AB133-SSA1, s. 663u 11Section 663u. 23.0917 of the statutes is created to read:
AB133-SSA1,431,13 1223.0917 Warren Knowles-Gaylord Nelson stewardship 2000 program.
13(1) Definitions. In this section:
AB133-SSA1,431,1514 (a) "Annual bonding authority" means the amount that may be obligated under
15a subprogram for a fiscal year.
AB133-SSA1,431,1716 (b) "Baraboo Hills" means the area that is within the boundaries of Baraboo
17Range National Natural Landmark.
AB133-SSA1,431,2018 (c) "Department land" means an area of land that is owned by the state, that
19is under the jurisdiction of the department and that is used for one of the purposes
20specified in s. 23.09 (2d).
AB133-SSA1,431,2221 (d) "Land" means land in fee simple, conservation easements, other easements
22in land and development rights in land.
AB133-SSA1,431,2423 (e) "Obligate" means to encumber or otherwise commit or to expend without
24having previously encumbered or otherwise committed.
1(f) "Owner's acquisition price" means the amount equal to the price the owner
2paid for the land or if the owner acquired the land as a gift or devise, the amount equal
3to the appraised value of the land at the time it was transferred to the owner.
AB133-SSA1,432,54 (g) "Remaining bonding authority" means the amount of moneys that has not
5been obligated.
AB133-SSA1,432,8 6(2) Establishment. (a) The department shall establish the following
7subprograms for conservation and recreational purposes under the Warren
8Knowles-Gaylord Nelson stewardship 2000 program:
AB133-SSA1,432,99 1. A subprogram for land acquisition purposes.
AB133-SSA1,432,1010 2. A subprogram for property development and local assistance.
AB133-SSA1,432,1211 (b) No moneys may be obligated from the appropriation under s. 20.866 (2) (ta)
12before July 1, 2000.
AB133-SSA1,432,16 13(3) Land acquisition subprogram. (a) Beginning with fiscal year 2000-01 and
14ending with fiscal year 2009-10, the department may obligate moneys under the
15subprogram for land acquisition to acquire land for the purposes specified in s. 23.09
16(2) (d) and grants for these purposes under s. 23.096.
AB133-SSA1,432,2217 (b) In obligating moneys under the subprogram for land acquisition, the
18department shall set aside in each fiscal year $3,000,000 that may be obligated only
19for state trails and the ice age trail and for grants for the state trails and the ice age
20trails under s. 23.096. The period of time during which the moneys shall be set aside
21in each fiscal year shall begin on the July 1 of the fiscal year and end on the June 30
22of the same fiscal year.
AB133-SSA1,432,2523 (c) In obligating moneys under the subprogram for land acquisition, the
24department shall give priority to all of the following purposes and to awarding grants
25under s. 23.096 for all the following purposes:
11. Acquisition of land that preserves or enhances the state's water resources,
2including land in and for the Lower Wisconsin State Riverway; land abutting wild
3rivers designated under s. 30.26, wild lakes and land along the shores of the Great
AB133-SSA1,433,55 2. Acquisition of land for the stream bank protection program under s. 23.094.
AB133-SSA1,433,66 3. Acquisition of land for habitat areas and fisheries under s. 23.092.
AB133-SSA1,433,77 4. Acquisition of land for natural areas under ss. 23.27 and 23.29.
AB133-SSA1,433,88 5. Acquisition of land for bluff protection under s. 30.24.
AB133-SSA1,433,99 6. Acquisition of land in the middle Kettle Moraine.
AB133-SSA1,433,1010 7. Acquisition of land in the Baraboo Hills for conservation purposes.
AB133-SSA1,433,1211 (d) Except as provided in sub. (5), the department may not obligate under the
12subprogram for land acquisition more than $31,000,000 in each fiscal year.
AB133-SSA1,433,1413 (e) For purposes of this subsection, the department by rule shall define "wild
AB133-SSA1,433,19 15(4) Property development and local assistance subprogram. (a) Beginning
16with fiscal year 2000-01 and ending with fiscal year 2009-10, the department may
17obligate moneys under the subprogram for property development and local
18assistance. Moneys obligated under this subprogram may be only used for
19nature-based outdoor recreation.
AB133-SSA1,433,2120 (b) The purposes for which moneys may be obligated for local assistance under
21the subprogram for property development and local assistance are the following:
AB133-SSA1,433,2222 1. Grants for urban green space under ss. 23.09 (19) and 23.096.
AB133-SSA1,433,2323 2. Grants for local parks under ss. 23.09 (20) and 23.096.
AB133-SSA1,433,2524 3. Grants for acquisition of property development rights under ss. 23.09 (20m)
25and 23.096.
14. Grants for urban rivers under ss. 23.096 and 30.277.
AB133-SSA1,434,42 (c) The purposes for which moneys may be obligated for property development
3under the subprogram for property development and local assistance are the
AB133-SSA1,434,55 1. Property development of department lands.
AB133-SSA1,434,76 2. Property development on conservation easements adjacent to department
AB133-SSA1,434,88 3. Grants under s. 23.098.
AB133-SSA1,434,109 (d) In obligating moneys under the subprogram for property development and
10local assistance, all of the following shall apply:
AB133-SSA1,434,1211 1. The department may obligate not more than $9,400,000 in each fiscal year
12under the subprogram except as provided in sub. (5).
AB133-SSA1,434,1413 2. The department may obligate not more than $8,000,000 in each fiscal year
14for local assistance.
AB133-SSA1,434,1615 3. The department shall obligate at least $1,400,000 in each fiscal year for
16property development.
AB133-SSA1,434,1917 (e) Under the subprogram for property development and local assistance, the
18department shall give priority to funding for the establishment and development of
19a state park which provides access to Lake Michigan in the city of Milwaukee.
AB133-SSA1,434,2120 (f) For purposes of this subsection, the department by rule shall define
21"nature-based outdoor recreation".
AB133-SSA1,435,5 22(5) Adjustments for subsequent fiscal years. (a) If for a given fiscal year the
23department obligates an amount from the moneys appropriated under s. 20.866 (2)
24(ta) for a subprogram under sub. (3) or (4) that is less than the annual bonding
25authority for that subprogram for that given fiscal year, the department shall adjust

1the annual bonding authority for that subprogram by raising the annual bonding
2authority, as it may have been previously adjusted under this paragraph and par. (b),
3for the next fiscal year by the amount that equals the difference between the amount
4authorized for that subprogram and the obligated amount for that subprogram in
5that given fiscal year.
AB133-SSA1,435,146 (b) If for a given fiscal year the department obligates an amount from the
7moneys appropriated under s. 20.866 (2) (ta) for a subprogram under sub. (3) or (4)
8that is more than the annual bonding authority for that subprogram for that given
9fiscal year, the department shall adjust the annual bonding authority for that
10subprogram by lowering the annual bonding authority, as it may have been
11previously adjusted under this paragraph and par. (a), for the next fiscal year by an
12amount equal to the remainder calculated by subtracting the amount authorized for
13that subprogram from the obligated amount, as it may be affected under par. (c) or
14(d), for that subprogram in that given fiscal year.
AB133-SSA1,435,1915 (c) The department may not obligate for a fiscal year an amount from the
16moneys appropriated under s. 20.866 (2) (ta) for a subprogram under sub. (3) or (4)
17that exceeds the amount equal to the annual bonding authority for that subprogram
18as it may have been previously adjusted under pars. (a) and (b), except as provided
19in par. (d).
AB133-SSA1,436,220 (d) For a given fiscal year, in addition to obligating the amount of the annual
21bonding authority for a subprogram under sub. (3) or (4), or the amount equal to the
22annual bonding authority for that subprogram, as adjusted under pars. (a) and (b),
23whichever amount is applicable, the department may also obligate for that
24subprogram up to 100% of the annual bonding authority for that subprogram for that

1given fiscal year for a project or activity if the natural resources board determines
2that all of the following conditions apply:
AB133-SSA1,436,53 1. That moneys appropriated for that subprogram to the department under s.
420.370 and the moneys appropriated for that subprogram under s. 20.866 (2) (ta), (tp)
5to (tw), (ty) and (tz) do not provide sufficient funding for the project or activity.
AB133-SSA1,436,76 2. That any land involved in the project or activity covers a large area or the
7land is uniquely valuable in conserving the natural resources of the state.
AB133-SSA1,436,98 3. That delaying or deferring all or part of the cost to a subsequent fiscal year
9is not reasonably possible.
AB133-SSA1,436,19 10(6) Review by joint committee on finance. The department may not obligate
11from the appropriation under s. 20.866 (2) (ta) for a given project or activity more
12than $250,000 unless it first notifies the joint committee on finance in writing of the
13proposal. If the cochairpersons of the committee do not notify the department within
1414 working days after the date of the department's notification that the committee
15has scheduled a meeting to review the proposal, the department may obligate the
16moneys. If, within 14 working days after the date of the notification by the
17department, the cochairpersons of the committee notify the department that the
18committee has scheduled a meeting to review the proposal, the department may
19obligate the moneys only upon approval of the committee.
AB133-SSA1,436,25 20(7) Calculation of grant amounts; appraisals. (a) Except as provided in pars.
21(b) and (c), for purposes of calculating the acquisition costs for acquisition of land
22under ss. 23.09 (19), (20) and (20m), 23.092 (4), 23.094 (3g), 23.096, 30.24 (4) and
2330.277 from the appropriation under s. 20.866 (2) (ta), the acquisition costs shall
24equal the sum of the land's current fair market value and other acquisition costs, as
25determined by rule by the department.
1(b) For land that has been owned by the current owner for less than one year,
2the acquisition costs of the land shall equal the owner's acquisition price.
AB133-SSA1,437,53 (c) For land that has been owned by the current owner for one year or more but
4for less than 3 years, the acquisition costs of the land shall equal the sum of the
5current owner's acquisition price and the annual adjustment increase.
AB133-SSA1,437,86 (d) For purposes of par. (c), the annual adjustment increase shall be calculated
7by multiplying the owner's acquisition price by 7.5% and by then multiplying that
8product by one of the following numbers:
AB133-SSA1,437,109 1. By one if the land has been owned by the current owner for one year or more
10but for less than 2 years.
AB133-SSA1,437,1211 2. By 2 if the land has been owned by the current owner for 2 years or more but
12for less than 3 years.
AB133-SSA1,437,1813 (e) For any land for which moneys are proposed to be obligated from the
14appropriation under s. 20.866 (2) (ta) in order to provide a grant or state aid to a
15governmental unit under s. 23.09 (19), (20) or (20m) or 30.277 or to a nonprofit
16conservation organization under s. 23.096, the governmental unit or nonprofit
17conservation organization shall submit to the department two appraisals if the
18department estimates that the fair market value of the land exceeds $200,000.
AB133-SSA1,437,21 19(8) Prohibitions and limitations. (a) The department may not obligate moneys
20from the appropriation under s. 20.866 (2) (ta) for the acquisition of land for golf
21courses or for the development of golf courses.
AB133-SSA1,437,2522 (b) The department may not obligate moneys from the appropriation under s.
2320.866 (2) (ta) for the acquisition or development of land by a county or other local
24governmental unit or political subdivision if the county, local governmental unit or
25political subdivision acquires the land involved by condemnation.
1(c) The department may not obligate moneys from the appropriation under s.
220.866 (2) (ta) for the acquisition by a city, village or town of land that is outside the
3boundaries of the city, village or town unless the city, village or town acquiring the
4land and the city, village or town in which the land is located approve the acquisition.
AB133-SSA1,438,9 5(9) Rules on land use. The department shall promulgate rules to provide
6incentives under the Warren Knowles-Gaylord Nelson stewardship 2000 program
7to local units of government that submit applications for funding from the
8appropriation under s. 20.866 (2) (ta) for projects or activities that are consistent
9with local or regional land use plans and with local zoning ordinances.
AB133-SSA1,438,12 10(10) Report on land prices. Before January 1, 2005, the department shall
11submit a report to the joint committee on finance and the governor that includes all
12of the following:
AB133-SSA1,438,1513 (a) Information on how changes in the prices for land, between July 1, 2000,
14and the date that the report is submitted, have affected the department's ability to
15protect land for conservation purposes.
AB133-SSA1,438,1716 (b) A range of options to maintain or restore the financial ability to purchase
17land under the Warren Knowles-Gaylord Nelson stewardship 2000 program.
AB133-SSA1,438,24 18(11) Requirements for signs. For any land which is acquired in whole or in part
19with moneys obligated from the appropriations under s. 20.866 (2) (ta) or (tz) or both,
20the department shall provide signs on the land stating that the land has been
21acquired with stewardship funds. The signs shall be clearly visible to the public at
22access points to the land or along highways or other transportation routes that
23provide access to the land. If the land is open to the public, the sign shall so state and
24shall state the purposes for which the land may be used by the public.
1(12) Expenditures after June 30, 2010. If the remaining bonding authority for
2a subprogram under sub. (3) or (4) on June 30, 2010, is an amount greater than zero,
3the department may expend any portion of this remaining bonding authority for that
4subprogram in one or more subsequent fiscal years.
AB133-SSA1, s. 664 5Section 664. 23.0918 of the statutes is created to read:
AB133-SSA1,439,7 623.0918 Natural resources land endowment fund. (1) In this section,
7"land" includes any buildings, facilities or other structures located on the land.
AB133-SSA1,439,14 8(2) Unless the natural resources board determines otherwise in a specific case,
9only the income from the gifts, grants or bequests in the fund is available for
10expenditure. The natural resources board may authorize expenditures only for
11preserving, developing, managing or maintaining land under the jurisdiction of the
12department that is used for any of the purposes specified in s. 23.09 (2) (d). In this
13subsection, unless otherwise provided in a gift, grant or bequest, principal and
14income are determined as provided under s. 701.20 (3).
AB133-SSA1, s. 664b 15Section 664b. 23.092 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB133-SSA1,439,2516 23.092 (4) The department may share the costs of implementing land
17management practices with landowners, or with nonprofit organizations that are
18qualified to enhance wildlife-based recreation if these organizations have the
19landowner's permission to implement the practices. The department may share the
20costs of acquiring easements for habitat areas with landowners or with these
21nonprofit organizations. This subsection does not apply before July 1, 1990 If the
22funding for cost-sharing under this subsection will be expended from the
23appropriation under s. 20.866 (2) (ta), the amount expended for the cost-sharing may
24not exceed 50% of the cost of the management practices or of the acquisition costs for
25the easement
AB133-SSA1, s. 664d
1Section 664d. 23.092 (5) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB133-SSA1,440,112 23.092 (5) (a) The department shall determine the value of land or an easement
3donated to the department that is within a habitat area and is dedicated for purposes
4of habitat protection, enhancement or restoration. For an easement, the valuation
5shall be based on the extent to which the fair market value of the land is diminished
6by the transfer. Beginning on July 1, 1990, and except Except as provided in par. (b),
7an amount of money equal to the value of the donation shall be released from the
8appropriation under s. 20.866 (2) (ta) or (tz) or both to be used for habitat protection,
9enhancement or restoration activities for the same habitat area in which any
10donation was made on or after August 9, 1989. The department shall determine how
11the moneys being released are to be allocated from these appropriations.
AB133-SSA1, s. 664f 12Section 664f. 23.092 (5) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 23.092 (5) (b) 1. and
13amended to read:
AB133-SSA1,440,2414 23.092 (5) (b) 1. If the moneys to be released allocated under par. (a) for release
15from the appropriation under s. 20.866 (2) (tz)
to match a donation under par. (a) will
16exceed the expenditure limit under sub. (6) for a given fiscal year, as adjusted under
17s. 23.0915 (2), the department shall release from the moneys appropriated under s.
1820.866 (2) (tz) the remaining amount available under the expenditure limit under
19sub. (6), as adjusted under s. 23.0915 (2), for the given fiscal year and shall release
20in each following fiscal year from the moneys appropriated under s. 20.866 (2) (tz)
21an amount equal to the expenditure limit under sub. (6), as adjusted under s. 23.0915
or equal to the amount still needed to match the donation, whichever is less, until
23the entire amount necessary to match the donation is released. This subdivision does
24not apply after June 30, 2000.
