AB892-ASA3,26,9 7(6) Upon the appointment and qualification of a majority of the members of a
8district board, the district board may exercise the powers and duties of a district
9board under this subchapter.
AB892-ASA3,26,11 10(7) The district board shall name the district, and the name shall include
11"Professional Football Stadium District".
AB892-ASA3,26,21 12229.823 Jurisdiction. A district's jurisdiction is any county with a population
13at the date of the district's creation of more than 150,000 that includes the principal
14site of a stadium that is home to a professional football team, that is a member of a
15league of professional football teams that have home stadiums in at least 10 states
16and a collective average attendance for all league members of at least 40,000 persons
17per game over the 5 years immediately preceding the year in which a district is
18created, and that is approved by that league for use as a home stadium for that
19professional football team. Once created, the district's jurisdiction remains fixed
20even if population or attendance figures subsequently decline below the minimums
21described in this section.
AB892-ASA3,26,24 22229.824 Powers of a district. A district has all of the powers necessary or
23convenient to carry out the purposes and provisions of this subchapter. In addition
24to all other powers granted by this subchapter, a district may do all of the following:
AB892-ASA3,26,25 25(1) Adopt bylaws to govern the district's activities, subject to this subchapter.
1(2) Sue and be sued in its own name, plead and be impleaded.
AB892-ASA3,27,2 2(3) Maintain an office.
AB892-ASA3,27,3 3(4) In connection with football stadium facilities:
AB892-ASA3,27,64 (a) Acquire, construct, equip, maintain, improve, operate and manage the
5football stadium facilities as a revenue-generating enterprise, or engage other
6persons to do these things.
AB892-ASA3,27,87 (b) Acquire; lease, as lessor or lessee; use; transfer; or accept transfers of
AB892-ASA3,27,129 (c) Improve, maintain and repair property, and fund reserves for maintenance,
10depreciation and capital improvements. Reserves for depreciation and capital
11improvements may not be created in the special fund maintained under s. 229.825
AB892-ASA3,27,1713 (d) Enter into contracts, subject to such standards as may be established by the
14district board. The district board may award any such contract for any combination
15or division of work it designates and may consider any factors in awarding a contract,
16including price, time for completion of work and qualifications and past performance
17of a contractor.
AB892-ASA3,27,1818 (e) Grant concessions.
AB892-ASA3,27,1919 (f) Sell or otherwise dispose of unneeded or unwanted property.
AB892-ASA3,27,23 20(5) Employ personnel, and fix and regulate their compensation; and provide,
21either directly or subject to an agreement under s. 66.30 as a participant in a benefit
22plan of another governmental entity, any employe benefits, including an employe
23pension plan.
1(6) Purchase insurance, establish and administer a plan of self-insurance or,
2subject to an agreement with another governmental entity under s. 66.30,
3participate in a governmental plan of insurance or self-insurance.
AB892-ASA3,28,4 4(7) Mortgage, pledge or otherwise encumber the district's property or funds.
AB892-ASA3,28,9 5(8) Subject to s. 229.8245, issue revenue bonds under s. 66.066, subject to ss.
6229.829 to 229.834, and enter into agreements related to the issuance of bonds,
7including liquidity and credit facilities, remarketing agreements, insurance policies,
8guaranty agreements, letter of credit or reimbursement agreements, indexing
9agreements, interest exchange agreements and currency exchange agreements.
AB892-ASA3,28,11 10(9) Maintain funds and invest the funds in any investment that the district
11board considers appropriate.
AB892-ASA3,28,13 12(10) Promote, advertise and publicize its football stadium facilities and related
AB892-ASA3,28,16 14(11) Set standards governing the use of, and the conduct within, its football
15stadium facilities in order to promote public safety and convenience and to maintain
AB892-ASA3,28,18 17(12) Establish and collect fees or other charges for the use of its football
18stadium facilities or for services rendered by the district.
AB892-ASA3,28,22 19(13) Establish and collect fees or other charges for the right to purchase
20admission to events at the football stadium if the proceeds from any amount that is
21collected under this subsection are used for purposes related to football stadium
AB892-ASA3,28,24 23(14) Enter into partnerships, joint ventures, common ownership or other
24arrangements with other persons to further the district's purposes.
1(15) Impose, by the adoption of a resolution, the taxes under subch. V of ch. 77,
2except that the taxes imposed by the resolution may not take effect until the
3resolution is approved by a majority of the electors in the district's jurisdiction voting
4on the resolution at a referendum, to be held on a date specified by the county board.
5The board shall specify a date that is not earlier than 45 days nor later than 120 days
6after adoption of the resolution. The referendum may be held at any spring or
7general election or any spring or September primary, or at a special election called
8by the county board for that purpose. The question submitted shall be "Shall a sales
9tax and a use tax be imposed at the rate of ....% in ...... County for purposes related
10to football stadium facilities in the ..... Professional Football Stadium District?" The
11clerk of the district shall publish the notices required under s. 10.06 (4) (c), (f) and
12(i) for any referendum held under this subsection. A district may not levy any taxes
13that are not expressly authorized under subch. V of ch. 77. If a district board adopts
14a resolution that imposes taxes and the resolution is approved by the electors, the
15district shall deliver a certified copy of the resolution to the secretary of revenue at
16least 30 days before its effective date. If a district board adopts a resolution that
17imposes taxes and the resolution is not approved by the electors, the district is
AB892-ASA3,29,19 19(16) Accept gifts, loans and other aid.
AB892-ASA3,29,21 20(17) Administer the receipt of revenues, and oversee the payment of bonds
21issued by the district.
AB892-ASA3,29,22 22(18) Adopt and alter an official seal.
AB892-ASA3,30,3 23(19) Subject to the limitation in this subsection, sell engraved tiles or bricks,
24which may be placed in or around football stadium facilities. The net proceeds from
25the sale of engraved tiles or bricks shall be used by the district to retire bonds issued

1for purposes related to football stadium facilities. No tiles or bricks may be sold
2under this subsection if the net proceeds from such sales would exceed the amount
3that would jeopardize the federal tax-exempt status of the bonds.
AB892-ASA3,30,6 4229.8245 Limitations on district, state actions. The district may not issue
5bonds under s. 229.824 (8), and the department of transportation may not make any
6payments under s. 85.62, unless all of the following apply:
AB892-ASA3,30,9 7(1) The district has entered into a lease with a professional football team, as
8described in s. 229.823, under which the team agrees to be the principal tenant of the
9football stadium for a term of not less than 30 years.
AB892-ASA3,30,14 10(2) The district and a professional football team, as described in s. 229.823,
11enter into an agreement under which the team agrees to purchase any unsold tickets
12to a professional football game that is held at the home stadium in order to ensure
13that, if the game is televised, there will be a live television broadcast of the game
14within the district's jurisdiction.
AB892-ASA3,30,20 15(3) A professional football team, as described in s. 229.823, certifies to the
16district that it has applied to the league of professional football teams to which it
17belongs for approval of a policy that allows a person who paid a onetime license or
18similar right, as described in s. 77.54 (45), to receive a payment in an amount that
19is equal to the amount of the license or right from any person who subsequently
20receives that license or right.
AB892-ASA3,31,3 21229.825 Special fund tax revenues. (1) The district board shall maintain
22one special fund into which it deposits all of the revenue received from the
23department of revenue, that is derived from the taxes imposed under subch. V of ch.
2477 and from football donations, as defined in s. 71.10 (5e) (a) 2., and may use this
25revenue only for the purposes specified in sub. (2). The district may not deposit any

1other moneys into the special fund, except that the district shall credit all earnings
2on the revenues in the special fund to the special fund. The earnings on the revenues
3shall be used only for the purposes specified in sub. (2).
AB892-ASA3,31,11 4(2) The district shall first use the revenues in the special fund maintained
5under sub. (1) for the purpose of any special debt service reserve fund under s.
6229.830 and for the payment of current debt service on bonds issued by the district
7for purposes related to football stadium facilities. If the revenues in the special fund
8exceed the amount required for any special debt service reserve fund under s.
9229.830 and to pay current debt service on bonds issued by the district for purposes
10related to football stadium facilities, the district shall apply the excess revenues for
11the following purposes in the following order:
AB892-ASA3,31,1612 (a) Beginning in the first year in which a renovated or newly constructed
13football stadium is used as a home stadium, an amount equal to not more than
14$4,031,000 may be used to pay the maintenance and operating costs of the football
15stadium facilities. This amount may be increased each year thereafter by not more
16than 3% and may be expended annually until the earlier of the following:
AB892-ASA3,31,1817 1. The 28th year beginning after the initial year in which the revenues are first
18used to pay the maintenance and operating costs of the football stadium facilities.
AB892-ASA3,31,2119 2. The year in which the district board determines that the balance of moneys
20in the reserve created under par. (c) 2., plus all projected earnings on the moneys, are
21sufficient to pay the costs specified under subd. 1.
AB892-ASA3,32,422 (b) Beginning in the year that occurs immediately after the year in which the
23tax is first imposed under s. 77.706, an amount equal to not more than $750,000 may
24be used to pay the district board's administration expenses. In the succeeding year,
25an amount equal to not more than $500,000 may be used to pay the district board's

