1999 - 2000 LEGISLATURE
June 29, 1999 - Offered by Representatives Gard and Jensen.
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,1,11 At the locations indicated, amend the amendment as follows:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,1,2 21. Page 9, line 6: after that line insert:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,1,3 3"13m. Page 21, line 4: after that line insert:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,1,4 4" Section 11p. 14.26 (7) of the statutes is created to read:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,1,85 14.26 (7) Notwithstanding sub. (6), the secretary of administration may
6expend from the appropriation under s. 20.505 (1) (s) for the payment of obligations
7incurred by the Wisconsin sesquicentennial commission that remain unpaid as of the
8effective date of this subsection .... [revisor inserts date].".".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,1,10 92. Page 11, line 24: after "and;" insert "at least 2 of whom shall be employer
10purchasers of health care; and
13. Page 12, line 1: delete lines 1 to 3 and substitute "nurse, licensed under s.
2441.06, and 2 physicians, as defined in s. 448.01 (5), and 2 representatives of
3hospitals, as defined in s. 50.33 (2)
. The State Medical Society of Wisconsin may".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,2,5 44. Page 12, line 7: delete "Privacy institutional review board. There is
5created a privacy" and substitute "Independent review board. There is created an".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,2,6 65. Page 12, line 8: delete "institutional" and substitute "independent".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,2,7 76. Page 28, line 22: after that line insert:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,2,10 8"105c. Page 153, line 23: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1999-00 by
9$230,100 and increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 2000-01 by $230,100 to
10increase funding for overtime work.".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,2,11 117. Page 32, line 15: delete "lighting".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,2,12 128. Page 33, line 14: delete lines 14 to 17.
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,2,13 139. Page 38, line 8: after that line insert:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,2,14 14"175m. Page 238, line 5: after that line insert: - See PDF for table PDF
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,2,15 1510. Page 41, line 13: after that line insert:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,2,16 16"197c. Page 286, line 9: delete "and (be)".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,2,17 17197f. Page 287, line 14: after that line insert:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,2,18 18" Section 202g. 20.143 (1) (fg) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,3,219 20.143 (1) (fg) Community-based economic development programs. The
20amounts in the schedule for grants under ss. 560.037 and 560.14 and for the grant

1grants under 1993 Wisconsin Act 16, section 9115 (1c) and 1999 Wisconsin Act ....
2(this act), section 9110 (6e)
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,3,4 311. Page 51, line 21: delete the material beginning with "As a" and ending with
4"all" on line 22 and substitute "All".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,3,5 512. Page 55, line 12: delete "$2.00" and substitute "$2".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,3,6 613. Page 58, line 13: after that line insert:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,3,7 7"277m. Page 376, line 11: after that line insert:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,3,8 8" Section 528p. 20.505 (1) (s) of the statutes is created to read:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,3,129 20.505 (1) (s) Wisconsin sesquicentennial commission; payment of obligations.
10From the historical legacy trust fund, all moneys received from moneys deposited
11under s. 14.26 (5g) (c) and (e), 1997 stats., for the purpose specified under s. 14.26
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,3,13 1314. Page 83, line 8: before "been retired" insert "not".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,3,14 1415. Page 83, line 11: before "retired" insert "not".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,3,15 1516. Page 93, line 16: delete lines 16 to 19 and substitute:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,3,16 16"367b. Page 470, line 8: delete "$2,492,000" and substitute "$400,000".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,3,17 17367c. Page 470, line 10: delete lines 10 to 12 and substitute:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,3,20 18"(b) The first $14,600,000 of the moneys received in fiscal year 2000-01 under
19the Attorneys General Master Tobacco Settlement Agreement of November 23,
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,3,21 21367d. Page 470, line 13: before that line insert:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,3,24 22"(c) Beginning in fiscal year 2001-02, the first $13,000,000 of the moneys
23received each year under the Attorneys General Master Tobacco Settlement
24Agreement of November 23, 1998.".".
117. Page 152, line 23: delete "of not more than 5" and substitute "of".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,4,3 218. Page 155, line 16: before "and" insert ", who is or is expected to be under
3the control of the entity, as defined by the department by rule,".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,4,4 419. Page 155, line 16: delete "direct, regular" and substitute "regular, direct".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,4,5 520. Page 155, line 21: delete "at an entity".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,4,6 621. Page 156, line 3: after that line insert:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,4,7 7" Section 1159p. 48.685 (1) (av) of the statutes is created to read:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,4,108 48.685 (1) (av) "Direct contact" means face-to-face physical proximity to a
9client that affords the opportunity to commit abuse or neglect of a client or to
10misappropriate the property of a client.".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,4,11 1122. Page 156, line 17: delete "direct, regular" and substitute "regular, direct".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,4,12 1223. Page 161, line 1: delete lines 1 to 5 and substitute:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,4,13 13" Section 1169p. 48.685 (2) (bb) of the statutes is created to read:
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,5,514 48.685 (2) (bb) If information obtained under par. (am) or (b) 1. indicates a
15charge of a serious crime, but does not completely and clearly indicate the final
16disposition of the charge, the department, county department, child welfare agency,
17school board or entity shall make every effort to contact the clerk of courts to
18determine the disposition of the charge. If a background information form under sub.
19(6) (a) or (am) indicates a charge of a serious crime, but information obtained under
20par. (am) or (b) 1. does not indicate such a charge, the department, county
21department, child welfare agency, school board or entity shall make every reasonable
22effort to contact the clerk of courts to obtain a copy of the criminal complaint and
23judgment of conviction relating to that charge. If information obtained under par.
24(am) or (b) 1. indicates a conviction of a violation of s. 940.19 (1), 940.195, 940.20,

1941.30, 942.08, 947.01 or 947.013 obtained not more than 5 years before the date on
2which that information was obtained, the department, county department, child
3welfare agency, school board or entity shall make every reasonable effort to contact
4the clerk of courts to obtain a copy of the criminal complaint and judgment of
5conviction relating to that violation.".
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,5,9 624. Page 162, line 24: after "state," insert "or if the department, county
7department, child welfare agency, school board or entity determines that the person's
8employment, licensing or state court records provide a reasonable basis for further
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,5,16 1025. Page 163, line 4: delete that line and substitute "(am) 1. or (b) 1. a. The
11department, county department, child welfare agency, school board or entity may
12require the person to be fingerprinted on 2 fingerprint cards, each bearing a complete
13set of the person's fingerprints. The department of justice may provide for the
14submission of the fingerprint cards to the federal bureau of investigation for the
15purposes of verifying the identity of the person fingerprinted and obtaining records
16of his or her criminal arrests and convictions.
AB133-ASA1-AA2-AA30,5,19 1726. Page 166, line 16: delete lines 16 to 18 and substitute "or she has been
18rehabilitated for purposes of first becoming a caregiver on or after the effective date
19of this paragraph .... [revisor inserts date]