1997 - 1998 LEGISLATURE
January 14, 1997 - Introduced by Representatives Brancel, Freese, Foti and
Kunicki, cosponsored by Senators Chvala, Risser and Rude.
AJR1,1,8 1To repeal joint rules 32 (2), 73 (6) and 77 (5) and (6); to amend joint rules 14, 32
2(1) (intro.) and (i), 34, 41 (3) (a) to (g), 42 (2), 44 (title), (1) and (2) (a), 45 (2) and
3(3), 46 (2) and (4), 48 (1) and (4), 52 (1) (intro.), (b) and (e) and (7), 53 (1) (intro.)
4and (2) (a), 54 (2) and (3), 56 (1), 59, chapter 7 (title), 62, 63, 64 (title) and (1)
5(intro.), 65, 66, 71, 72, 73 (1) to (5), 74 (1) and (2) (intro.) and (f), 75 (1), 76, 77
6(intro.) and (4), 78, 79 (1) and (5), 81 (1) (intro.) and (2) (c), 83 (2) (c), 84 (1), 85,
787 (3) (c) 1. and 2. and 98 (1), (2) (b) and (3); to repeal and recreate joint rule
852 (1) (a); and to create joint rules 35; relating to: the joint rules.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This joint resolution makes various changes to the joint rules. The joint
1. Deletes a requirement for legislative documents other than stationery to be
given to the contract printer for printing, permits reproduction rather than printing
of legislative documents and permits the reproduction of additional copies of
legislative documents to be authorized by the chief clerks of the houses, rather than
by the committee on organization of each house as currently provided.
2. Deletes the requirement that notations of legislative action be made on the
jackets of proposals, thereby permitting this record-keeping function to be prepared
3. Continues the requirement for a bulletin of proceedings, but deletes the
requirements that it be published in 4 volumes and that it be published weekly.
4. Permits the document numbers of floor amendments to be distinguished
from the document numbers of other amendments.
5. Requires the chief clerks to assign an enrolled joint resolution number to any
joint resolution amending the constitution and permits them to assign such an

enrolled number to any other joint resolution. The resolution requires all joint
resolutions that are assigned an enrolled joint resolution number to be printed in the
session laws. Currently, all joint resolutions relating to constitutional amendments,
advisory referenda, memorials, investigations and studies must be printed in the
session laws.
6. Permits the use of facsimile signatures by legislative officers who are
required to sign resolutions of more than one copy, rather than more than 10 copies,
as currently provided.
7. Provides that all officers required by assembly rule, rather than just the
speaker, must approve the meetings of committees outside of Madison.
AJR1,2,1 1Resolved by the assembly, the senate concurring, That:
AJR1, s. 1 2Section 1. Joint rule chapter 7 (title) is amended to read:
AJR1,2,4 3Chapter 7:
AJR1, s. 2 5Section 2. Joint rule 14 is amended to read:
AJR1,2,96 Joint Rule 14. (title) Printing for the legislature Reproduction of
7legislative documents
. (1) As provided by section 25 of article IV of the
8constitution, all
All stationery and other printing purchased for the legislature shall
9be let by contract to the lowest responsible bidder.
AJR1,3,210 (2) Each house of the legislature may have such publications and other matter
11printed reproduced in the manner provided by the rules of each house or the joint
12rules. In addition, the legislature or either house thereof may provide by rule, and
13the joint committee on legislative organization may provide by motion with the ayes
14and noes recorded in its minutes, for printing reproduction of materials for the
15legislature in any form, manner or amount which in the judgment of the legislature,
16the house or the joint committee best serves the interests of the people of the state,
17except that where there is a contract for printing reproduction with which such

1printing reproduction would conflict, the contract shall continue to govern until it
AJR1,3,93 (3) For any legislative document originating in one house of the legislature and
4to be reproduced for both houses of the legislature
, the joint committee on legislative
5organization shall determine the number of copies routinely to be printed reproduced
6unless otherwise provided by law or joint rule or resolution
but the committee on
7organization of the house in which the document originated
chief clerks of the senate
8and assembly, acting jointly,
may authorize the printing reproduction of additional
9copies if warranted by the anticipated requests.
AJR1, s. 3 10Section 3. Joint rule 32 (1) (intro.) and (i) are amended to read:
AJR1,3,1511 Joint Rule 32 (1) (intro.) The chief clerk of each house shall supervise the
12notation entry of actions by that house upon the jacket envelope of in the history file
any bill, joint resolution or resolution. The chief clerk of each house shall include
14the history entries in the jacket envelope before submitting the jacket to the chief
15clerk of the other house.
The notations entries shall include the following:
AJR1,3,1816 (i) The date and authorizing chief clerk of for any reproduction of a proposal
17with all adopted amendments
engrossed printing of the proposal therein or of any
18major amendment thereto as authorized by joint rule 63.
AJR1, s. 4 19Section 4. Joint rule 32 (2) is repealed.
AJR1, s. 5 20Section 5. Joint rule 34 is amended to read:
AJR1,4,221 Joint Rule 34. Submittal of enrolled bills to governor. After the enrolled
22bill has been signed by the appropriate officer or officers certifying to its passage, it
23shall be presented, as provided in the session schedule, by the chief clerk of the house
24in which it originated to the office of the governor for approval. The bill shall be

1accompanied by a transcript of the notations on the bill envelope, certified as correct
2by the chief clerk of the house in which the bill originated.
AJR1, s. 6 3Section 6. Joint rule 35 is created to read:
AJR1,4,74 Joint Rule 35. Assignment of enrolled joint resolution numbers. The
5chief clerk shall assign an enrolled joint resolution number to any joint resolution
6amending the constitution and may assign an enrolled joint resolution number to
7any other joint resolution if the joint resolution originated in the chief clerk's house.
AJR1, s. 7 8Section 7. Joint rule 41 (3) (a) to (g) are amended to read:
AJR1,4,189 Joint Rule 41 (3) (a) The joint committee on finance by the approval of a
10majority of its members, or either cochairperson of the committee, may request from
11the legislative fiscal bureau, or through the department of administration from an
12appropriate state agency, a supplemental fiscal estimate on any bill or on a bill as
13affected by any proposed amendment or proposed substitute amendment if the
14committee or cochairperson believes that the fiscal estimate on the bill, or on the bill
15as affected by the proposed amendment, would be substantially different from the
16fiscal estimate on the original bill. A supplemental fiscal estimate prepared under
17this paragraph shall be submitted to the legislative reference bureau for printing
18reproduction and insertion in the bill jacket envelope.
AJR1,5,519 (b) At the request of a bill's primary author, the presiding officer of either house
20may request through the department of administration from an appropriate state
21agency a supplemental fiscal estimate on any bill, or on a bill as affected by any
22proposed amendment or proposed substitute amendment, if the presiding officer
23believes that the fiscal estimate on the bill, or on the bill as affected by the proposed
24amendment, would be substantially different from the fiscal estimate on the original
25bill. Unless otherwise determined by the house in which the bill may be placed on

1calendar, failure to receive a supplemental fiscal estimate requested under this
2paragraph on a bill which already has one or more original fiscal estimates shall not
3delay consideration of the bill. A supplemental fiscal estimate prepared under this
4paragraph shall be submitted to the legislative reference bureau for printing
5reproduction and insertion in the bill jacket envelope.
AJR1,5,96 (c) The department of administration may submit a supplemental fiscal
7estimate to the legislative reference bureau for printing reproduction and insertion
8in the bill jacket envelope if the department disagrees with a fiscal estimate prepared
9by a state agency.
AJR1,5,1510 (d) In addition to the original estimates prepared by state agencies, the
11department of administration shall, if appropriate, submit to the legislative
12reference bureau for review by the requester under joint rule 48 and for printing
13reproduction and insertion in the bill jacket envelope, a consolidated fiscal estimate
14summarizing all original fiscal estimates prepared by state agencies relating to a
15specific bill.
AJR1,5,2016 (e) Any state agency may submit to the department of administration for
17submission to the legislative reference bureau for review by the primary author of
18an introduced bill under joint rule 48 and for printing reproduction and insertion in
19the bill jacket envelope an updated fiscal estimate supplementing the original
20estimate on any bill if the agency has available better or more current information.
AJR1,5,2521 (f) The legislative fiscal bureau or the department of administration shall, if
22requested under joint rule 48 (3), prepare a supplemental fiscal estimate. If a
23supplemental fiscal estimate is requested the fiscal bureau or the department shall
24submit the prepared supplemental fiscal estimate to the legislative reference bureau
25for printing reproduction and insertion in the bill jacket envelope.
1(g) A state agency shall submit any fiscal estimate requested under joint rule
248 (2) to the department of administration for submission to the legislative reference
3bureau for review by the primary author under joint rule 48 and for printing
4reproduction and insertion in the bill jacket envelope.
AJR1, s. 8 5Section 8. Joint rule 42 (2) is amended to read:
AJR1,6,96 Joint Rule 42 (2) The name of the state agency preparing the estimate, and the
7date, shall be reproduced at the end of the printed estimate. The original copy of the
8estimate shall also carry the signature of be signed by a responsible official of the
AJR1, s. 9 10Section 9. Joint rule 44 (title), (1) and (2) (a) are amended to read:
AJR1,6,1311 Joint Rule 44. (title) Bill jackets to be marked display "FE". (1) The
12jackets of all bills carrying a fiscal estimate shall have the initials "FE" prominently
13stamped or written
displayed on them.
AJR1,6,1714 (2) (a) The preliminary determination of whether the bill requires a fiscal
15estimate shall be made by the legislative reference bureau which shall indicate that
16a bill requires a fiscal estimate by stamping or writing the letters displaying "FE"
17prominently on the jacket.
AJR1, s. 10 18Section 10. Joint rule 45 (2) and (3) are amended to read:
AJR1,7,319 Joint Rule 45 (2) If the fiscal estimate is procured before the bill is introduced,
20the legislative reference bureau shall submit a copy of the estimate to the requester.
21If the requester desires to introduce the bill, the reference bureau shall attach place
22the estimate and any worksheet to the camera-ready original of the at the end of the
23bill or in the jacket envelope, and prepare the bill for introduction. The fiscal
24estimate and any worksheet shall be printed reproduced at the end of the bill or as
25an appendix as are amendments
. If the fiscal estimate is procured after the bill has

1been introduced the legislative reference bureau shall submit a copy of the estimate
2and any worksheet to the primary author of the introduced bill as provided under
3joint rule 48.
AJR1,7,134 (3) The chief clerk shall enter on the bill jacket in the history file for a bill the
5dates when a fiscal estimate on an original bill is requested and published, when a
6fiscal estimate on any bill as amended or as amended by any proposed amendment
7or substitute amendment is requested and published, when a supplemental fiscal
8estimate is requested and published and when a memorandum under joint rule 47
9is inserted in the bill jacket. If a fiscal estimate is requested after the bill is
10introduced, the chief clerk shall enter in the history file for the bill the dates when
11a fiscal estimate on an original bill is requested, when a fiscal estimate on any bill
12as amended or as amended by any proposed amendment or substitute amendment
13is requested, and when a supplemental fiscal estimate is requested.
AJR1, s. 11 14Section 11. Joint rule 46 (2) and (4) are amended to read:
AJR1,7,2115 Joint Rule 46 (2) The state agency shall prepare an original typed copy of the
16estimate and of any worksheet suitable for photo reproduction and such copies as
17specified by the department of administration. It shall return the estimate and any
18worksheet and the bill within 5 working days to the department of administration
19unless the department of administration, under joint rule 42 (3), extends the period
20for the preparation of the estimate. The department of administration shall notify
21the state agency of any bill not returned within the deadline.
AJR1,7,2522 (4) The department of administration shall, when requested under joint rule
2348 (3), prepare a supplemental fiscal estimate, and shall submit the supplemental
24fiscal estimate to the legislative reference bureau for printing reproduction and
25insertion in the bill jacket envelope.
AJR1, s. 12
1Section 12. Joint rule 48 (1) and (4) are amended to read:
AJR1,8,72 Joint Rule 48 (1) On the 6th working day after the legislative reference bureau
3submits a copy of a fiscal estimate for an introduced bill to the primary author, the
4bureau shall forward copies of the fiscal estimate and any worksheet to the
5legislative fiscal bureau and to the chief clerk of the house of origin to be inserted in
6the bill jacket envelope and shall forthwith cause the original, signed copy of the
7estimate and any worksheet to be printed reproduced as are amendments.
AJR1,8,168 (4) During the 5-day period under sub. (1), the primary author of an introduced
9bill may request that the agency which prepared the fiscal estimate rewrite its fiscal
10estimate. If the agency agrees to rewrite the estimate and the primary author agrees
11to a delay in the publication of the fiscal estimate, the agency shall immediately
12notify the department of administration and the legislative reference bureau and the
13rewritten fiscal estimate, notwithstanding sub. (1), shall be the only original
14estimate printed reproduced and inserted in the bill jacket envelope, but both the
15rewritten and the initial fiscal estimate shall be retained by the legislative reference
AJR1, s. 13 17Section 13. Joint rule 52 (1) (intro.) is amended to read:
AJR1,8,2018 Joint Rule 52 (1) (intro.) The title of all bills shall state, in the fewest words
19practicable, the subject to which the bill relates and shall be drawn up in one of the
20following forms or a form similar to one of the following forms:
AJR1, s. 14 21Section 14. Joint rule 52 (1) (a) is repealed and recreated to read:
AJR1,9,222 Joint Rule 52 (1) (a) An Act to repeal.... ; to renumber.... ; to consolidate and
.... ; to renumber and amend.... ; to consolidate, renumber and
.... ; to amend.... ; to repeal and recreate.... ; and to create.... of the

1statutes; and to affect 19.. laws, chapter...., section.... [to 1981] and 19.. Wisconsin
2Act.... [starting 1983], section.... ; relating to: .... .
AJR1, s. 15 3Section 15. Joint rule 52 (1) (b) and (e) and (7) are amended to read:
AJR1,9,54 Joint Rule 52 (1) (b) An Act to relating to: (authorize, provide authorizing,
, etc.) ..... .
AJR1,9,126 (e) Executive budget bills under section 16.47 (1) of the statutes, bills proposing
7bulk revision of one or more entire chapters of the statutes, reconciliation bills
8introduced by the committee on organization of either house and revisor's correction
9and revision bills shall not be subject to the requirements of pars. (a) to (d), and
10instead may use a descriptive title similar to the following example: "An Act to
11amend and revise chapter.... and to make diverse other changes in the statutes,
12relating to
; relating to:....".
AJR1,9,1913 (7) Except as necessary to revise the relating clause of the affected bill, joint
14resolution, resolution or substitute amendment, an amendment may not change the
15title of the proposal. When a substitute amendment or proposal is printed
16reproduced with all adopted amendments engrossed therein, or when the proposal
17is enrolled after passage and concurrence, the legislative reference bureau shall
18make the required changes in the title so that the title correctly lists all sections
19affected by the proposal.
AJR1, s. 16 20Section 16. Joint rule 53 (1) (intro.) and (2) (a) are amended to read:
AJR1,9,2421 Joint Rule 53 (1) (intro.) It is the policy of this state that law of continuing
22application shall be incorporated into the statutes. The assignment of statute
23numbering to any part of a bill shall be deemed indicative of a legislative intent that
24this text be printed in incorporated into the statutes.
1(2) (a) An increase or decrease in the amount of an existing sum certain
2appropriation, but the dollar amount by which the existing appropriation is
3increased or decreased shall be reflected in the appropriation total as shown in the
4printed statutes in the schedule under section 20.005 (3) of the statutes.
AJR1, s. 17 5Section 17. Joint rule 54 (2) and (3) are amended to read:
AJR1,10,116 Joint Rule 54 (2) The legislative reference bureau shall provide to the
7authorizing legislator or state agency 6 4 copies of each approved proposal or and 6
8copies of each approved
amendment. One copy shall be for the use of the requester.
9The other 5 copies shall, if a proposal, be inserted in the jacket envelope or, if a
10substitute amendment or amendment, be fastened together with cover sheets that
11identify the "jacket copy" and the "LRB-file copy"
attached to an amendment jacket.
AJR1,10,1512 (3) (a) Jacket envelopes for proposals, and cover sheets amendment jackets for
13substitute amendments and amendments, shall be imprinted in identified by red for
14proposals, substitute amendments and amendments introduced in the senate, and
15shall be imprinted in identified by black for those introduced in the assembly.
AJR1,10,2116 (b) Each cover sheet amendment jacket shall contain blanks to identify the
17substitute amendment or amendment by number, to list the date of introduction and
18to enter the name or names of the member, members or committee that offered the
19substitute amendment or amendment. Each cover sheet amendment jacket shall
20allow sufficient space to add, if appropriate, the name of the individual or
21organization requesting the introduction.
AJR1,11,322 (c) Each jacket envelope shall be large enough to hold the papers pertaining to
23the proposal without such papers being folded. The outside of each jacket shall be
24imprinted with blanks to identify the proposal by number, a field to display the title
25and other introductory information of the proposal, and ruled columns to receive the

1notations of the chief clerk. The jacket envelopes for bills and joint resolutions shall
2provide the ruled columns for chief clerk's notations, head to head, both on the front
3and back of the jacket envelope.
AJR1, s. 18 4Section 18. Joint rule 56 (1) is amended to read:
AJR1,11,95 Joint Rule 56 (1) The chief clerks and the legislative reference bureau shall
6correct all minor clerical errors found in any bill, resolution or amendment thereto.
7Any correction under this rule shall be noted entered by the chief clerk on the
8proposal's jacket envelope and entered
in the journal history file for the proposal of
9the house having possession of the proposal.