Record of Committee Proceedings

Committee on Agriculture and Environmental Resources

Senate Bill 415
Relating to: the prohibition on constructing and modifying medical waste incinerators.
By Senators Wirch, Burke, Risser, A. Lasee and Plache; cosponsored by Representatives Kreuser, Porter, Ainsworth, Murat, Baldwin and R. Young.

January 22, 1998 Referred to committee on Agriculture and Environmental Resources.

February 11, 1998

Present: (4) Senators Clausing, Wirch, Lasee, and Zien.
Absent: (0) None.

Appearances for
· Senator Bob Wirch, 22nd Senate District
· Susan Mudd, Citizens for a Better Environment, Milwaukee
· Liz Wessel, Madison
· Steve Skavroneck, Pollution Prevention Partnership, Milwaukee
· Caryl Terrell, Sierra Club - John Muir Chapter, Madison

Appearances against
· None.

Appearances for Information Only
· Bill Baumann, WI Department of Natural Resources, Madison

Registrations for
· Representative Jim Kreuser,64th Assembly District
· Senator Fred Risser, 26th Senate District

Registrations against
· None.

February 25, 1998

Moved by Senator Clausing that
Senate Bill 415
be recommended for passage.

Ayes: (2) Senators Clausing and Wirch.
Noes: (2) Senators A. Lasee and Zien.
Absent: (0) None.

PASSAGE RECOMMENDED, Ayes 2, Noes 2, Absent 0

Randy Romanski
Committee Clerk