1999 - 2000 LEGISLATURE
June 29, 1999 - Offered by Representative J. Lehman.
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA2,1,11 At the locations indicated, amend the amendment as follows:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA2,1,2 21. Page 6, line 1: before that line insert:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA2,1,3 3"5m. Page 8, line 3: delete lines 3 to 9.".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA2,1,4 42. Page 6, line 3: delete lines 3 to 5 and substitute:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA2,1,6 5"6m. Page 11, line 14: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
6with on page 13, line 16.".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA2,1,7 73. Page 10, line 5: before that line insert:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA2,1,8 8"16m. Page 22, line 11: delete lines 11 to 18.".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA2,1,9 94. Page 10, line 9: after that line insert:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA2,1,11 10"17m. Page 23, line 19: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
11with page 24, line 9.".
15. Page 14, line 13: after that line insert:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA2,2,2 2"23m. Page 28, line 7: delete lines 7 to 14.".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA2,2,4 36. Page 14, line 22: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
4with page 16, line 16, and substitute:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA2,2,6 5"25m. Page 28, line 23: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
6with page 30, line 13.".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA2,2,8 77. Page 17, line 24: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
8with page 18, line 3.
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA2,2,9 98. Page 17, line 15: after that line insert:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA2,2,10 10"26g. Page 40, line 17: delete lines 17 to 25.
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA2,2,11 1126r. Page 41, line 5: delete lines 5 to 18.".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA2,2,12 129. Page 20, line 21: after that line insert:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA2,2,14 13"35m. Page 61, line 14: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
14with page 62, line 9.".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA2,2,15 1510. Page 20, line 23: after that line insert:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA2,2,17 16"36m. Page 64, line 3: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
17with page 65, line 9.".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA2,2,18 1811. Page 21, line 10: delete lines 10 to 13 and substitute:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA2,2,19 19"38b. Page 83, line 10: delete lines 10 and 11.".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA2,2,20 2012. Page 23, line 12: delete lines 12 to 18 and substitute:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA2,2,21 21"58m. Page 118, line 1: delete lines 1 to 4.
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA2,2,22 2262r. Page 118, line 17: after that line insert: - See PDF for table PDF
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA2,3,1 113. Page 26, line 5: delete lines 5 to 7.
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA2,3,2 214. Page 26, line 17: after that line insert:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA2,3,3 3"86m. Page 136, line 2: delete that line.".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA2,3,4 415. Page 27, line 1: after that line insert:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA2,3,5 5"90m. Page 137, line 17: delete that line.".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA2,3,6 616. Page 37, line 21: after that line insert:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA2,3,7 7"170m. Page 235, line 4: delete lines 4 and 5.".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA2,3,8 817. Page 38, line 5: after that line insert:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA2,3,9 9"174m. Page 237, line 21: delete lines 21 and 22.".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA2,3,10 1018. Page 38, line 9: after that line insert:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA2,3,11 11"176g. Page 241, line 1: delete lines 1 to 3.
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA2,3,12 12176r. Page 241, line 6: delete lines 6 to 9.".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA2,3,13 1319. Page 38, line 12: after that line insert:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA2,3,14 14"177m. Page 245, line 1: delete lines 1 to 3.".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA2,3,15 1520. Page 40, line 14: after that line insert:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA2,3,16 16"189m. Page 277, line 12: delete lines 12 and 13.".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA2,3,17 1721. Page 43, line 10: delete lines 10 to 16 and substitute:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA2,3,19 18"210m. Page 294, line 6: delete the material beginning with that line and
19ending with page 298, line 23.".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA2,3,21 2022. Page 47, line 16: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
21with page 48, line 2.
123. Page 48, line 21: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
2with page 49, line 2.
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA2,4,3 324. Page 48, line 3: delete lines 3 to 11.