1999 - 2000 LEGISLATURE
March 15, 2000 - Offered by Representative Goetsch.
AB716-ASA1,1,3 1An Act to amend 165.85 (4) (b) 1.; and to create 165.842 of the statutes;
2relating to: collection of data concerning motor vehicle stops, law enforcement
3training standards and granting rule-making authority.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB716-ASA1, s. 1 4Section 1. 165.842 of the statutes is created to read:
AB716-ASA1,1,6 5165.842 Motor vehicle stops; collection and analysis of information;
6annual report.
(1) Definitions. In this section:
AB716-ASA1,1,87 (a) "African American" means, with respect to an American citizen, ancestry
8originating among the dark-skinned people of Africa.
AB716-ASA1,1,129 (b) "American Indian" means ancestry of at least one-fourth American Indian
10or ancestry sufficient to gain the person enrollment as a member of a federally
11recognized American Indian tribe or band or tribal recognition as an American
1(c) "Asian-Indian" means ancestry originating in India, Pakistan or
AB716-ASA1,2,33 (d) "Department" means the department of justice.
AB716-ASA1,2,44 (e) "Ethnic heritage" means any of the following:
AB716-ASA1,2,55 1. African American, Black or Negro.
AB716-ASA1,2,66 2. American Indian.
AB716-ASA1,2,77 3. Alaskan Native.
AB716-ASA1,2,88 4. Asian.
AB716-ASA1,2,99 5. Asian-Indian.
AB716-ASA1,2,1010 6. Pacific Islander.
AB716-ASA1,2,1111 7. Caucasian.
AB716-ASA1,2,1212 8. Chinese.
AB716-ASA1,2,1313 9. Filipino.
AB716-ASA1,2,1414 10. Guamian or Chamorro.
AB716-ASA1,2,1515 11. Hispanic, Latino or Spanish.
AB716-ASA1,2,1616 12. Japanese.
AB716-ASA1,2,1717 13. Korean.
AB716-ASA1,2,1818 14. Native Hawaiian.
AB716-ASA1,2,1919 15. Samoan.
AB716-ASA1,2,2020 16. Vietnamese.
AB716-ASA1,2,2221 (f) "Hispanic" means ancestry originating in Spain, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba,
22Central America or South America.
AB716-ASA1,2,2323 (g) "Law enforcement agency" has the meaning given in s. 165.77 (1) (b).
AB716-ASA1,3,324 (h) "Law enforcement officer" means a person who is employed by a law
25enforcement agency for the purpose of detecting and preventing crime and enforcing

1laws or ordinances and who is authorized to make arrests for violations of the laws
2or ordinances that the person is employed to enforce, whether that enforcement
3authority extends to all laws or ordinances or is limited to specific laws or ordinances.
AB716-ASA1,3,84 (i) "Motor vehicle stop" means the stop or detention of a motor vehicle that is
5traveling in any public or private place, or the detention of an occupied motor vehicle
6that is already stopped in any public or private place, for the purpose of investigating
7any alleged or suspected violation of a state or federal law or city, village, town or
8county ordinance.
AB716-ASA1,3,12 9(2) Information collection required. All persons in charge of law
10enforcement agencies shall obtain, or cause to be obtained, all of the following
11information with respect to each motor vehicle stop made on or after January 1, 2001,
12by a law enforcement officer employed by the law enforcement agency:
AB716-ASA1,3,1413 (a) The reason that the law enforcement officer stopped or detained the motor
AB716-ASA1,3,1515 (b) The age, gender and ethnic heritage of the operator of the motor vehicle.
AB716-ASA1,3,1616 (c) The number of persons in the motor vehicle.
AB716-ASA1,3,1917 (d) Whether a search was conducted of the motor vehicle, the operator of the
18motor vehicle or any passenger in the motor vehicle, and for each search conducted
19all of the following information:
AB716-ASA1,3,2320 1. Whether the search was based on probable cause or reasonable suspicion to
21believe that an offense had been, was being or was about to be committed, or whether
22the search was based on the consent of the person searched or, for a motor vehicle
23search, on the consent of the operator or other authorized person.
AB716-ASA1,3,2524 2. If the search was of a passenger in the motor vehicle, the age, gender and
25ethnic heritage of the passenger.
13. What, if anything, was seized as a result of the search.
AB716-ASA1,4,32 (e) Whether any person who was asked to consent to a search of the motor
3vehicle or of his or her person refused to consent.
AB716-ASA1,4,84 (f) Whether the motor vehicle stop or a search conducted during the stop
5resulted in the operator or any passenger being given a written warning of or a
6citation for a violation of any law or ordinance and, if so, a listing of each warning
7or citation given and the alleged violation for which the warning or citation was
AB716-ASA1,4,119 (g) Whether the motor vehicle stop or a search conducted during the stop
10resulted in the arrest of the operator or any passenger and, if so, a listing of each
11arrest made and the reason for the arrest.
AB716-ASA1,4,1312 (h) Any other information required to be collected under the rules promulgated
13by the department under sub. (5).
AB716-ASA1,4,18 14(3) Submission of information collected. The person in charge of a law
15enforcement agency shall forward the information obtained under sub. (2) to the
16department using the form prescribed by the rules promulgated under sub. (5) and
17in accordance with the reporting schedule established under the rules promulgated
18under sub. (5).
AB716-ASA1,4,22 19(4) Analysis and report by department. (a) The department shall compile the
20information submitted to it by law enforcement agencies under sub. (3) and shall
21analyze the information, along with any other relevant information, to determine,
22both for the state as a whole and for each law enforcement agency, all of the following:
AB716-ASA1,5,523 1. Whether the number of motor vehicle stops and searches of motor vehicles
24operated or occupied by persons who are not Caucasians compared to the number of
25motor vehicle stops and searches of motor vehicles operated or occupied solely by

1persons who are Caucasians is disproportionate based on an estimate of the
2population and characteristics of all persons traveling on state highways, on an
3estimate of the populations and characteristics of persons traveling on state
4highways who are violating a law or ordinance, or on some other relevant population
AB716-ASA1,5,86 2. A determination as to whether any disproportion found under subd. 1. is the
7result of profiling, stereotyping or discrimination based on ethnic heritage, race or
8skin color.
AB716-ASA1,5,159 (b) For each year, the department shall prepare an annual report that
10summarizes the information submitted to it by law enforcement agencies concerning
11motor vehicle stops made during the year and that describes the methods and
12conclusions of its analysis of the information. On or before March 31, 2002, and on
13or before each March 31 thereafter, the department shall submit the annual report
14required under this paragraph to the legislature under s. 13.172 (2), to the governor
15and to the director of state courts.