1administration expenses. In the 2nd succeeding year, and each year thereafter, an
2amount equal to not more than $200,000 may be used to pay the district board's
3administration expenses. The amount authorized to be expended under this
4paragraph may be expended annually until the earlier of the following:
AB892-ASA3,32,65 1. The 30th year beginning after the initial year in which the revenues are first
6used to pay the district board's administration expenses.
AB892-ASA3,32,97 2. The year in which the district board determines that the balance of moneys
8in the reserve created under par. (c) 2., plus all projected earnings on the moneys, are
9sufficient to pay the costs specified under subd. 1.
AB892-ASA3,32,1010 (c) The remainder may be used only for the following purposes:
AB892-ASA3,32,1211 1. To retire bonds issued for purposes related to football stadium facilities, and
12any bonds issued to fund or refund those bonds, prior to their maturity.
AB892-ASA3,32,1713 2. To establish a reserve to pay the maintenance and operating costs of the
14football stadium facilities specified in par. (a) and the district board's administration
15expenses specified in par. (b), but only after all bonds issued for purposes related to
16football stadium facilities and all bonds issued to fund or refund those bonds are
AB892-ASA3,32,18 18(3) The district board shall do all of the following:
AB892-ASA3,32,2119 (a) As soon as practicable after all bonds issued for purposes related to football
20stadium facilities and all bonds issued to fund or refund those bonds are retired, the
21district board shall make a certification to the department of revenue to that effect.
AB892-ASA3,32,2422 (b) As soon as practicable after fully funding the reserve created under sub. (2)
23(c) 2., the district board shall make a certification to the department of revenue to
24that effect.
1229.826 Powers granted to a municipality or county. In addition to any
2powers that it may otherwise have, a county or municipality located wholly or partly
3within a district's jurisdiction may do any of the following:
AB892-ASA3,33,5 4(1) Make grants or loans to a district upon terms that the county or
5municipality considers appropriate.
AB892-ASA3,33,6 6(2) Expend public funds to subsidize a district.
AB892-ASA3,33,8 7(3) Borrow money under ss. 67.04 and 67.12 (12) for football stadium facilities
8or to fund grants, loans or subsidies to a district.
AB892-ASA3,33,10 9(4) Lease or transfer property to a district upon terms that the county or
10municipality considers appropriate.
AB892-ASA3,33,14 11(5) With the consent of a district, establish and collect fees or other charges
12applicable only to a football stadium for the right to purchase admission to events at
13the stadium, if the proceeds from any amount that is collected under this subsection
14are used for purposes related to football stadium facilities.
AB892-ASA3,33,20 15229.827 Contracting. Unless a district board determines that it is not
16feasible to do so, the district shall enter into a contract with a professional football
17team, as described in s. 229.823, or a related party, that requires the team or related
18party to acquire and construct football stadium facilities that are part of any facilities
19that are leased by the district to the team or to a related party, without regard to
20whether the football stadium facilities are financed by the district.
AB892-ASA3,34,2 21229.8275 Prevailing wage. A district may not enter into a contract under s.
22229.827 with a professional football team, as described in s. 229.823, or a related
23party that requires the team or related party to acquire and construct football
24stadium facilities that are part of any facilities that are leased by the district to the

1team or to a related party unless the professional football team or related party
2agrees as follows:
AB892-ASA3,34,8 3(1) Not to permit any employe working on the football stadium facilities who
4would be entitled to receive the prevailing wage rate under s. 66.293 and who would
5not be required or permitted to work more than the prevailing hours of labor, if the
6football stadium facilities were a project of public works subject to s. 66.293, to be
7paid less than the prevailing wage rate or to be required or permitted to work more
8than the prevailing hours of labor, except as permitted under s. 66.293 (4) (a).
AB892-ASA3,34,13 9(2) To require any contractor, subcontractor or agent thereof performing work
10on the football stadium facilities to keep and permit inspection of records in the same
11manner as a contractor, subcontractor or agent thereof performing work on a project
12of public works that is subject to s. 66.293 is required to keep and permit inspection
13of records under s. 66.293 (10).
AB892-ASA3,34,20 14(3) Otherwise to comply with s. 66.293 in the same manner as a local
15governmental unit contracting for the erection, construction, remodeling, repairing
16or demolition of a project of public works is required to comply with s. 66.293 and to
17require any contractor, subcontractor or agent thereof performing work on the
18football stadium facilities to comply with s. 66.293 in the same manner as a
19contractor, subcontractor or agent thereof performing work on a project of public
20works that is subject to s. 66.293 is required to comply with s. 66.293.
AB892-ASA3,35,5 21229.828 Dissolution of a district. Subject to providing for the payment of
22its bonds, including interest on the bonds, and the performance of its other
23contractual obligations, a district may be dissolved by the action of the district board.
24If a district board adopts a resolution that imposes taxes and the resolution is not
25approved by the electors, as described in s. 229.824 (15), the district is dissolved. If

1the district is dissolved, the property of the district shall be transferred to the
2political subdivisions that compose the district's jurisdiction in such proportions as
3the secretary of administration determines fairly and reasonably represent the
4contributions of each political subdivision to the development or improvement of the
5football stadium facilities.
AB892-ASA3,35,8 6229.829 Issuance and negotiability of bonds. (1) Negotiability. All bonds
7are negotiable for all purposes, notwithstanding their payment from a limited
AB892-ASA3,35,11 9(2) Employment of financial consultant. A district may retain the building
10commission or any other person as its financial consultant to assist with and
11coordinate the issuance of bonds.
AB892-ASA3,35,15 12(3) No personal liability. Neither the members of the district board nor any
13person executing the bonds is liable personally on the bonds or subject to any
14personal liability or accountability by reason of the issuance of the bonds, unless the
15personal liability or accountability is the result of wilful misconduct.
AB892-ASA3,35,19 16(4) Limit on bonds. The principal amount of bonds, other than refunding bonds,
17that are issued by a district may not exceed $160,000,000 at any one time
18outstanding. The limitation under this subsection does not include the proceeds of
19any bonds that are used for any of the following purposes:
AB892-ASA3,35,2020 (a) To pay issuance costs of the bonds.
AB892-ASA3,35,2121 (b) To pay any original issue discount.
AB892-ASA3,35,23 22(5) Date of issuance. All bonds, other than refunding bonds, that are issued
23by a district shall be issued no later than December 31, 2004.
AB892-ASA3,36,4 24229.830 Special debt service reserve funds for moral obligation pledge.
25(1) Designation of special debt service reserve funds. A district may designate one

1or more accounts in funds created under s. 66.066 (2) (e) as special debt service
2reserve funds, if, prior to each issuance of bonds to be secured by each special debt
3service reserve fund, the secretary of administration determines that all of the
4following conditions are met with respect to the bonds:
AB892-ASA3,36,65 (a) Purpose. The proceeds of the bonds, other than refunding bonds, will be
6used for purposes related to football stadium facilities.
AB892-ASA3,36,127 (b) Feasibility. The proceeds of bonds, other than refunding bonds, will be used
8for feasible projects and there is a reasonable likelihood that the bonds will be repaid
9without the necessity of drawing on funds in the special debt service reserve fund
10that secures the bonds. The secretary of administration may make the
11determinations required under this paragraph only after considering all of the
AB892-ASA3,36,1413 1. Whether a pledge of the tax revenues of the district is made under the bond
AB892-ASA3,36,1515 2. How the tax revenues of the district are pledged to the payment of the bonds.
AB892-ASA3,36,1816 3. Revenue projections for the project to be financed by the bonds, including tax
17revenues, and the reasonableness of the assumptions on which these revenue
18projections are based.
AB892-ASA3,36,2019 4. The proposed interest rates of the bonds and the resulting cash-flow
AB892-ASA3,36,2221 5. The projected ratio of annual tax revenues to annual debt service of the
22district, taking into account capitalized interest.
AB892-ASA3,36,2523 6. Whether an understanding exists providing for repayment by the district to
24the state of all amounts appropriated to the special debt service reserve fund
25pursuant to sub. (7).
17. Whether the district has agreed that the department of administration will
2have direct and immediate access, at any time and without notice, to all records of
3the district.
AB892-ASA3,37,104 (c) Limit on bonds issued backed by moral obligation pledge. The principal
5amount of all bonds, other than refunding bonds, that would be secured by all special
6debt service reserve funds of the district will not exceed $160,000,000 at any one time
7outstanding. In determining compliance with the limitation under this paragraph,
8the secretary of administration need not include bonds that are secured by a special
9debt service reserve fund to the extent that proceeds of the bonds are for the following
AB892-ASA3,37,1111 1. To pay issuance costs of bonds secured by a special debt service reserve fund.
AB892-ASA3,37,1212 2. To pay any original issue discount.
AB892-ASA3,37,1413 (d) Date of issuance. The bonds, other than refunding bonds, will be issued no
14later than December 31, 2004.
AB892-ASA3,37,1615 (e) Refunding bonds. All refunding bonds to be secured by the special debt
16service reserve fund meet all of the following conditions:
AB892-ASA3,37,1817 1. The refunding bonds are to be issued to fund, refund or advance refund bonds
18secured by a special debt service reserve fund.
AB892-ASA3,37,2019 2. The refunding of bonds by the refunding bonds will not adversely affect the
20risk that the state will be called on to make a payment under sub. (7).
AB892-ASA3,38,221 (f) Approval of outstanding debt. All outstanding debt of the district has been
22reviewed and approved by the secretary of administration. In determining whether
23to approve outstanding debt under this paragraph, the secretary may consider any
24factor which the secretary determines to have a bearing on whether the state moral