AB133-SSA1, s. 664h 25Section 664h. 23.092 (5) (b) 2. of the statutes is created to read:
123.092 (5) (b) 2. If the moneys allocated under par. (a) for release from the
2appropriation under s. 20.866 (2) (ta) to match a donation under par. (a) will exceed
3the annual bonding authority for the subprogram under s. 23.0917 (3) for a given
4fiscal year, as adjusted under s. 23.0917 (5), the department shall release from the
5moneys appropriated under s. 20.866 (2) (ta) the remaining amount available under
6that annual bonding authority, as adjusted under s. 23.0917 (5), for the given fiscal
7year and shall release in each following fiscal year from the moneys appropriated
8under s. 20.866 (2) (ta) an amount equal to that annual bonding authority, as
9adjusted under s. 23.0917 (5), or equal to the amount still needed to match the
10donation, whichever is less, until the entire amount necessary to match the donation
11is released.
AB133-SSA1, s. 664i 12Section 664i. 23.092 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB133-SSA1,441,1713 23.092 (6) Except as provided in s. 23.0915 (2), the department may not expend
14from the appropriation under s. 20.866 (2) (tz) more than $1,500,000 under this
15section for fisheries, for habitat areas and for grants for this purpose under s. 23.096
16in each fiscal year. Of this amount the department may not expend more than
17$75,000 for fisheries in each fiscal year.
AB133-SSA1, s. 664j 18Section 664j. 23.092 (6) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act ....
19(this act), is repealed and recreated to read:
AB133-SSA1,441,2320 23.092 (6) Except as provided in s. 23.0915 (2), the department may not expend
21from the appropriation under s. 20.866 (2) (tz) more than $1,500,000 under this
22section for fisheries, for habitat areas and for grants for this purpose under s. 23.096
23in each fiscal year.
AB133-SSA1, s. 665k 24Section 665k. 23.094 (3g) of the statutes is amended to read:
123.094 (3g) Acquisition by political subdivision. A political subdivision may
2acquire by gift, devise or purchase land adjacent to a stream identified as a priority
3stream under sub. (2) or acquire by gift, devise or purchase a permanent stream bank
4easement from the owner of the land. The department may make grants from the
5appropriation under s. 20.866 (2) (tz)
to political subdivisions to purchase these lands
6and easements. The department may make grants under s. 23.096 from the
7appropriation under s. 20.866 (2) (ta) or (tz) or both.
Whenever possible, the land or
8easement shall include the land within at least 66 feet from either side of the stream.
AB133-SSA1, s. 665L 9Section 665L. 23.094 (3m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB133-SSA1,442,1110 23.094 (3m) Limits. A grant under sub (3g) may not exceed 50% of the
11acquisition costs for the land or the easement.
AB133-SSA1, s. 665m 12Section 665m. 23.094 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB133-SSA1,442,2213 23.094 (4) (a) The department shall determine the value of land or an easement
14donated to the department for purposes of this section and for stream bank
15protection under s. 23.096. For an easement, the valuation shall be based on the
16extent to which the fair market value of the land is diminished by the transfer.
17Beginning July 1, 1990, and except Except as provided in par. (b), an amount of
18money equal to the value of the donation shall be released from the appropriation
19under s. 20.866 (2) (ta) or (tz) or both to be used to acquire easements and land under
20this section and s. 23.096 for the same stream for which any donation was made on
21or after August 9, 1989. The department shall determine how the moneys being
22released are to be allocated from these appropriations.
AB133-SSA1, s. 665n 23Section 665n. 23.094 (4) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 23.094 (4) (b) 1. and
24amended to read:
123.094 (4) (b) 1. If the moneys to be released allocated under par. (a) for release
2from the appropriation under s. 20.866 (2) (tz)
to match a donation under par. (a) will
3exceed the expenditure limit under sub. (8) for a given fiscal year, as adjusted under
4s. 23.0915 (2), the department shall release from the moneys appropriated under s.
520.866 (2) (tz) the remaining amount available under the expenditure limit under
6sub. (8), as adjusted under s. 23.0915 (2), for the given fiscal year and shall release
7in each following fiscal year from the moneys appropriated under s. 20.866 (2) (tz)
8an amount equal to the expenditure limit under sub. (8), as adjusted under s. 23.0915
or equal to the amount still needed to match the donation, whichever is less, until
10the entire amount necessary to match the donation is released. This subdivision does
11not apply after June 30, 2000.
AB133-SSA1, s. 665o 12Section 665o. 23.094 (4) (b) 2. of the statutes is created to read: