(e) The removal of underground hazardous substance storage tank systems.
(f) The removal of underground petroleum product storage tank systems.
17(4) Application for grant. The applicant shall submit an application on a form
18prescribed by the department and shall include any information that the department
19finds necessary to calculate the amount of a grant.
20(5) Grant criteria. The department shall consider the following criteria when
21determining whether to award a grant:
(a) The local governmental unit's demonstrated commitment to performing and
23completing necessary environmental remediation activities on the eligible site,
24including the local governmental unit's financial commitment.
1(b) The degree to which the project will have a positive impact on public health
2and the environment.
(c) Other criteria that the department finds necessary to calculate the amount
4of a grant.
5(6) Limitation of grant
. The total amount of all grants awarded to a local
6governmental unit in a fiscal year under this section shall be limited to an amount
7equal to 15% of the available funds appropriated under s. 20.370 (6) (et) for the fiscal
9(7) Matching funds. The department may not distribute a grant unless the
10applicant contributes matching funds equal to 20% of the grant. Matching funds
11may be in the form of cash or in-kind contribution or both.
13292.77 Sustainable urban development zone program. (1) In this
14section, "brownfields" has the meaning given in s. 560.13 (1) (a).
15(2) The department shall develop and, beginning no later than January 1,
162001, administer a pilot program in the city of Green Bay, the city of La Crosse, the
17city of Milwaukee and the city of Oshkosh that promotes the use of financial
18incentives to clean up and redevelop brownfields. Funds provided under the
19program may be used to investigate environmental contamination and to conduct
20cleanups of brownfields in those cities.
21(3) In developing and administering the pilot program under sub. (2), the
22department shall consult and coordinate with the department of administration, the
23department of commerce, the department of health and family services, the
24department of revenue, the department of transportation and the cities specified in
25sub. (2).
1(4) During the 1999-2001 fiscal biennium, the department shall make the
2following amounts available through the pilot program under sub. (2):
(a) To the city of Green Bay, $500,000.
(b) To the city of La Crosse, $500,000.
(c) To the city of Milwaukee, $1,000,000.
(d) To the city of Oshkosh, $250,000.
7(5) (a) The department of commerce shall certify a person conducting a project
8under the pilot program as eligible to claim a tax credit under s. 71.07 (2dy), 71.28
9(1dy) or 71.47 (1dy) while the person is conducting the project.
(b) Within 3 months after a person is certified under par. (a), the department
11of commerce shall estimate the amount of tax benefits that the person will claim
12while conducting the project.
(c) The department of commerce shall provide a person certified under par. (a)
14and the department of revenue with a copy of the certification. The certification shall
15include all of the following:
1. The name and address of the person's business.
2. The location and description of the project.
3. The appropriate Wisconsin tax identification number of the person.
4. The names and addresses of other locations where the person conducts
20business and a description of the business activities conducted at those locations.
5. Other information required by the department of natural resources or the
22department of revenue.
(d) The department of commerce shall promulgate rules that further define a
24person's eligibility to claim the tax credit.
(1) Any Except as provided under sub. (1m), any person who violates
2this chapter or any rule promulgated or any plan approval, license or special order
3issued under this chapter shall forfeit not less than $10 nor more than $5,000 for each
4violation. Each day of continued violation is a separate offense. While an order is
5suspended, stayed or enjoined, this penalty does not accrue.
(1m) Any person who violates s. 292.65 (12m) or 292.66 (5) shall forfeit
8not less than $10 nor more than $10,000.
(2) In addition to the penalties provided under
sub. subs. (1)
and (1m),
11the court may award the department of justice the reasonable and necessary
12expenses of the investigation and prosecution of the violation, including attorney
13fees. The department of justice shall deposit in the state treasury for deposit into the
14general fund all moneys that the court awards to the department or the state under
15this subsection. Ten percent of the money deposited in the general fund that was
16awarded under this subsection for the costs of investigation and the expenses of
17prosecution, including attorney fees, shall be credited to the appropriation account
18under s. 20.455 (1) (gh).
(2) (g) A provision for the amendment of the agreement.
The agreement
21shall provide that the agreement is subject to amendment at the request of either
22party if additional information relevant to the issues addressed in the agreement is
23obtained after the agreement takes effect but before the hearing under s. 293.43.
(6) If an agreement takes effect before the effective date of this
2subsection .... [revisor inserts date], with respect to a mining permit application for
3which the department has not issued or denied a mining permit on the effective date
4of this subsection .... [revisor inserts date], the county, town, village, city or tribal
5government that entered into the agreement may request the operator to engage in
6negotiations regarding an amendment to the agreement based on additional
7information that is relevant to the issues addressed in the agreement and that is first
8obtained after the agreement takes effect but before the hearing under s. 293.43.
(2) (g) That the applicant failed to negotiate with a county, town, village,
11city or tribal government under s. 293.41 (6).
(10) "Solid waste" means any garbage, refuse, sludge from a waste
14treatment plant, water supply treatment plant or air pollution control facility and
15other discarded or salvageable materials, including solid, liquid, semisolid, or
16contained gaseous materials resulting from industrial, commercial, mining and
17agricultural operations, and from community activities, but does not include solids
18or dissolved material in domestic sewage, or solid or dissolved materials in irrigation
19return flows or industrial discharges which are point sources subject to permits
20under ch. 283, or source material, as defined in s. 254.31 (10), special nuclear
21material, as defined in s. 254.31 (11), or by-product material, as defined in s. 254.31
22(3) (1).
(1) (c) The requirements for a nonmetallic mining reclamation plan
25under s. 295.12 (3) (c), for public notice and an opportunity for a public informational
1hearing under s. 295.12 (3) (d) and for proof of financial responsibility under s. 295.12
2(3) (ds) do not apply to nonmetallic mining to obtain stone, soil, sand or gravel for the
3construction, maintenance or repair of a highway, railroad, airport facility, or any
4other transportation facility, conducted under contract with a municipality, as
5defined in s. 299.01 (8), if the contract requires the nonmetallic mining site to be
6reclaimed in accordance with the requirements of the department of transportation
7concerning the restoration of nonmetallic mining sites.
9299.13 (title)
Hazardous pollution Pollution prevention.
(1) (be) "Center" means the solid and hazardous waste education center
12under s. 36.25 (30).
(1) (dm) 1. "Pollution prevention" means an action that does any of the
a. Prevents waste from being created.
b. Reduces the amount of waste that is created.
c. Changes the nature of waste being created in a way that reduces the hazards
20to public health or the environment posed by the waste.
2. "Pollution prevention" does not include incineration, recycling or treatment
22of a waste, changes in the manner of disposal of a waste or any practice that changes
23the characteristics or volume of a waste if the practice is not part of the process that
24produces a product or provides a service.
SB45-SSA1, s. 2675
2675. 299.13 (1m) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1m) Promotion of hazardous pollution prevention. (intro.) In
3carrying out the duties under this section and ss. 36.25 (30) and 560.19, the
4department, the department of commerce and the
center shall promote all
5of the following techniques for
hazardous pollution prevention:
(1m) (f) Reducing energy use.
(1m) (g) Training employes to minimize waste.
(2) (a) Designate an employe of the department to serve as
hazardous 12pollution prevention coordinator and to do all of the following:
2. Recommend educational priorities to the university of Wisconsin-extension
14for the
program center, considering volume and toxicity of hazardous substances,
15toxic pollutants and hazardous waste produced, lack of compliance with
16environmental standards, potential for
hazardous pollution prevention and
17projected shortfalls in hazardous waste treatment or disposal facilities under the
18capacity assurance plan.
3. Coordinate the department's
hazardous pollution prevention efforts with
20those of other governmental agencies and private groups.
4. Provide training concerning
hazardous pollution prevention to employes of
22the department.
(2) (b) Identify all department requirements for reporting on
hazardous 25pollution prevention and, to the extent possible and practical, standardize,
1coordinate and consolidate the reporting in order to minimize duplication and
2provide useful information on
hazardous pollution prevention to the legislature and
3the public.
(2) (d) Seek federal funding to promote
hazardous pollution prevention.
(3) (cm) 1. In fiscal year 1999-2000, the department may not charge
8total fees under par. (am) that exceed $7,450,000.
(3) (cm) 2. In any fiscal year
after fiscal year 1999-2000, the department
11may not charge total fees under par. (am) that exceed
$7,450,000 $7,925,000.
(3) (e) In the rules under par. (am) 3. for fees required to be paid in fiscal
14years beginning with fiscal year 2000-01, the department shall do all of the
1. Use the fees paid by a person in fiscal year 1999-2000 as the basis for the
17person's fees.
2. Determine the fee for each person based on the number of units of pollutants
19discharged by the person, using a 5-year rolling average.
3. Use a performance-based approach that increases a person's fees in
21proportion to increases in the number of units of pollutants discharged by the person,
22as determined under subd. 2., and decreases a person's fees in proportion to
23decreases in the number of units of pollutants discharged by the person, as
24determined under subd. 2.
14. Omit any multiplier or similar mechanism that would increase a person's
2fees in order to compensate for decreases in overall amounts of discharges.
5. Omit any provision that would increase the fee per unit of pollutant
4discharged in order to compensate for decreases in overall amounts of discharges.
6299.47 Sale and delivery of dry cleaning solvent. (1) In this section:
(a) "Dry cleaning facility" has the meaning given in s. 292.65 (1) (d).
(b) "Dry cleaning solvent" has the meaning given in s. 292.65 (1) (e).
(c) "Owner" means a person who owns, or has possession or control of, a dry
10cleaning facility, or who receives direct or indirect consideration from the operation
11of a dry cleaning facility.
12(2) A supplier of dry cleaning solvent may not sell or deliver to the owner or
13operator of a dry cleaning facility any dry cleaning solvent unless the dry cleaning
14facility is licensed under s. 77.9961 (2).
15(3) Any person who violates sub. (2) may be required to forfeit not more than
16$500 for each violation.