1999 - 2000 LEGISLATURE
March 7, 2000 - Offered by Joint committee on Finance.
SB177-SSA2,1,5 1An Act to amend 16.957 (4) (c) 2., 20.505 (10) (s) and subchapter V (title) of
2chapter 285 [precedes 285.41]; and to create 15.347 (5), 20.370 (2) (bj), 20.370
3(2) (bk), 285.11 (19) and 285.50 of the statutes; relating to: a mercury control
4program from certain sources, research concerning mercury emissions,
5granting rule-making authority and making appropriations.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB177-SSA2, s. 1 6Section 1. 15.347 (5) of the statutes is created to read:
SB177-SSA2,1,97 15.347 (5) Mercury control council. There is created in the department of
8natural resources a mercury control council consisting of up to 12 members
9appointed by the secretary of natural resources.
SB177-SSA2, s. 2 10Section 2. 16.957 (4) (c) 2. of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
116.957 (4) (c) 2. `Energy conservation and efficiency and renewable resource
2funding.' For fiscal year 1999-2000, a portion of the public benefits fee shall be in
3an amount that, when added to 50% of the estimated public benefits fees charged by
4municipal utilities and retail electric cooperatives under sub. (5) (a) for that fiscal
5year, shall equal $20,000,000. In each fiscal year after fiscal year 1999-2000, a
6portion of the public benefits fee shall be the amount determined under this
7subdivision for fiscal year 1999-2000, except that if the department determines to
8reduce or discontinue a program under sub. (2) (b) 2., the department shall reduce
9the amount accordingly. If the department reduces the amount, the department
10shall ensure that sufficient funds are available to make the transfer from the
11appropriation account under s. 20.505 (10) (s) to the appropriation account under s.
1220.370 (2) (bk).
SB177-SSA2, s. 3 13Section 3. 20.005 (3) (schedule) of the statutes: at the appropriate place, insert
14the following amounts for the purposes indicated: - See PDF for table PDF
SB177-SSA2, s. 4 15Section 4. 20.370 (2) (bj) of the statutes is created to read:
SB177-SSA2,2,1816 20.370 (2) (bj) Air management — small source mercury reduction. All moneys
17received under s. 285.50 (6) (a) 3. for conducting small source mercury reduction
SB177-SSA2, s. 5 19Section 5. 20.370 (2) (bk) of the statutes is created to read:
120.370 (2) (bk) Air management — mercury control. The amounts in the
2schedule for mercury research under s. 285.11 (19) and for the mercury control
3program under s. 285.50. All moneys transferred to this appropriation account from
4the appropriation account under s. 20.505 (10) (s) shall be credited to this
5appropriation account.
SB177-SSA2, s. 6 6Section 6. 20.505 (10) (s) of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9,
7is amended to read:
SB177-SSA2,3,138 20.505 (10) (s) Energy conservation and efficiency and renewable resource
From the utility public benefits fund, a sum sufficient for energy
10conservation and efficiency and renewable resource grants under s. 16.957 (2) (b) 1.,
11to transfer the amounts in the schedule under s. 20.370 (2) (bk) to the appropriation
12account under s. 20.370 (2) (bk)
and to make the transfer to the air quality
13improvement fund under s. 16.958 (2) (a).
SB177-SSA2, s. 7 14Section 7. 285.11 (19) of the statutes is created to read:
SB177-SSA2,3,2115 285.11 (19) Conduct, or contract with other persons to conduct, research on the
16effects of mercury emissions from sources in this state on the environment of this
17state and identify technologically and economically feasible control technologies that
18have been implemented successfully in reducing mercury emissions at comparable
19facilities in or out of this state. Once the department establishes the program under
20s. 285.50 (1e) (c), research under this subsection shall be consistent with and
21conducted under that program.
SB177-SSA2, s. 8 22Section 8. Subchapter V (title) of chapter 285 [precedes 285.41] of the statutes
23is amended to read:
SB177-SSA2,3,2424 CHAPTER 285
5 MERCURY control
SB177-SSA2, s. 9 6Section 9. 285.50 of the statutes is created to read:
SB177-SSA2,4,7 7285.50 Mercury control. (1) Definitions. In this section:
SB177-SSA2,4,98 (a) "Allowance" means a limited authorization to emit one pound of mercury
9in one year.
SB177-SSA2,4,1210 (b) "Baseline mercury emissions" means the average annual mercury
11emissions of a stationary source in 1997, 1998 and 1999, as determined under sub.
SB177-SSA2,4,1313 (c) "Boiler" means a solid fossil fuel-fired combustion unit.
SB177-SSA2,4,1414 (d) "Electric utility" has the meaning given in s. 196.485 (1) (bs).
SB177-SSA2,4,1815 (dm) "Industrial boiler" means a boiler that is not owned by a municipality, this
16state or an electric utility if the total annual mercury emissions from all stationary
17sources that are located on the site on which the boiler is located exceed 10 pounds
18in any year.
SB177-SSA2,4,2219 (e) "Modify" means to make one or more physical changes in, or changes in the
20method of operation of, a stationary source so that the annual mercury emissions of
21the stationary source increase by 5 pounds or more over the baseline mercury
22emissions of the stationary source.
SB177-SSA2,4,2523 (f) "Nonboiler source" means a stationary source that emits mercury and that
24is not a solid fossil fuel-fired combustion unit. "Nonboiler source" includes a
25combustion unit that is fired with fossil fuel that is not solid.
1(h) "Regulated electric utility boiler" means a boiler that is owned by an electric
2utility if the total annual mercury emissions from all stationary sources that are
3located on the site on which the boiler is located exceed 10 pounds in any year.
SB177-SSA2,5,74 (i) "Regulated government-owned boiler" means a boiler that is owned by a
5municipality or this state if the total annual mercury emissions from all stationary
6sources that are located on the site on which the boiler is located exceed 10 pounds
7in any year.
SB177-SSA2,5,108 (j) "Regulated nonboiler source" means a nonboiler source if the total annual
9mercury emissions from all stationary sources that are located on the site on which
10the nonboiler source is located exceed 10 pounds in any year.
SB177-SSA2,5,1211 (k) "Site" means contiguous property that is under common ownership or
SB177-SSA2,5,18 13(1e) Mercury control report and program. (a) No later than July 1, 2001,
14the department shall submit to the legislature under s. 13.172 (2) and to the governor
15a mercury control report that summarizes the department's review of mercury
16emission sources in this state and methods for obtaining reductions in mercury
17emissions from these sources and describes a comprehensive program that will be
18administered by the department for addressing mercury in the environment.
SB177-SSA2,5,2119 (b) In the review under par. (a) of mercury emission sources in this state and
20methods for obtaining reductions in mercury emissions from these sources, the
21department shall include at least descriptions of all of the following:
SB177-SSA2,5,2222 1. Mercury emissions by sources in this state.
SB177-SSA2,6,223 2. Each method for obtaining reductions in mercury emissions for the sources
24identified under subd. 1., including an analysis of the method's effectiveness,
25technical feasibility, cost, impact on emissions of other pollutants, unintended

1environmental consequences and impact on the reliability of the supply of electricity
2in this state or on the delivery of other goods and services.
SB177-SSA2,6,43 (c) In its comprehensive program for addressing mercury in the environment,
4the department shall include all of the following components:
SB177-SSA2,6,65 1. Mercury-related research funded under s. 20.370 (2) (bk) and funded from
6other sources.
SB177-SSA2,6,77 2. Mercury deposition studies and monitoring activities.
SB177-SSA2,6,88 3. Public information and education.
SB177-SSA2,6,99 4. Technical assistance for stationary sources that emit mercury.
SB177-SSA2,6,1110 5. Methods for reducing mercury emissions, including the requirements under
11sub. (2) and (3) and any goals under sub. (3m).
SB177-SSA2,6,1212 6. Cooperative activities under sub. (10).
SB177-SSA2,6,1413 7. Activities to eliminate the use of mercury by, or reduce mercury emissions
14from, small sources.
SB177-SSA2,6,1615 8. Activities to address problems associated with long-term storage and
16disposal of mercury.
SB177-SSA2,6,1817 9. Activities to evaluate the effectiveness of the program for addressing
18mercury in the environment.
SB177-SSA2,6,1919 10. Any other components identified by the department.
SB177-SSA2,6,2120 (d) In its report under par. (a), the department may recommend legislation to
21establish additional mercury emission limits.
SB177-SSA2,7,222 (e) The department shall submit updates to the report under par. (a) to the
23legislature under s. 13.172 (2) and to the governor no later than May 1, 2006, and
24May 1, 2011, and shall include in the updates an analysis of the impacts of banking
25and trading authorized under sub. (4) on water quality in specific locations and the

1actions that the department will take to address any adverse impacts of banking and
2trading on water quality in specific locations.
SB177-SSA2,7,9 3(1m) Determination of mercury emissions. The department shall establish a
4methodology for determining the annual mercury emissions of boilers and other
5stationary sources that emit mercury. Using this methodology, the department shall
6determine a baseline mercury emission level for each regulated electric utility boiler,
7regulated government-owned boiler, regulated nonboiler source and industrial
8boiler by averaging the annual mercury emissions of the boiler or the nonboiler
9source in 1997, 1998 and 1999.
SB177-SSA2,7,15 10(2) Emission limits; electric utility and government-owned boilers. (a) New
11and modified boilers.
1. After the department establishes a methodology under sub.
12(1m), no person may construct a new regulated electric utility boiler or a new
13regulated government-owned boiler until the person obtains mercury emission
14reductions, as provided in sub. (4), equal to 150% of the annual mercury emissions
15from the new boiler.
SB177-SSA2,7,2016 2. After the department establishes a methodology under sub. (1m), no person
17may modify a regulated electric utility boiler or regulated government-owned boiler
18until the person obtains mercury emission reductions, as provided in sub. (4), equal
19to 150% of the increased mercury emissions resulting from the modification of the