1999 - 2000 LEGISLATURE
January 21, 1999 - Offered by Committee on Information Policy.
AB51-ASA1,1,13 1An Act to repeal 13.0992; to amend 19.37 (2), 19.37 (3), 218.015 (7), 560.05 (3)
2and 775.01; and to create 13.0992, 16.528 (3) (f), 66.285 (4) (f), 134.92, 893.83
3and 904.17 of the statutes; relating to: gathering of information by state and
4local governmental officers and agencies concerning year 2000 and leap
5year-related processing and public access to such information; recovery of
6damages in certain actions against state and local governmental units and
7officers, employes and agents thereof caused by the incorrect processing;
8transmittal or receipt of certain date data; admissibility of statements
9regarding the year 2000 processing capabilities of a product or service;
10preparation of year 2000 impact statements; educational outreach concerning
11year 2000 and leap year-related computer failures; testing of local emergency
12contingency plans for responding to year 2000 computer problems; granting
13rule-making authority; and providing a penalty.

The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB51-ASA1, s. 1 1Section 1. 13.0992 of the statutes is created to read:
AB51-ASA1,2,3 213.0992 Review of bills impacting on year 2000 problem. (1)
3Definitions. In this section:
AB51-ASA1,2,44 (a) "Department" means the department of administration.
AB51-ASA1,2,95 (b) "Electronic computing device" means any computer hardware or software,
6computer chip, embedded chip, process control equipment or other information
7system used to capture, store, manipulate or process information, or that controls,
8monitors or assists in the operation of physical apparatus that relies on automation
9or digital technology to function.
AB51-ASA1,2,1310 (c) "Local governmental unit" means a political subdivision of this state, a
11special purpose district in this state, an instrumentality or corporation of such a
12political subdivision or special purpose district, combination or subunit of any of the
13foregoing or a combination of an instrumentality of the state and any of the foregoing.
AB51-ASA1,2,1514 (d) "Processing" includes calculating, comparing, sequencing, displaying or
AB51-ASA1,2,1816 (e) "State governmental unit" means this state, and every subunit or
17instrumentality of this state, including any institution or authority, regardless of
18whether moneys are appropriated to the unit.
AB51-ASA1,2,2019 (f) "Year 2000 problem" means a failure in year 2000 processing of an electronic
20computing device.
AB51-ASA1,2,2321 (g) "Year 2000 processing" means the processing, transmitting or receiving of
22date data from, into, and between the 20th and 21st centuries and during the years
231999 and 2000, and from leap year calculations.
1(2) Report on bills impacting on year 2000 problem. (a) Whenever a bill is
2introduced in either house of the legislature that would have an impact on the ability
3of a state governmental unit, a local governmental unit or any other person to avoid
4a year 2000 problem, the department, upon the request of the speaker of the
5assembly or the president of the senate, shall prepare a report on the bill within 5
6working days of the request. The department shall request information from any
7individual, organization or state or local governmental unit that the department
8considers likely to be affected by the bill, if enacted. Individuals, organizations and
9state and local governmental units shall comply with requests by the department for
10information that is reasonably necessary for the department to prepare the report.
11To the greatest extent possible, reports under this section shall be based on the
12information obtained by the department from individuals, organizations and state
13and local governmental units under this paragraph.
AB51-ASA1,3,1514 (b) The report prepared under this section shall be printed as an appendix to
15that applicable bill and shall be distributed in the same manner as amendments.
AB51-ASA1,3,17 16(3) Findings of the department to be contained in the report. The report of
17the department shall contain the following information:
AB51-ASA1,3,1918 (a) A statement of the year 2000 problem affected by the bill, including all of
19the following:
AB51-ASA1,3,2020 1. Whether current law creates a hardship and, if so, the degree of the hardship.
AB51-ASA1,3,2221 2. The costs associated with complying with current law and any anticipated
22savings likely to result from the bill, if enacted.
AB51-ASA1,3,2423 3. Whether any other efforts have been made to resolve the year 2000 problem
24affected by the bill.
14. The degree of control by those affected by the bill over the year 2000 problem
2affected by the bill.
AB51-ASA1,4,43 (b) A description of the proposed effect of the bill, if enacted, on the year 2000
AB51-ASA1,4,85 (c) Any other special considerations concerning the effect of the bill, such as the
6frequency of use of the proposed change and the support and involvement of
7businesses, industries, state governmental units and local governmental units
8affected by the proposed change.
AB51-ASA1,4,10 9(4) Rule-making authority. The department may promulgate any rules
10necessary for the administration of this section.
AB51-ASA1, s. 2 11Section 2. 13.0992 of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin Act .... (this
12act), is repealed.
AB51-ASA1, s. 3 13Section 3. 16.528 (3) (f) of the statutes is created to read:
AB51-ASA1,4,1414 16.528 (3) (f) An order or contract to which s. 893.83 applies.
AB51-ASA1, s. 4 15Section 4. 19.37 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB51-ASA1,4,2516 19.37 (2) Costs, fees and damages. (a) Except as provided in this paragraph
17and s. 893.83, the court shall award reasonable attorney fees, damages of not less
18than $100, and other actual costs to the requester if the requester prevails in whole
19or in substantial part in any action filed under sub. (1) relating to access to a record
20or part of a record under s. 19.35 (1) (a). If the requester is a committed or
21incarcerated person, the requester is not entitled to any minimum amount of
22damages, but the court may award damages. Costs and fees shall be paid by the
23authority affected or the unit of government of which it is a part, or by the unit of
24government by which the legal custodian under s. 19.33 is employed and may not
25become a personal liability of any public official.
1(b) In Except as provided in s. 893.83, in any action filed under sub. (1) relating
2to access to a record or part of a record under s. 19.35 (1) (am), if the court finds that
3the authority acted in a wilful or intentional manner, the court shall award the
4individual actual damages sustained by the individual as a consequence of the
AB51-ASA1, s. 5 6Section 5. 19.37 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB51-ASA1,5,107 19.37 (3) Punitive damages. If Except as provided in s. 893.83, if a court finds
8that an authority or legal custodian under s. 19.33 has arbitrarily and capriciously
9denied or delayed response to a request or charged excessive fees, the court may
10award punitive damages to the requester.
AB51-ASA1, s. 6 11Section 6. 66.285 (4) (f) of the statutes is created to read:
AB51-ASA1,5,1212 66.285 (4) (f) An order or contract to which s. 893.83 applies.
AB51-ASA1, s. 7 13Section 7. 134.92 of the statutes is created to read:
AB51-ASA1,5,14 14134.92 Year 2000 processing information. (1) In this section:
AB51-ASA1,5,1615 (a) "Agent" means an authorized person, other than a director, officer or
16employe, who acts on behalf of or at the direction of another person.
AB51-ASA1,5,1717 (b) "Authority" has the meaning given in s. 19.32 (1).
AB51-ASA1,5,1918 (c) "Processing" includes calculating, comparing, sequencing, displaying or
AB51-ASA1,5,2120 (d) "Regulatory power" means the power to authorize or require a specific class
21of persons to perform certain acts.
AB51-ASA1,5,2422 (e) "Year 2000 processing" means the processing, transmitting or receiving of
23date data from, into, and between the 20th and 21st centuries and during the years
241999 and 2000, and from leap year calculations.
1(f) "Year 2000 statement" means any communication or other conveyance of
2information by a person to another person or to the public, in any form or medium,
3including a computer program:
AB51-ASA1,6,54 1. Concerning an assessment, projection or estimate relating to year 2000
5processing capabilities of an entity, product, service or set of products and services.
AB51-ASA1,6,86 2. Concerning plans, objectives, or timetables for implementing or verifying the
7year 2000 processing capabilities of an entity, product, service or set of products and
AB51-ASA1,6,119 3. Concerning test plans, test dates, test results or operational problems or
10solutions related to year 2000 processing by products or services that incorporate or
11utilize products.
AB51-ASA1,6,1512 4. Concerning the correction or avoidance of a year 2000 processing failure in
13computer hardware, a computer system, a component of a computer system, a
14computer program or software or services utilizing any computer hardware, system,
15component, program or software or services.
AB51-ASA1,6,1716 5. Reviewing, commenting on, or otherwise directly or indirectly relating to
17year 2000 processing capabilities.
AB51-ASA1,6,23 18(2) Each authority may require any person over whom the authority exercises
19regulatory power to provide to the authority information relating to year 2000
20processing, including a year 2000 statement, with respect to any matter relating to
21public health or safety that is regulated by that authority or any matter relating to
22public health or safety that has an effect upon a matter that is regulated by that
AB51-ASA1,6,25 24(3) (a) Each director, partner or proprietor of a business shall forfeit $100 if the
25business does any of the following:
11. Fails to provide any information required under sub. (2).
AB51-ASA1,7,32 2. Knowingly gives a false answer to any request for information made under
3sub. (2).
AB51-ASA1,7,44 3. Evades the answer to any request for information made under sub. (2).
AB51-ASA1,7,55 (b) Each day of violation under par. (a) constitutes a separate offense.
AB51-ASA1,7,8 6(4) (a) Except as provided in pars. (b) and (c), each authority shall withhold
7from access by any person under s. 19.35 (1) all information provided to the authority
8under sub. (2).
AB51-ASA1,7,129 (b) Each authority shall provide to the department of administration, upon
10written request of the department, any information provided to the authority under
11sub. (2). The department of administration shall withhold from access by any person
12under s. 19.35 (1) any information provided to the department under this paragraph.
AB51-ASA1,7,1513 (c) Any person who provides information to an authority under sub. (2) may
14consent in writing to that authority for the authority to provide that information to
15another specified person or to any person.
AB51-ASA1, s. 8 16Section 8. 218.015 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB51-ASA1,7,2217 218.015 (7) In Except as provided in s. 893.83, in addition to pursuing any other
18remedy, a consumer may bring an action to recover for any damages caused by a
19violation of this section. The court shall award a consumer who prevails in such an
20action twice the amount of any pecuniary loss, together with costs, disbursements
21and reasonable attorney fees, and any equitable relief the court determines
AB51-ASA1, s. 9 23Section 9. 560.05 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB51-ASA1,8,524 560.05 (3) The Subject to s. 893.83, the state shall be liable for accrued rentals
25and for any other default under any lease or sublease made under sub. (2) (c) and may

1be sued therefor on contract as in other contract actions under ch. 775, except that
2it shall not be necessary for the lessor under any such lease or sublease or any
3assignee of such lessor or any person or other legal entity proceeding on behalf of such
4lessor to file any claim with the legislature prior to the commencement of any such
AB51-ASA1, s. 10 6Section 10. 775.01 of the statutes is amended to read: