1997 - 1998 LEGISLATURE
February 25, 1998 - Introduced by Representatives Wood and Kelso, cosponsored
by Senator Risser. Referred to Committee on Urban and Local Affairs.
AB838,1,5 1An Act to amend 60.10 (2) (h), 60.61 (3) (intro.), 60.62 (3), 66.021 (2) (intro.),
266.024 (intro.) and 66.025; and to create 15.105 (14), 16.965, 20.505 (4) (if) and
366.011 of the statutes; relating to: limitations on residential development in
4towns, plans for residential development in towns, limitations on annexation
5of town territory, creating the land use board and making an appropriation.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Currently, in general, there are no statutory provisions that restrict residential
development in towns. Also under current law, town territory that is contiguous to
any city or village may be annexed to that city or village under several methods. Two
of the methods are: 1) direct annexation, under which a petition for annexation that
was signed by the required number of electors and landowners is filed with the city
or village clerk; and 2) annexation by referendum, under which a petition for
referendum that was signed by the required number of electors and landowners is
filed with the city or village clerk and a referendum is held and passes in the town.
Under both of these methods, in a county with a population of at least 50,000, the
department of administration (DOA) is authorized to mail to the clerks of the town
and city or village involved in the proposed annexation a notice that states that in
the opinion of DOA, the annexation is against the public interest. Upon receiving
such notice, the annexing municipality is required to review DOA's advice before
final action is taken.
Subject to 2 general exceptions, this bill prohibits residential development in
a town outside of a "residential transition area." Such an area is defined as town

territory that is identified as a transition area by a town plan that is prepared
according to procedures that are created in the bill. The exceptions to the general
prohibition on residential development are for certain dwellings on farmland and for
residential development on a lot that, on the effective date of the bill, is included in
a preliminary or final subdivision plat that has been submitted for approval or in a
subdivision plat that has been recorded if the development is permitted by an
existing zoning ordinance or to which no zoning ordinance applies.
Also under the bill, no city or village may annex any town territory unless the
town board of the town from which the territory is proposed to be annexed adopts a
plan according to the requirements under the bill and the governing body of the city
or village agrees to the town plan. Under certain circumstances, approval of the plan
by DOA is required and the prohibition on annexation continues until DOA either
approves or disapproves the plan.
Under the bill, the adoption by a town of a plan that designates a residential
transition area requires a number of steps and procedures. The town plan may be
prepared by a single town, or may be cooperatively developed by any combination of
cities, villages and towns. The required steps and procedures include notice to DOA
and other state agencies, the clerks of various units of government that have any of
their territory within 5 miles of the town, the clerk of the county in which the town
is located and any county zoning agency or regional planning commission whose
jurisdiction includes the town; public hearing requirements; and public comment
requirements. The plan is also required to have a number of elements and must
address a number of goals, unless the required elements or goals are inapplicable to
or incompatible with the town plan and the reasons for the inapplicability or
incompatibility are stated in the plan.
Required plan elements include a statement to guide future growth and
development of the town, a statement of objectives to protect the environment, a
statement of how the plan is consistent with the goals that are addressed in the plan,
a land use element, a transportation element, a utility and facility element, an
implementation element and a boundary element. Goals that must be addressed by
the plan include a settlement pattern goal, a quality of wildlife and land resources
goal, a recreation goal, a housing goal and a public services and utilities goal.
The requirements for establishing a town plan vary depending on whether the
town has a common boundary with a city or village and on the proximity of the
residential transition area to a city or village. If a town has a common boundary with
a city or village, the town may establish a residential transition area within the
town's "transition area jurisdiction", which is defined as the unincorporated area
within 3 miles of the corporate limits of a 1st, 2nd or 3rd class city, or within 1.5 miles
of a 4th class city or a village, if the town board approves a plan, if the city or village
approves the plan and, if necessary, DOA approves the plan. If a town has a common
boundary with a city or village, the town may establish a residential transition area
outside of the town's transition area jurisdiction if, in addition to the requirements
for establishing a residential transition area within the town's transition area
jurisdiction, any other town with which the town has a common border approves the
town plan. If the town has no common boundaries with a city or village, the town may

establish a residential transition area within the town if the town adopts a plan as
provided in the bill. If a town plan is adopted by a town in a county with a population
of at least 50,000, any elector of the town adopting the plan or of a city or village
agreeing to the plan may request that DOA review and approve the plan. DOA is
required to approve the plan if it complies with the required plan elements and is
consistent with the goals that the plan must address. DOA's decision to approve or
disapprove a town plan is subject to judicial review.
If a town and a city or a village, or a town and another town, are unable to reach
an agreement on the provisions of a town plan a mediation committee, which is made
up of 5 appointees of the county executive or chair of the county board, is required
to resolve the dispute upon the request of one of the parties and determine the
provisions of the town plan. The committee's decision is considered to be an
agreement between the parties on the town plan, except that the committee's
decision is subject to review by the state land use board, which is created in the bill.
The land use board is required to resolve the dispute upon the request of one of the
parties and determine the provisions of the town plan. The board's decision is
considered to be an agreement between the parties on the town plan, except that the
board's decision is subject to judicial review.
A town plan that is agreed to by a city or village and, if necessary, approved by
DOA, is binding to the extent that it designates a residential transition area and to
the extent that the plan provides for boundary freezes or adjustments. The plan may
also specify other elements of the plan that, if agreed upon, are binding. Unless a
city or village agrees to do so, no town plan may require a city or village to provide
or extend public services or make public improvements.
Under the bill, no residential development may commence in the residential
transition area until a zoning ordinance, that is consistent with the town plan, is in
effect. The town may enact a zoning ordinance, notwithstanding current law
limitations on the exercise of town zoning in relation to county zoning, or the town
may choose to continue to operate under the zoning ordinance of another jurisdiction
that applies to town territory that is included in the plan. The zoning provisions in
the bill do not affect shoreland, wetlands or exclusive agricultural zoning, or airport
approach ordinances.
A town plan may be amended during the term of the plan that is specified in
the original plan. An amendment to a town plan is subject to agreement by the same
city, village or other town that approved the original plan, and to DOA approval if
DOA had to approve the original plan. If the amendment to the plan proposes to
change or freeze a municipal boundary, or change the designation of a residential
transition area, the same procedures that are required for the original plan must be
followed for the amendment, otherwise an expedited procedure, which does not
include the same hearing requirements, may be used in most cases.

For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB838, s. 1 1Section 1. 15.105 (14) of the statutes is created to read:
AB838,4,32 15.105 (14) Land use board. (a) Creation. There is created a land use board
3attached to the department of administration under s. 15.03.
AB838,4,54 (b) Members. The board consists of 3 members, to serve for 3-year terms.
5Members may be removed from the board only for just cause.
AB838,4,86 (c) Meetings. The chairperson shall call a meeting of the board as soon as
7possible after receiving a copy of a resolution that is described in s. 66.011 (10) (c) and
8(11) (c).
AB838, s. 2 9Section 2. 16.965 of the statutes is created to read:
AB838,4,11 1016.965 Land use board. (1) Definition. In this section, "board" means the
11land use board.
AB838,4,17 12(2) Board duties. (a) The board shall resolve disputes between a town and a
13city or village, or between 2 or more towns, that relate to a town plan that is adopted
14by a town under s. 66.011 and results in a dispute that is described in s. 66.011 (10)
15(c) and (11) (c). After reviewing the documents that are submitted to the board by
16the parties to the dispute, the board shall issue a written decision that determines
17the contents of a town plan, as described in s. 66.011 (10) (c) and (11) (c).
AB838, s. 3 18Section 3. 20.505 (4) (if) of the statutes is created to read:
AB838,4,2019 20.505 (4) (if) Land use board. A sum sufficient for the general program
20operations of the board under s. 16.965.
AB838, s. 4 21Section 4. 60.10 (2) (h) of the statutes is amended to read:
160.10 (2) (h) Exercise of certain zoning authority. In Except as provided in s.
266.011 (13) (b), in
a town located in a county which has enacted a zoning ordinance
3under s. 59.69, authorize, under s. 60.62 (2), the town board to enact town zoning
4ordinances under s. 61.35.
AB838, s. 5 5Section 5. 60.61 (3) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB838,5,96 60.61 (3) Exercise of authority. (intro.) Before Except as provided in s. 66.011
7(13) (b), before
exercising authority under sub. (2), the town board shall petition the
8county board to initiate, at any regular or special meeting, action to enact a county
9zoning ordinance under s. 59.69. The town board may proceed under sub. (2) if:
AB838, s. 6 10Section 6. 60.62 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB838,5,1311 60.62 (3) In Except as provided in s. 66.011 (13) (b), in counties having a county
12zoning ordinance, no zoning ordinance or amendment of a zoning ordinance may be
13adopted under this section unless approved by the county board.
AB838, s. 7 14Section 7. 66.011 of the statutes is created to read:
AB838,5,16 1566.011 Residential development in towns; town plans; and annexation
16of town territory.
(1) Definitions. In this section:
AB838,5,1717 (a) "Agricultural use" has the meaning given in s. 91.01 (1).
AB838,5,2118 (b) "Common boundary" means the area at which the boundary of a city, village
19or town meets the boundary of another city, village or town, except that a common
20boundary must be greater than a single point of intersection between the 2
AB838,5,2222 (c) "Department" means the department of administration.
AB838,6,323 (d) "Dwelling" means any building that contains one or 2 dwelling units or an
24apartment building, rowhouse, town house, condominium or manufactured
25building, as defined in s. 101.71 (6), that does not exceed 60 feet in height or 6 stories

1and that consists of 3 or more attached dwelling units the initial construction of
2which is begun on or after January 1, 1993. "Dwelling" does not include a facility
3licensed under ch. 50.
AB838,6,74 (dm) "Dwelling unit" means a structure or that part of a structure which is used
5or intended to be used as a home, residence or sleeping place by one person or by 2
6or more persons maintaining a common household, to the exclusion of all others.
7"Dwelling" does not include a facility licensed under ch. 50.
AB838,6,108 (e) "Farmland" means a parcel of 35 or more acres of contiguous real property
9that is in agricultural use, as defined in s. 91.01 (1), and that customarily produces,
10each year, not less than $6,000 in gross farm profits resulting from agricultural use.
AB838,6,1111 (f) "Municipality" means a city, village or town.
AB838,6,1312 (g) "Residential development" means the construction of a dwelling, other than
13the construction of a dwelling on farmland which is occupied by any of the following:
AB838,6,1414 1. An owner, as defined in s. 91.01 (9), of the parcel.
AB838,6,1615 2. A person who, or a family at least one adult member of which, earns the
16majority of his or her gross income from conducting the farm operations on the parcel.
AB838,6,1817 3. A parent or child of an owner who conducts the majority of the farm
18operations on the parcel.
AB838,6,2019 4. A parent or child of an owner who resides on the parcel and who previously
20conducted the majority of the farm operations on the parcel.
AB838,6,2221 (h) "Residential transition area" means that territory of a town identified as a
22transition area by a town plan that is approved under this section.
AB838,7,223 (i) "Transition area jurisdiction" means the unincorporated area within 3 miles
24of the corporate limits of a 1st, 2nd or 3rd class city, or within 1.5 miles of a 4th class
25city or a village. If transition area jurisdictions overlap, the transition area of each

1city or village shall be determined by dividing the overlapping area on a line all
2points of which are equidistant from the boundaries of each city or village.
AB838,7,13 3(2) Areas where residential development prohibited. Residential
4development may not occur in a town outside of a residential transition area, except
5that residential development may occur on a lot that, on the effective date of this
6subsection .... [revisor inserts date], is included in a preliminary or final subdivision
7plat that has been submitted for approval under s. 236.11 or in a subdivision plat that
8has been recorded under s. 236.25 if the residential development is permitted by a
9zoning ordinance that is in effect on the effective date of this subsection .... [revisor
10inserts date], or if no zoning ordinance applies to the lot. This subsection does not
11prevent the enactment of a zoning ordinance on or after the effective date of this
12subsection .... [revisor inserts date], that prevents or regulates residential
13development on the lot, subject to sub. (13).
AB838,7,20 14(3) Annexation limitations. (a) After the effective date of this paragraph ....
15[revisor inserts date], no city or village may annex any town territory under s. 66.021,
1666.024 or 66.025 unless the town board of a town from which territory is proposed
17to be annexed adopts a plan under this section and the governing body of the city or
18village agrees to the plan under sub. (10). If the governing body of the city or village
19agrees to the town plan under sub. (10), annexation and other boundary changes are
20subject to sub. (18).
AB838,7,2421 (b) If the governing body of a city or village agrees to a town plan under sub.
22(10) and department approval of the plan is necessary under sub. (14), the
23prohibition on annexation under par. (a) continues until the department approves or
24disapproves the plan.
1(4) Procedure for adopting town plan. (a) Authorizing resolution. Before
2preparing a town plan under this section, a town shall adopt a resolution authorizing
3the preparation of the plan. Notice of the resolution shall be given in writing, within
45 days after the resolution is adopted, to all of the following:
AB838,8,75 1. The department of administration, the department of agriculture, trade and
6consumer protection, the department of natural resources and the department of
AB838,8,108 2. The clerks of any city, village, town, school district, technical college district,
9sewerage district or sanitary district which has any part of its territory within 5 miles
10of the town.
AB838,8,1111 3. The clerk of the county in which the town is located.
AB838,8,1312 4. Any county zoning agency under s. 59.69 (2) or regional planning commission
13whose jurisdiction includes the town.
AB838,8,1714 (b) Public hearing. At least 120 days after adoption of the resolution under par.
15(a), the town shall hold a public hearing on the proposed plan. Notice of the hearing
16shall be given by class 3 notice under ch. 985. Notice of the hearing may not be given
17until the proposed plan is available for public inspection.
AB838,9,618 (c) Comment on plan. Any person may comment on the plan during the hearing
19and may submit written comments before, at or within 20 days following the hearing.
20All comments shall be considered by the town. Any county zoning agency under s.
2159.69 (2) or regional planning commission whose jurisdiction includes the town shall
22comment in writing on the plan's effect on the master plan adopted by the regional
23planning commission under s. 66.945 (9), or development plan adopted by the county
24board or county planning agency under s. 59.69 (3), and on the delivery of municipal
25services, and may comment on any other aspect of the plan. Any county in the

1regional planning commission's jurisdiction may submit comments on the effect of
2the plan on the master plan adopted under s. 66.945 (9) and on the delivery of county
3services or on any other matter related to the plan. If agreement to a town plan is
4required by the governing body of a city or village under sub. (8) (b) or (9) (a) 2. before
5the plan may take effect, that city or village shall comment in writing on the plan's
6effect on the city's or village's master plan, adopted under s. 62.23 (3).
AB838,9,107 (d) Adoption of final plan. After the public hearing under par. (b) and
8consideration of comments made on the proposed town plan, the town board may
9revise the plan in response to the comments and may, by resolution, adopt a final
10version of the plan.
AB838,9,14 11(5) Required elements of town plans. Unless an element is incompatible with
12or inapplicable to the plan and the reasons for the incompatibility or inapplicability
13are stated as required under sub. (6), a town plan prepared under this section shall
14contain all of the following:
AB838,9,2015 (a) A statement of objectives, policies and programs of the town to guide the
16future growth and development of land, public services and facilities and to protect
17the environment. The statement shall include identification of any existing land use
18plan or comprehensive plan, required or voluntary, being utilized by the town and
19an explanation of how the town plan is consistent, or inconsistent with the existing
20land use plan or comprehension plan.
AB838,9,2421 (b) A statement of how the town plan is consistent with the goals under sub.
22(7). If a goal under sub. (7) is, in whole or in part, incompatible with or inapplicable
23to the plan, the plan shall identify the incompatible or inapplicable goal and state the
24reasons for the incompatibility or inapplicability.
1(c) A land use element, designating the proposed general distribution, general
2location and interrelationship of land use for residential, commercial, industrial,
3open space, vacant space and vacant facilities, recreational facilities, agriculture,
4forestry and other categories of public and private uses of land. The land use element
5shall include a map, indicating the current and proposed general land use and
6indicating the residential transition area of any unincorporated area covered by the
7plan. The land use element shall include the present and prospective location,
8amount, intensity and character of land uses, the present and prospective population
9densities and the appropriate timing or sequence of land development activities in
10relation to the provision of necessary community facilities and services.
AB838,10,1611 (d) A transportation element, consisting of a map and statement of present and
12prospective transportation facilities and the capacity of such facilities, showing
13existing and proposed highways and streets by type and, where applicable, parking
14facilities, transit routes, terminals, bicycle paths and trails and other recreational
15trails, scenic roads, airports, railroads and port facilities, and other similar facilities
16or uses, with indications of priority of need.
AB838,10,2517 (e) A utility and facility element, consisting of a map and statement of present
18and prospective community facilities and public utilities and the capacity of such
19facilities and utilities, showing existing and proposed educational, recreational and
20other public sites, buildings and facilities, including hospitals, libraries,
21power-generating plants and transmission lines, water supply, sewage disposal,
22refuse disposal, storm drainage, recycling and other similar facilities and activities,
23and recommendations to meet the town's future needs for facilities and services, with
24indications of priority of need, cost and method of financing the expansion or creation
25of such facilities, services and utilities.
1(f) An implementation element that specifies the term of the planning period
2and the plan, and that defines and schedules, for the term of the plan, the specific
3public actions to be undertaken in order to achieve the goals and objectives of the
AB838,11,75 (g) A boundary element which shall, concerning any common boundary
6between the town and city, village or other town that is covered by the plan, do all
7of the following:
AB838,11,98 1. Identify any boundary change and any existing boundary that may not be
9changed during the planning period.
AB838,11,1110 2. Identify any conditions that must be met before a boundary change may
AB838,11,1312 3. Designate the party to the plan that is required to ratify any boundary
13changes by enacting an ordinance under sub. (19).
AB838,11,17 14(6) Exception to required plan elements. If a plan element required under
15sub. (5) is, in whole or in part, inapplicable to or incompatible with a town plan, the
16plan shall identify the inapplicable or incompatible element and state the reasons
17for the inapplicability or incompatibility.
AB838,11,21 18(7) Goals of town plans. Unless a goal is incompatible with or inapplicable
19to the plan and the reasons for the incompatibility or inapplicability are stated as
20required under sub. (5) (b), a town plan prepared under this section shall address in
21writing the following goals:
AB838,11,2422 (a) Settlement pattern goal. To plan development that results in a settlement
23pattern of compact urban areas separated by rural countryside or undeveloped open
24space. To achieve this goal:
AB838,11,2525 1. Plans should clearly delineate between urban and rural areas.
12. Residential and commercial development should occur primarily in compact
2urban areas, and strip development which intrudes in rural countryside or open
3space, and other development which contributes to urban sprawl, should be
4discouraged. When possible, existing territory within an urban area should be
5developed before new territory on the edge of an urban area is developed.