1obligation pledge under sub. (7) should be granted with respect to an issuance of
AB892-ASA3,38,63 (g) Financial reports. The district has agreed to provide to the department of
4administration, the legislative fiscal bureau and the legislative audit bureau all
5financial reports of the district and all regular monthly statements of any trustee of
6the bonds on a direct and ongoing basis.
AB892-ASA3,38,13 7(2) Payment of funds into a special debt service reserve fund. A district shall
8pay into any special debt service reserve fund of the district any moneys appropriated
9and made available by the state under sub. (7) for the purposes of the special debt
10service reserve fund, any proceeds of a sale of bonds to the extent provided in the bond
11resolution authorizing the issuance of the bonds and any other moneys that are made
12available to the district for the purpose of the special debt service reserve fund from
13any other source.
AB892-ASA3,39,4 14(3) Use of moneys in the special debt service reserve fund. All moneys held
15in any special debt service reserve fund of a district, except as otherwise specifically
16provided, shall be used, as required, solely for the payment of the principal of bonds
17secured in whole or in part by the special debt service reserve fund, the making of
18sinking fund payments with respect to these bonds, the purchase or redemption of
19these bonds, the payment of interest on these bonds or the payment of any
20redemption premium required to be paid when these bonds are redeemed prior to
21maturity. If moneys in a special debt service reserve fund at any time are less than
22the special debt service reserve fund requirement under sub. (5) for the special debt
23service reserve fund, the district may not use these moneys for any optional purchase
24or optional redemption of the bonds. Any income or interest earned by, or increment
25to, any special debt service reserve fund due to the investment of moneys in the

1special debt service reserve fund may be transferred by the district to other funds or
2accounts of the district to the extent that the transfer does not reduce the amount of
3the special debt service reserve fund below the special debt service reserve fund
4requirement under sub. (5) for the special debt service reserve fund.
AB892-ASA3,39,12 5(4) Limitation on bonds secured by a special debt service reserve fund. A
6district shall accumulate in each special debt service reserve fund an amount equal
7to the special debt service reserve fund requirement under sub. (5) for the special
8debt service reserve fund. A district may not at any time issue bonds secured in whole
9or in part by a special debt service reserve fund if upon the issuance of these bonds
10the amount in the special debt service reserve fund will be less than the special debt
11service reserve fund requirement under sub. (5) for the special debt service reserve
AB892-ASA3,40,4 13(5) Special debt service reserve fund requirement. The special debt service
14reserve fund requirement for a special debt service reserve fund, as of any particular
15date of computation, is equal to an amount of money, as provided in the bond
16resolution authorizing the bonds with respect to which the special debt service
17reserve fund is established, that may not exceed the maximum annual debt service
18on the bonds of the district for the fiscal year in which the computation is made or
19any future fiscal year of the district secured in whole or in part by that special debt
20service reserve fund. In computing the annual debt service for any fiscal year, bonds
21deemed to have been paid in accordance with the defeasance provisions of the bond
22resolution authorizing the issuance of the bonds shall not be included in bonds
23outstanding on the date of computation. The annual debt service for any fiscal year
24is the amount of money equal to the aggregate of all of the following calculated on the
25assumption that the bonds will, after the date of computation, cease to be

1outstanding by reason, but only by reason, of the payment of bonds when due, and
2the payment when due, and application in accordance with the bond resolution
3authorizing those bonds, of all of the sinking fund payments payable at or after the
4date of computation: