorded under s. 236.25 if the residential development is permitted by a
9zoning ordinance that is in effect on the effective date of this subsection .... [revisor
10inserts date], or if no zoning ordinance applies to the lot. This subsection does not
11prevent the enactment of a zoning ordinance on or after the effective date of this
12subsection .... [revisor inserts date], that prevents or regulates residential
13development on the lot, subject to sub. (13).
AB838,7,20 14(3) Annexation limitations. (a) After the effective date of this paragraph ....
15[revisor inserts date], no city or village may annex any town territory under s. 66.021,
1666.024 or 66.025 unless the town board of a town from which territory is proposed
17to be annexed adopts a plan under this section and the governing body of the city or
18village agrees to the plan under sub. (10). If the governing body of the city or village
19agrees to the town plan under sub. (10), annexation and other boundary changes are
20subject to sub. (18).
AB838,7,2421 (b) If the governing body of a city or village agrees to a town plan under sub.
22(10) and department approval of the plan is necessary under sub. (14), the
23prohibition on annexation under par. (a) continues until the department approves or
24disapproves the plan.
1(4) Procedure for adopting town plan. (a) Authorizing resolution. Before
2preparing a town plan under this section, a town shall adopt a resolution authorizing
3the preparation of the plan. Notice of the resolution shall be given in writing, within
45 days after the resolution is adopted, to all of the following:
AB838,8,75 1. The department of administration, the department of agriculture, trade and
6consumer protection, the department of natural resources and the department of
AB838,8,108 2. The clerks of any city, village, town, school district, technical college district,
9sewerage district or sanitary district which has any part of its territory within 5 miles
10of the town.
AB838,8,1111 3. The clerk of the county in which the town is located.
AB838,8,1312 4. Any county zoning agency under s. 59.69 (2) or regional planning commission
13whose jurisdiction includes the town.
AB838,8,1714 (b) Public hearing. At least 120 days after adoption of the resolution under par.
15(a), the town shall hold a public hearing on the proposed plan. Notice of the hearing
16shall be given by class 3 notice under ch. 985. Notice of the hearing may not be given
17until the proposed plan is available for public inspection.
AB838,9,618 (c) Comment on plan. Any person may comment on the plan during the hearing
19and may submit written comments before, at or within 20 days following the hearing.
20All comments shall be considered by the town. Any county zoning agency under s.
2159.69 (2) or regional planning commission whose jurisdiction includes the town shall
22comment in writing on the plan's effect on the master plan adopted by the regional
23planning commission under s. 66.945 (9), or development plan adopted by the county
24board or county planning agency under s. 59.69 (3), and on the delivery of municipal
25services, and may comment on any other aspect of the plan. Any county in the

1regional planning commission's jurisdiction may submit comments on the effect of
2the plan on the master plan adopted under s. 66.945 (9) and on the delivery of county
3services or on any other matter related to the plan. If agreement to a town plan is
4required by the governing body of a city or village under sub. (8) (b) or (9) (a) 2. before
5the plan may take effect, that city or village shall comment in writing on the plan's
6effect on the city's or village's master plan, adopted under s. 62.23 (3).
AB838,9,107 (d) Adoption of final plan. After the public hearing under par. (b) and
8consideration of comments made on the proposed town plan, the town board may
9revise the plan in response to the comments and may, by resolution, adopt a final
10version of the plan.
AB838,9,14 11(5) Required elements of town plans. Unless an element is incompatible with
12or inapplicable to the plan and the reasons for the incompatibility or inapplicability
13are stated as required under sub. (6), a town plan prepared under this section shall
14contain all of the following:
AB838,9,2015 (a) A statement of objectives, policies and programs of the town to guide the
16future growth and development of land, public services and facilities and to protect
17the environment. The statement shall include identification of any existing land use
18plan or comprehensive plan, required or voluntary, being utilized by the town and
19an explanation of how the town plan is consistent, or inconsistent with the existing
20land use plan or comprehension plan.
AB838,9,2421 (b) A statement of how the town plan is consistent with the goals under sub.
22(7). If a goal under sub. (7) is, in whole or in part, incompatible with or inapplicable
23to the plan, the plan shall identify the incompatible or inapplicable goal and state the
24reasons for the incompatibility or inapplicability.
1(c) A land use element, designating the proposed general distribution, general
2location and interrelationship of land use for residential, commercial, industrial,
3open space, vacant space and vacant facilities, recreational facilities, agriculture,
4forestry and other categories of public and private uses of land. The land use element
5shall include a map, indicating the current and proposed general land use and
6indicating the residential transition area of any unincorporated area covered by the
7plan. The land use element shall include the present and prospective location,
8amount, intensity and character of land uses, the present and prospective population
9densities and the appropriate timing or sequence of land development activities in
10relation to the provision of necessary community facilities and services.
AB838,10,1611 (d) A transportation element, consisting of a map and statement of present and
12prospective transportation facilities and the capacity of such facilities, showing
13existing and proposed highways and streets by type and, where applicable, parking
14facilities, transit routes, terminals, bicycle paths and trails and other recreational
15trails, scenic roads, airports, railroads and port facilities, and other similar facilities
16or uses, with indications of priority of need.
AB838,10,2517 (e) A utility and facility element, consisting of a map and statement of present
18and prospective community facilities and public utilities and the capacity of such
19facilities and utilities, showing existing and proposed educational, recreational and
20other public sites, buildings and facilities, including hospitals, libraries,
21power-generating plants and transmission lines, water supply, sewage disposal,
22refuse disposal, storm drainage, recycling and other similar facilities and activities,
23and recommendations to meet the town's future needs for facilities and services, with
24indications of priority of need, cost and method of financing the expansion or creation
25of such facilities, services and utilities.
1(f) An implementation element that specifies the term of the planning period
2and the plan, and that defines and schedules, for the term of the plan, the specific
3public actions to be undertaken in order to achieve the goals and objectives of the
AB838,11,75 (g) A boundary element which shall, concerning any common boundary
6between the town and city, village or other town that is covered by the plan, do all
7of the following:
AB838,11,98 1. Identify any boundary change and any existing boundary that may not be
9changed during the planning period.
AB838,11,1110 2. Identify any conditions that must be met before a boundary change may
AB838,11,1312 3. Designate the party to the plan that is required to ratify any boundary
13changes by enacting an ordinance under sub. (19).
AB838,11,17 14(6) Exception to required plan elements. If a plan element required under
15sub. (5) is, in whole or in part, inapplicable to or incompatible with a town plan, the
16plan shall identify the inapplicable or incompatible element and state the reasons
17for the inapplicability or incompatibility.
AB838,11,21 18(7) Goals of town plans. Unless a goal is incompatible with or inapplicable
19to the plan and the reasons for the incompatibility or inapplicability are stated as
20required under sub. (5) (b), a town plan prepared under this section shall address in
21writing the following goals:
AB838,11,2422 (a) Settlement pattern goal. To plan development that results in a settlement
23pattern of compact urban areas separated by rural countryside or undeveloped open
24space. To achieve this goal:
AB838,11,2525 1. Plans should clearly delineate between urban and rural areas.
12. Residential and commercial development should occur primarily in compact
2urban areas, and strip development which intrudes in rural countryside or open
3space, and other development which contributes to urban sprawl, should be
4discouraged. When possible, existing territory within an urban area should be
5developed before new territory on the edge of an urban area is developed.
AB838,12,86 3. Public investments, including the construction of new or modification of
7existing infrastructure, should reinforce the general character and planned growth
8patterns of the area.
AB838,12,119 4. Economic growth, consistent with public infrastructure plans, should occur
10primarily within existing urban areas and secondarily in other growth areas as
11specified in the town plan.
AB838,12,1312 (b) Quality of resources goal. To maintain and improve the quality of wildlife
13and land resources.
AB838,12,1514 (c) Recreation goal. To maintain and enhance recreational opportunities for
15residents of this state and visitors to this state. To achieve this goal:
AB838,12,1716 1. Growth should not significantly diminish the value and availability of
17outdoor recreational activities.
AB838,12,2018 2. Public access to noncommercial outdoor recreational opportunities, such as
19lakes and hiking trails, should be identified, provided and protected wherever
AB838,12,2221 (d) Housing goal. To ensure the availability of safe and affordable housing for
22residents of the state. To achieve this goal:
AB838,12,2523 1. Housing should be encouraged to meet the needs of diverse social and income
24groups in each town, particularly for those residents who have low or moderate
25income and to avoid segregation of income groups.
12. New and rehabilitated housing should be safe, sanitary, located conveniently
2to employment and commercial centers and coordinated with the provision of
3necessary public facilities and utilities.
AB838,13,74 3. Sites for multifamily and manufactured housing should be readily available
5in locations with similar access to employment and commercial centers and similar
6amenities as the locations for single-family conventional dwellings in the same
AB838,13,108 (e) Public services and utilities goal. To plan for, finance and provide an
9efficient system of public facilities and services to meet future needs. To achieve this
AB838,13,1411 1. Public facilities and services should meet all of the needs of the community,
12including fire and police protection, emergency medical services, schools, water
13supply and distribution, sanitary sewer systems, solid waste disposal, storm water
14management and erosion control systems.
AB838,13,1615 2. The rate of growth should not exceed the ability of the community and the
16area to provide facilities and services.
AB838,13,20 17(8) Establishment of residential transition areas proximate to a city or
If a town has a common boundary with a city or village, the town may
19establish a residential transition area within the town's transition area jurisdiction
20if all of the following apply:
AB838,13,2121 (a) The town board adopts a town plan under this section.
AB838,13,2222 (b) The city or village agrees to the town plan under sub. (10).
AB838,13,2323 (c) If necessary, the department approves the plan under sub. (14).
AB838,14,2 24(9) Establishment of other residential transition areas. (a) If a town has
25a common boundary with a city or village, the town may establish a residential

1transition area within the town that is outside of the town's transition area
2jurisdiction if all of the following apply:
AB838,14,33 1. The town board adopts a town plan under this section.
AB838,14,44 2. The city or village agrees to the town plan under sub. (10).
AB838,14,65 3. Any other town with which the town has a common boundary agrees to the
6town plan under sub. (11).
AB838,14,77 4. If necessary, the department approves the plan under sub. (14).
AB838,14,108 (b) If a town does not have a common boundary with a city or village, the town
9may establish a residential transition area within the town if the town adopts a town
10plan under this section.
AB838,14,18 11(10) Agreement to town plan by adjoining city or village. (a) If a town board
12adopts a town plan under sub. (8) (a) or (9) (a) 1. the city or village with the common
13boundary, by resolution, shall agree to or object to the plan within 45 days after the
14town adopts the plan, unless the 45-day period is extended by the town. A copy of
15the resolution shall be sent to the clerk of the county in which the town that adopted
16the plan is located. Failure of a city or village to agree to or object to a town plan
17within the 45-day or extended period constitutes agreement to the plan and has the
18same effect as adoption of a resolution by the city or village agreeing to the plan.
AB838,15,919 (b) 1. If the city or village objects to the town plan and the parties are unable
20to reach agreement on the town's plan, the mediation committee under subd. 2. shall
21resolve the dispute if the governing body of the town or of the city or village adopts,
22and sends a copy to the committee, a resolution requesting that the committee settle
23the dispute and sends a copy of the resolution to the clerk of the other unit of
24government that is a party to the dispute. Both parties to the dispute shall submit
25written documents to the committee, in a form specified by the committee, that

1describe their position on what provisions the town plan should contain. The
2documents shall be submitted to the committee within 60 days after the adoption of
3a resolution requesting that the committee settle the dispute. Within 60 days after
4receipt of the written documents, the committee shall issue a written decision that
5determines the provisions of the town plan. The committee's decision shall be
6considered to be an agreement between the parties on the town plan, except that the
7committee's decision may be appealed by either party to the land use board under
8par. (c). Under the land use board's review, the committee's decision may be affirmed,
9modified or vacated.
AB838,15,1710 2. Unless a mediation committee has been created under sub. (11), the
11mediation committee shall consist of 5 members, who are appointed by the county
12executive of the county in which the town is located or, if the county does not have
13an executive, by the chair of the county board. Three members of the committee
14constitute a quorum, and the affirmative votes of 3 members are needed to take
15action on any issue that is before the committee. All appointees shall be confirmed
16by the county board. All appointees serve at the pleasure of the appointing authority.
17The members of the committee shall consist of the following:
AB838,15,1818 a. One person who is a town chair.
AB838,15,1919 b. One person who is a mayor or city manager.
AB838,15,2020 c. One person who is a realtor or a developer.
AB838,15,2121 d. One person who is a superintendent of schools.
AB838,15,2222 e. One person who is a county or regional planner.
AB838,16,1223 (c) If one of the parties under par. (b) objects to the mediation committee's
24decision, the land use board under s. 16.965 shall resolve the dispute if the governing
25body of the town or of the city or village adopts, and sends a copy to the board, a

1resolution requesting that the board settle the dispute and sends a copy of the
2resolution to the clerk of the other unit of government that is a party to the dispute.
3Both parties to the dispute shall submit written documents to the board, in a form
4specified by the board, that describe their position on what provisions the town plan
5should contain. The documents shall be submitted to the board within 60 days after
6the adoption of a resolution requesting that the board settle the dispute. Within 60
7days after receipt of the written documents, the board shall issue a written decision
8that determines the provisions of the town plan. The board's decision shall be
9considered to be an agreement between the parties on the town plan, except that the
10board's decision is subject to judicial review under ch. 227. Under the judicial review,
11the board's decision may be affirmed, modified or vacated. If the board's decision is
12vacated, no agreement between the parties exists.
AB838,16,21 13(11) Agreement to town plan by adjoining town. (a) If a town board adopts
14a town plan under sub. (9) (a) 1. and another town has a common boundary with the
15town, the other town, by resolution, shall agree to or object to the plan within 45 days
16after the plan is adopted, unless the 45-day period is extended by the town that has
17adopted the plan. A copy of the resolution shall be sent to the clerk of the county in
18which the town that adopted the plan is located. Failure of a town to agree to or object
19to a town plan within the 45-day or extended period constitutes agreement to the
20plan and has the same effect as adoption of a resolution by the town agreeing to the
AB838,17,1222 (b) 1. If a town that has a common boundary with a town that adopts a plan
23under sub. (9) (a) 1. objects to the town plan and the parties are unable to reach
24agreement on the town's plan, the mediation committee under subd. 2. shall resolve
25the dispute if the governing body of one of the towns adopts, and sends a copy to the

1committee, a resolution requesting that the committee settle the dispute and sends
2a copy of the resolution to the clerk of the other town that is a party to the dispute.
3Both parties to the dispute shall submit written documents to the committee, in a
4form specified by the committee, that describe their position on what provisions the
5town plan should contain. The documents shall be submitted to the committee
6within 60 days after the adoption of a resolution requesting that the committee settle
7the dispute. Within 60 days after receipt of the written documents, the committee
8shall issue a written decision that determines the provisions of the town plan. The
9committee's decision shall be considered to be an agreement between the parties on
10the town plan, except that the committee's decision may be appealed by either party
11to the land use board under par. (c). Under the land use board's review, the
12committee's decision may be affirmed, modified or vacated.
AB838,17,2113 2. Unless a mediation committee has been created under sub. (10), the
14mediation committee shall consist of 5 members, who are appointed by the county
15executive of the county in which the town that has adopted the plan is located or, if
16the county does not have an executive, by the chair of the county board. Three
17members of the committee constitute a quorum, and the affirmative votes of 3
18members are needed to take action on any issue that is before the committee. All
19appointees shall be confirmed by the county board. All appointees serve at the
20pleasure of the appointing authority. The members of the committee shall consist of
21the following:
AB838,17,2222 a. One person who is a town chair.
AB838,17,2323 b. One person who is a mayor or city manager.
AB838,17,2424 c. One person who is a realtor or a developer.
AB838,17,2525 d. One person who is a superintendent of schools.
1e. One person who is a county or regional planner.
AB838,18,162 (c) If one of the parties under par. (b) objects to the mediation committee's
3decision, the land use board under s. 16.965 shall resolve the dispute if the governing
4body of one of the towns adopts, and sends a copy to the board, a resolution requesting
5that the board settle the dispute and sends a copy of the resolution to the clerk of the
6other town that is a party to the dispute. Both parties to the dispute shall submit
7written documents to the board, in a form specified by the board, that describe their
8position on what provisions the town plan should contain. The documents shall be
9submitted to the board within 60 days after the adoption of a resolution requesting
10that the board settle the dispute. Within 60 days after receipt of the written
11documents, the board shall issue a written decision that determines the provisions
12of the town plan. The board's decision shall be considered to be an agreement
13between the parties on the town plan, except that the board's decision is subject to
14judicial review under ch. 227. Under the judicial review, the board's decision may
15be affirmed, modified or vacated. If the board's decision is vacated, no agreement
16between the parties exists.
AB838,19,2 17(12) Binding elements; scope of town plan. (a) The boundary element of a
18town plan under sub. (5) (g) and the designation of a residential transition area in
19a town plan under sub. (5) (c) are binding during the term of the plan on the town and
20the governing body of any city, village or town that has agreed to the plan under sub.
21(10) or (11). The town plan shall specify which, if any, other elements of the plan have
22been agreed to by a city, village or town, whether such elements will be binding and
23on whom they will be binding. The elements of a town plan that are binding have
24the force and effect of a contract and may be enforced by this state or by any city,
25village or town whose agreement to the plan was required under sub. (8) (b) or (9) (a)

12. or 3. Unless a city or village agrees to do so, no town plan may require a city or
2village to provide or extend public services or make public improvements.
AB838,19,63 (b) The territorial scope of a town plan is determined by the plan. The
4territorial scope of a town plan shall include at a minimum the area designated by
5the plan as a residential transition area. The territorial scope of a town plan may
6include areas within the town that are outside of the residential transition area.
AB838,19,127 (13) Implementation of town plan by zoning. (a) No residential development
8may commence in a residential transition area until a zoning ordinance, that is
9consistent with the town plan that designates the residential transition area, is in
10effect. The zoning ordinance shall apply to the territory that is included in the town
11plan. Subject to par. (b), the zoning may be enacted by any municipality or county
12that has zoning jurisdiction over the territory that is included in the town plan.
AB838,20,313 (b) A town may enact a zoning ordinance under s. 60.61 or, notwithstanding s.
1460.22 (3), under s. 62.23 for the town territory included in a town plan. The exercise
15of zoning authority by a town under this paragraph is not subject to s. 60.10 (2) (c)
16and (h), 60.61 (3) or 60.62 (3). If a zoning ordinance of another jurisdiction applies
17to town territory that is included in a town plan, that ordinance continues until a
18zoning ordinance is enacted under this paragraph, except that if a residential
19development has commenced in a town in an area that is subject to a zoning
20ordinance of another jurisdiction before a town enacts a zoning ordinance under this
21paragraph and the residential development has received zoning approval from that
22jurisdiction, the residential development may continue after the town enacts a
23zoning ordinance under this paragraph if, at the time the residential development
24commenced, the lot on which the development commenced is included in a
25preliminary or final subdivision plat that has been submitted for approval under s.

1236.11 or in a subdivision plat that has been recorded under s. 236.25. This
2subsection does not affect zoning ordinances enacted under s. 59.692, 87.30 or 91.71
3to 91.78 or ordinances enacted under s. 114.136 (1).
AB838,20,54 (c) A town may contract for planning and enforcement of the zoning required
5under this subsection.
AB838,20,12 6(14) Department review and approval of certain plans. (a) If a town located
7in a county having a population of 50,000 or more adopts a town plan and the town
8plan is agreed to under sub. (8) (b) or (9) (a) 2. and 3., any elector of the town adopting
9the plan or of a city or village agreeing to the plan may, within 30 days after the plan
10is adopted or, if agreement is required before the plan may take effect, within 30 days
11after the plan is agreed to or is considered to have been agreed to, request in writing
12that the department review and approve the plan.
AB838,20,2213 (b) If a request is made under par. (a), the department shall request the town
14to submit the plan for review and within 10 days after receiving the department's
15request, the town shall submit the plan. After receiving the plan, the department
16shall notify immediately the person who requested the review. The department shall
17approve the plan within 60 days after submittal if the plan complies with sub. (5) and
18is consistent with the goals under sub. (7), to the extent the goals are compatible with
19and relevant to the plan. The department shall issue its determination whether to
20approve the town plan in writing. Notwithstanding s. 227.42, a request for review
21of a plan under par. (a) may not be treated as a contested case, as defined in s. 227.01
22(3), for purposes of ch. 227.
AB838,21,423 (c) Any person may request a public hearing before the department on a town
24plan submitted to the department for approval. A request for a public hearing shall
25be in writing and shall be submitted to the department within 20 days after a review

1has been requested. If requested, the department shall hold a public hearing on the
2plan in the town that adopted the plan. If requested to hold a public hearing, the
3department is required to hold only one hearing, regardless of the number of requests
4for a hearing.
AB838,21,75 (d) If a request under par. (a) is made for department approval of a town plan,
6the plan may not go into effect until the plan is approved or the request is withdrawn,
7whichever occurs first.
AB838,21,10 8(15) Court review of department decision. The decision of the department
9under sub. (14) to approve or not to approve a town plan or an amendment to a plan
10is subject to judicial review under ch. 227.
AB838,21,15 11(16) Amendments to town plan. (a) Authority to amend plan. A town plan may
12be amended during the term of the plan that is specified in sub. (5) (f). An
13amendment to a town plan is subject to agreement by the same city, village or other
14town that approved the underlying town plan, and is also subject to department
15approval if the department approved the original plan.
AB838,21,1816 (b) When full procedure required. An amendment to a town plan that proposes
17to change or freeze a municipal boundary or change the designation of a residential
18transition area shall follow the same procedure as that required for an original plan.
AB838,22,519 (c) When expedited procedure may occur. An amendment to a town plan that
20does not propose to change a boundary shall follow the same procedure as that
21required for an original plan except that the hearing under sub. (4) (b) is not required
22unless objection to the amendment is made in writing by any person to the clerk of
23a participating municipality. An amendment under this paragraph shall be adopted
24by resolution. Notice of the amendment and adopting resolution shall follow the
25procedures specified in sub. (4) (a). Notice that the amendment will be adopted

1without a public hearing unless objection is made in writing shall be given by a class
23 notice under ch. 985. If no written objection to the amendment is received within
37 days after the last required notice is published, the amendment may be adopted
4without a public hearing. If written objection is timely made, the public hearing and
5other requirements under sub. (4) (b) and (c) apply.
AB838,22,11 6(17) Cooperative development of town plans; other agreements. Any
7combination of municipalities may cooperatively develop a town plan under this
8section. Cooperative development of a town plan may be done in conjunction with
9other land use plans and other intergovernmental agreements, including
10agreements under ss. 66.023, 66.028 and 66.30. A town may contract with any
11person in developing a town plan.
AB838,22,18 12(18) Certain boundary changes restricted. Subject to a cooperative plan
13under s. 66.023, if the governing body of a city or village agrees to a town plan under
14sub. (10), the town board of another town agrees to the town plan under sub. (11), if
15necessary, and the plan is approved by the department under sub. (14), if necessary,
16the common boundary between the city or village and the town that is covered by the
17town plan under this section may be revised during the term of the plan only as
18provided under the town plan.
AB838,22,25 19(19) Boundary change ordinance; filing and recording requirements. A
20boundary change under a town plan shall be accomplished by the enactment of an
21ordinance by the governing body designated to do so in the plan. The filing and
22recording requirements under s. 66.021 (8) (a), as they apply to cities and villages
23under s. 66.021 (8) (a), apply to municipalities under this subsection. The
24requirements for the secretary of state shall be the same as those required in s.
2566.021 (8) (b).
1(20) Time for bringing action. No action to contest the validity of a town plan
2under this section or an amendment to a plan, regardless of the grounds for the
3action, may be commenced after 60 days from the date on which the plan or the
4amendment takes effect. No action relating to compliance with a binding element
5of a town plan may be commenced later than 180 days after the failure to comply.
AB838, s. 8 6Section 8. 66.021 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB838,23,97 66.021 (2) Methods of annexation. (intro.) Subject to s. 66.023 (7) and to a
8town plan enacted under s. 66.011
, territory contiguous to any city or village may be
9annexed thereto in the following ways:
AB838, s. 9 10Section 9. 66.024 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: