1997 - 1998 LEGISLATURE
January 10, 1997 - Introduced by Representatives Brancel and Freese. Referred
to calendar.
AR2,1,7 1To repeal assembly rules 10 (1), (2) and (3), 28 (2) and 90 (2); to renumber assembly
2rules 28 (1) and 90 (1) (a) to (d); to renumber and amend assembly rules 10
3(1m) (intro.) and (a) to (c) and 31 (8), (9), (10), (11), (12) and (13); to amend
4assembly rules 9 (1) (i), (y) and (zm) and (7), 13 (1) (c), 28 (title), 29 (3), 32 (1)
5(a), 43 (2), 73 (2) (a) and (3) (a), 95 (6), (82) and (90) and 96; and to create
6assembly rules 6 (1) (k), 9 (1) (bm), (em), (nm), (qd), (qm), (qs), (vm) and (zp),
713 (1) (am) and 26 (6); relating to: the assembly rules.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This assembly resolution makes various changes to the assembly rules:
Assembly Rule 6 (1) (k): The rule requires the sergeant at arms to ensure that
the U.S. flag is displayed in the room in which an assembly committee is meeting.
Assembly Rule 9 (1): The rule is changed to create the assembly committees for
the 1997-98 session.
Assembly Rule 9 (7): The rule is amended to correct an error.
Assembly Rule 10: The rule is changed to delete provisions for the creation of
special committees and temporary special committees by the speaker.
Assembly Rule 13 (1) (am): The rule is created to reflect that the speaker, under
rule 45, may refer proposals to another committee.
Assembly Rule 13 (1) (c): The rule is amended to reflect moving the 8th order
of business (motions may be offered) to the 13th order.
Assembly Rule 26 (6): The rule is created to prohibit possession or use of cellular
telephones on the assembly floor.
Assembly Rule 28: The rule is changed to delete the requirement that daily
sessions of the assembly end at 8 p.m. unless adjourned earlier.

Assembly Rule 29 (3): The rule is changed to provide that copies of calendars
for Saturdays, Sundays and state holidays need not be distributed to members at
least 18 hours before the calendars are to be acted upon.
Assembly Rule 31 (8) to (13): The rule is amended to move the 8th order of
business (motions may be offered) to the 13th order.
Assembly Rule 32 (1) (a): The rule is changed to permit taking up immediately
proposals referenced in messages from the senate or governor, other than senate
proposals initially received for consideration by the assembly.
Assembly Rule 43 (2): The rule is amended to reflect moving the 8th order of
business (motions may be offered) to the 13th order.
Assembly Rule 73 (2) (a): The rule is amended to reflect moving the 8th order
of business (motions may be offered) to the 13th order.
Assembly Rule 73 (3) (a): The rule is amended to reflect moving the 8th order
of business (motions may be offered) to the 13th order.
Assembly Rule 90: The rule is changed to reflect the deletion of the requirement
that daily sessions of the assembly end at 8 p.m. unless adjourned earlier.
Assembly Rule 95 (6): The rule is changed to redefine the assembly chambers
as no longer being in the insurance building.
Assembly Rule 95 (82): The rule is changed to reflect the deletion of provisions
which permitted the creation of special committees and temporary special
committees by the speaker.
Assembly Rule 95 (90): The rule is changed to reflect the deletion of the
requirement that daily sessions of the assembly end at 8 p.m. unless adjourned
Assembly Rule 96: The rule is amended to reflect moving the 8th order of
business (motions may be offered) to the 13th order.
AR2,2,1 1Resolved by the assembly, That:
AR2, s. 1 2Section 1. Assembly rule 6 (1) (k) is created to read:
AR2,2,43 Assembly Rule 6 (1) (k) Ensure that the U.S. flag is displayed in the room in
4which an assembly committee is meeting.
AR2, s. 2 5Section 2. Assembly rule 9 (1) (bm) and (em) are created to read:
AR2,2,66 Assembly Rule 9 (1) (bm) Campaign finance reform, committee on.
AR2,2,77 (em) Corrections facilities, committee on.
AR2, s. 3 8Section 3. Assembly rule 9 (1) (i) is amended to read:
AR2,2,99 Assembly Rule 9 (1) (i) Environment and utilities, committee on.
AR2, s. 4
1Section 4. Assembly rule 9 (1) (nm), (qd), (qm), (qs) and (vm) are created to
AR2,3,33 Assembly Rule 9 (1) (nm) Income tax review, committee on.
AR2,3,44 (qd) Land use, committee on.
AR2,3,55 (qm) Law revision, committee on.
AR2,3,66 (qs) Managed care, committee on.
AR2,3,77 (vm) State-federal relations, committee on.
AR2, s. 5 8Section 5. Assembly rule 9 (1) (y) is amended to read:
AR2,3,99 Assembly Rule 9 (1) (y) Urban education Utilities oversight, committee on.
AR2, s. 6 10Section 6. Assembly rule 9 (1) (zm) is amended to read:
AR2,3,1211 Assembly Rule 9 (1) (zm) Welfare reform Wisconsin works oversight,
12committee on.
AR2, s. 7 13Section 7. Assembly rule 9 (1) (zp) is created to read:
AR2,3,1414 Assembly Rule 9 (1) (zp) Working families, committee on.
AR2, s. 8 15Section 8. Assembly rule 9 (7) is amended to read:
AR2,3,2016 Assembly Rule 9 (7) There shall also be an assembly committee on employment
17relations s consisting of the assembly members of the joint committee on
18employment relations. The chairperson of the assembly committee shall be a
19cochairperson of the joint committee. Proposals may be referred to, and reported by,
20the joint committee in the same manner as other standing committees.
AR2, s. 9 21Section 9. Assembly rule 10 (1) is repealed.
AR2, s. 10 22Section 10. Assembly rule 10 (1m) (intro.) and (a) to (c) are renumbered
23assembly rule 10 (1) and (2) (a) to (c), and assembly rule 10 (1), as renumbered, is
24amended to read:
1Assembly Rule 10 (1) Special committees may be created by the speaker by
2written order and may be created
by resolution.
AR2,4,3 3(2) Any such committee shall cease to exist:
AR2, s. 11 4Section 11. Assembly rule 10 (2) and (3) are repealed.
AR2, s. 12 5Section 12. Assembly rule 13 (1) (am) is created to read:
AR2,4,76 Assembly Rule 13 (1) (am) By the speaker, after a committee reports it, as
7provided in rule 45.
AR2, s. 13 8Section 13. Assembly rule 13 (1) (c) is amended to read:
AR2,4,119 Assembly Rule 13 (1) (c) By a motion, offered under the 8th 13th order of
10business, while such business is pending on any reproduced calendar awaiting
11assembly action. Any such motion requires a majority vote for adoption.
AR2, s. 14 12Section 14. Assembly rule 26 (6) is created to read: