AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,8,5 339. Page 191, line 13: delete lines 13 to 16 and substitute "or she has been
4rehabilitated for purposes of first becoming a caregiver on or after the effective date
5of this subsection .... [revisor inserts date]
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,8,6 640. Page 192, line 2: after that line insert:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,8,9 7"3m. The title of the person or body designated by the tribe to whom a person
8may appeal an adverse decision made by the person specified under subd. 3. and
9whether the tribe provides any further rights of appeal.".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,8,10 1041. Page 192, line 9: delete lines 9 to 12 and substitute:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,8,20 11"(b) If, within 90 days after receiving the plan, the department does not
12disapprove the plan, the plan shall be considered approved. If, within 90 days after
13receiving the plan, the department disapproves the plan, the department shall
14provide notice of that disapproval to the tribe in writing, together with the reasons
15for the disapproval. The department may not disapprove a plan unless the
16department finds that the plan is not rationally related to the protection of clients.
17If the department disapproves the plan, the tribe may, within 30 days after receiving
18notice of the disapproval, request that the secretary review the department's
19decision. A final decision under this paragraph is not subject to further review under
20ch. 227.".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,8,21 2142. Page 241, line 9: delete lines 9 to 20 and substitute:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,8,22 22"" Section 1682nb. 71.04 (8) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,9,423 71.04 (8) (b) 1. "Public utility", as used in this section, means any business
24entity which owns or operates any plant, equipment, property, franchise, or license

1for the transmission of communications or the production, transmission, sale,
2delivery, or furnishing of electricity, water or steam, the rates of charges for goods or
3services of which have been established or approved by a federal, state or local
4government or governmental agency.
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,9,9 52. "Public utility" also means, in this section, any business entity providing
6service to the public and engaged in the transportation of goods and persons for hire,
7as defined in s. 194.01 (4), regardless of whether or not the entity's rates or charges
8for services have been established or approved by a federal, state or local government
9or governmental agency.".".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,9,10 1043. Page 241, line 21: delete lines 21 and 22 and substitute:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,9,12 11"590. Page 832, line 21: after "(9d)" insert "and the net income of public utilities,
12as defined in par. (b) 1., shall be apportioned under sub. (4)
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,9,13 1344. Page 250, line 6: after that line insert:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,9,15 14"606d. Page 854, line 11: after "gain" insert "and includes issuing credit, debit
15or travel and entertainment cards to customers in this state".".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,9,16 1645. Page 255, line 15: after that line insert:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,9,17 17"616m. Page 910, line 18: after that line insert:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,9,18 18" Section 1740n. 71.26 (3) (L) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,9,2419 71.26 (3) (L) Section 265 is excluded and replaced by the rule that any amount
20otherwise deductible under this chapter that is directly or indirectly related to
21income wholly exempt from taxes imposed by this chapter or to losses from the sale
22or other disposition of assets the gain from which would be exempt under this
23paragraph if the assets were sold or otherwise disposed of at a gain is not deductible.
24In this paragraph, "wholly exempt income", for corporations subject to franchise or

1income taxes, includes amounts received from affiliated or subsidiary corporations
interest, dividends or capital gains that, because of the degree of common
3ownership, control or management between the payor and payee,
are not subject to
4taxes under this chapter. In this paragraph, "wholly exempt income", for
5corporations subject to income taxation under this chapter, also includes interest on
6obligations of the United States. In this paragraph, "wholly exempt income" does not
7include income excludable, not recognized, exempt or deductible under specific
8provisions of this chapter. If any expense or amount otherwise deductible is
9indirectly related both to wholly exempt income or loss and to other income or loss,
10a reasonable proportion of the expense or amount shall be allocated to each type of
11income or loss, in light of all the facts and circumstances.".".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,10,13 1246. Page 354, line 24: delete "privacy institutional" and substitute
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,10,15 1447. Page 355, line 1: delete "privacy institutional" and substitute
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,10,18 1648. Page 355, line 3: after "service" insert ", except if the department specifies
17by rule that the number of data elements included in the public use data file is too
18small to enable protection of patient confidentiality".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,10,20 1949. Page 355, line 5: delete "privacy institutional" and substitute
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,10,21 2150. Page 355, line 6: delete lines 6 to 10.
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,10,23 2251. Page 355, line 18: on lines 18, 20 and 22, delete "privacy institutional" and
23substitute "independent".
153. Page 356, line 10: delete "institutional" and substitute "independent".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,11,3 254. Page 356, line 13: delete ", b., c., i. and j., as renumbered, are" and
3substitute ", as renumbered, is".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,11,4 455. Page 356, line 17: delete lines 17 to 20.
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,11,5 556. Page 356, line 25: after "g." insert ", L. and m.".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,11,6 657. Page 358, line 14: delete "this subsection" and substitute "par. (a)".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,11,7 758. Page 359, line 19: delete "name of the".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,11,9 859. Page 359, line 20: delete that line and substitute "payer category code
9under sub. (3m).".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,11,10 1060. Page 360, line 18: delete that line and substitute:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,11,11 11"153.67 Independent review board. The independent".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,11,15 1261. Page 360, line 21: delete that line and substitute "independent review
13board approves such a request or unless independent review board approval is not
14required under rules of the department promulgated under s. 153.45 (1) (c) (intro.),
15the data elements".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,11,17 1662. Page 361, line 1: delete "privacy institutional" and substitute
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,11,19 1863. Page 361, line 2: delete "privacy institutional" and substitute
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,11,20 2064. Page 361, line 4: after that line insert:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,11,21 21" Section 2283i. 153.85 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,12,2 22153.85 Civil liability. Any Except as provided in s. 153.86, any person
23violating s. 153.50 or rules promulgated under s. 153.75 (1) (a) is liable to the patient

1for actual damages and costs, plus exemplary damages of up to $1,000 for a negligent
2violation and up to $5,000 for an intentional violation.
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30, s. 2283j 3Section 2283j. 153.86 of the statutes is created to read:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,12,9 4153.86 Immunity from liability. A health care provider that submits
5information to the department under this chapter is immune from civil liability for
6any act or omission of an employe, official or agent of the health care provider that
7results in the release of a prohibited data element while submitting data to the
8department of health and family services. The immunity provided under this section
9does not apply to intentional, wilful or reckless acts or omissions.".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,12,11 1065. Page 361, line 12: on lines 12 and 14, delete "school" and substitute
11"military academy".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,12,13 1266. Page 416, line 1: delete "4. of the statutes is repealed and recreated" and
13substitute "5. of the statutes is created".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,12,14 1467. Page 416, line 3: delete "4." and substitute "5.".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,12,15 1568. Page 416, line 4: delete "(3m)" and "(3r)".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,12,17 1669. Page 416, line 16: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
17with page 417, line 9, and substitute:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,12,18 18" Section 2400qd. 251.02 (3r) of the statutes is created to read:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,12,2319 251.02 (3r) In a county described in sub. (3m), in addition to the local health
20department required to be established under sub. (3m), the governing body of a city,
21village or town may, in concert with the governing body of another city, village or
22town, establish a multiple municipal local health department and elect a local health
23officer consistent with this chapter.
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30, s. 2400qe 24Section 2400qe. 251.03 (4r) of the statutes is created to read:
1251.03 (4r) Subsections (1) to (4m) do not apply to a city, village or town that
2establishes a multiple municipal local health department under s. 251.02 (3r). In
3establishing a multiple municipal local health department as described under s.
4251.02 (3r), the relevant governing bodies shall agree on how many members of the
5local board of health are appointed by each governing body and how many of each
6governing body's appointees shall be members who are not elected officials or
7employes of the governing body. The members shall be appointed by the relevant
8governing bodies. A local board of health under this subsection shall elect a
9chairperson and clerk.".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,13,13 1070. Page 416, line 13: delete lines 13 and 14 and substitute "or by a town or
11village health department established under sub. (3m) or by a multiple municipal
12local health department established under sub. (3r)
. No city health department may
13be established after that date January 1,".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,13,14 1471. Page 416, line 15: delete "1994" and substitute "1994".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,13,15 1572. Page 417, line 12: on lines 12 and 14, after "(3m)" insert "and (3r)".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,13,16 1673. Page 417, line 21: after "(3m)" insert "or (3r)".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,13,17 1774. Page 418, line 2: after "(3m)" insert "or (3r)".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,13,18 1875. Page 418, line 7: delete lines 7 and 8 and substitute:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,13,21 19"251.06 (1) (a) 2. A local health officer of a village or town health department
20established under s. 251.02 (3m) or of a multiple municipal local health department
21established under s. 251.02 (3r)
shall be either a physician".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,13,22 2276. Page 418, line 15: delete lines 15 to 17 and substitute:
1"251.06 (2) (c) (intro.) A local health officer of a local health department of a
2village or town established under s. 251.02 (3m) or a local health officer of a multiple
3municipal local health department established under s. 251.02 (3r)
shall be one of the
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,14,5 577. Page 418, line 19: delete lines 19 and 20 and substitute:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,14,7 6"251.06 (2) (c) 1. An employe of the local health department of the village or
7town or an employe of the multiple municipal local health department.".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,14,9 878. Page 418, line 22: delete "village or town multiple municipal local" and
9substitute "village or town".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,14,11 1079. Page 418, line 23: after "(3m)" insert "and a local health officer of a
11multiple municipal local health department established under s. 251.02 (3r)
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,14,12 1280. Page 419, line 4: delete "(3m)" and substitute " (3r)".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,14,13 1381. Page 419, line 8: delete "or (3m)" and substitute "or (3m)".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,14,14 1482. Page 419, line 9: delete "(3m)" and substitute " (3r)".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,14,15 1583. Page 419, line 13: delete "town multiple" and substitute "town".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,14,18 1684. Page 419, line 14: delete that line and substitute "health department is
17established under s. 251.02 (3m) or if a multiple municipal local health department
18is established under s. 251.01 (3r) by the
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,14,19 1985. Page 444, line 9: delete "Acts" and substitute "Act".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,14,21 2086. Page 451, line 6: delete "consortia of not more than 5" and substitute
21"consortia of".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,14,22 2287. Page 486, line 16: after that line insert:
1"(5g) "Consulting chiropractor" means a person licensed to practice
2chiropractic under ch. 446 who consults with an athletic trainer while the athletic
3trainer is engaging in athletic training.".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,15,5 488. Page 493, line 8: on lines 8, 10, 13 and 18, after "consulting" insert
5"chiropractor or".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,15,7 689. Page 494, line 6: on lines 6 and 22, after "consulting" insert "chiropractor
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,15,8 890. Page 523, line 12: delete "301.37," and substitute "301.37 or".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,15,9 991. Page 523, line 13: after "establish a" insert " secured group home or a".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,15,10 1092. Page 523, line 14: delete lines 14 and 15.
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,15,13 1294. Page 541, line 17: delete the material beginning with "and" and ending
13with "occasions," on line 18.
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,15,15 1495. Page 542, line 14: delete the material beginning with "and" and ending
15with "occasions," on line 15.
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,15,17 1696. Page 543, line 15: delete the material beginning with "and" and ending
17with "occasions," on line 16.
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,15,18 1897. Page 551, line 4: after that line insert:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,15,19 19"1038m. Page 1480, line 25: after that line insert:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,16,11 20"(21d) Wisconsin sesquicentennial commission; general program operations
21overpayment readjustment
. Not later than 30 days after the effective date of this
22subsection, the secretary of administration shall recompute the amount of the
23transfer from the historical legacy trust fund to the transportation fund required by

11997 Wisconsin Act 237, section 9101 (1x), by adding to the sum determined by the
2secretary of administration under 1997 Wisconsin Act 237, section 9101 (1x) (intro.),
3the moneys deposited to the historical legacy trust fund under section 341.14 (6r) (bg)
43. b., 1997 stats. If the amount of the transfer required by the recomputation under
5this subsection is greater than the amount transferred under 1997 Wisconsin Act
, section 9101 (1x), the secretary of administration shall transfer from the
7historical legacy trust fund to the transportation fund not later than 30 days after
8the effective date of this subsection an amount equal to the difference between the
9amount transferred under 1997 Wisconsin Act 237, section 9101 (1x), and the
10amount of the transfer calculated under the recomputation required by this
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,16,12 1298. Page 552, line 3: decrease the dollar amount by $1,106,400.
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,16,13 1399. Page 552, line 16: decrease the dollar amount by $280,000.