Corrections, Department of
Classification, assessment and evaluation and program review [Admin.Code DOC 302] -  CR00-140
Inmate access to legal materials and services [Admin.Code DOC 309, 309.26, 309.27, 309.28, 309.29]  - CR97-067
Inmate conduct and discipline; procedures for imposition of discipline [Admin.Code DOC 303.01, 303.02, 303.03, 303.04, 303.05, 303.06, 303.07, 303.08, 303.09, 303.10, 303.11, 303.12, 303.13, 303.14, 303.15, 303.16, 303.20, 303.21, 303.22, 303.23, 303.24, 303.25, 303.26, 303.271, 303.29, 303.31, 303.35, 303.36, 303.41, 303.42, 303.43, 303.46, 303.47, 303.48, 303.49, 303.51, 303.511, 303.52, 303.55, 303.56, 303.57, 303.58, 303.59, 303.60, 303.61, 303.63, 303.631, 303.64, 303.65, 303.66, 303.67, 303.68, 303.69, 303.70, 303.71, 303.72, 303.74, 303.75, 303.76, 303.78, 303.81, 303.82, 303.83, 303.84, 303.85, 303.86]  - CR97-013
Inmate mental health treatment [Admin.Code DOC 314] -  CR97-027
Inmate visitation [Admin.Code DOC 309.10, 309.13, 309.14, 309.15, 309.16, 309.165, 309.17, 309.18]  - CR97-014
Inmates: resources for [Admin.Code DOC 309.02, 309.30, 309.36, 309.38, 309.45, 309.46, 309.465, 309.466, 309.47, 309.48, 309.49, 309.495, 309.50, 309.51, 309.52, 309.55] - CR97-066
Municipal lockup facilities: holding juveniles in [Admin.Code DOC 349.01, 349.03, 349.04, 349.16, 349.21]  - CR98-193
Pharmacological treatment of certain child sex offenders [Admin.Code DOC 330.01 to 330.17] - CR99-015
Probation or parole offenders: search and seizure of [Admin.Code DOC 328.21] -  CR98-208
Security revisions [Admin.Code DOC 306] -  CR00-079
Youth program needs; juvenile supervision by Corr.Dept; drug testing; confinement in secured correction facilities; other miscellaneous provisions [Admin.Code DOC 371, 373, 374, 375, 376, 379, 380, 381, 383, 392, 393, 394, 396, 397, 398, 399] - CR97-158
Barber and cosmetology theory hours conducted by the school outside the classroom [Admin.Code BC Figures 5.02, 5.04, 5.05, 5.06] -  CR00-019
Licensure, examinations and practice of barbering and cosmetology practitioners, managers, manicurists, electrologists, aestheticians and apprentices [Admin.Code BC 1.01, 2.01, 2.02, 2.03, 2.045, 2.06, 2.07, 3.01, 3.02, 3.03, 3.04, 3.06, 4.01, 4.02, 4.03, 4.04, 4.05, 4.06, 4.07, 4.08, 4.09, 4.10, 5.02, 6.01, 6.02, 6.03, 6.04, 6.05, 7.03, 7.04, 7.09, 8, 8.01, 9, 9.01, 9.02] - CR98-133
County — Fair, see Fair
County — Ordinance
County or premier resort area tax: delivery of an ordinance to adopt or repeal [Admin.Code Tax 11.96]  - CR99-134
CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation), see Medical service
Credit union
Credit union examinations [Admin.Code DFI-CU 52] -  CR99-145
Credit unions — Commissioner, Office of
Public inspection and copying of records of the Office of credit unions [Admin.Code DFI-CU 64] - CR99-146
Crime victim
Rights of crime victims: review of complaints alleging violations of [Admin.Code CVRB 1] -  CR99-153
Criminal identification and investigation
Background checks or barring of persons re care or treatment of certain persons [Admin.Code HFS 12]  - CR00-052
Background checks or barring of persons re care or treatment of certain persons [Admin.Code HFS 12]  - CR98-191
Criminal record background checks re day care [Admin.Code HFS 55.55 to 55.62, 55.80; DWD 55.02, 55.03, 55.04, 55.05, 55.08, 55.09, 55.10, 55.11] -  CR98-204
- D -
Dairy product
Drug residues in raw milk [Admin.Code ATCP 60.19 (3), (4)] - CR99-078
Dairy product — Regulation
Cheese grade standards for colby and monterey (jack) [Admin.Code ATCP 81.50, 81.51, 81.52]  - CR98-182
Cheese grading, packaging and labeling [Admin.Code ATCP 81.20, 81.21, 81.215, 81.22, 81.24, 81.25, 81.30]  - CR99-151
Laboratories engaged in public health testing of milk, water and food: certification fees for [Admin.Code ATCP 77.06, 77.22] - CR99-116
Laboratories engaged in public health testing of milk, water and food: certification of [Admin.Code HSS 165.01, 165.02, 165.03, 165.04, 165.14, 165.20, 165.23; ATCP 77]  - CR98-142
Laboratories engaged in public health testing of milk, water and food: certification of [Admin.Code HSS 165.01, 165.02, 165.03, 165.04, 165.14, 165.20, 165.23; ATCP 77]  - CR99-079
Damage (to property)
Deer hunting and the wildlife damage abatement and claims program [Admin.Code NR 1.15, 10.01, 10.001, 10.104, 10.105, 10.106, 10.117, 12.16, 19.80] -  CR00-154
Wildlife damage abatement and claim programs [Admin.Code NR 12.001, 12.10, 12.15, 12.16, 19.76, 19.775, 19.78, 19.79, 19.795, 19.80, 19.81] -  CR98-084
Dance, see Amusement
Data processing, see also Telecommunications
Campaign finance reports filed in electronic format [Admin.Code ElBd 6.05] -  CR99-077
Digital signature usage [Admin.Code Adm 22] -  CR98-029
Electronic benefit transfer system for the delivery of food stamp benefits [Admin.Code DWD 14] -  CR98-201
Electronic prescription orders: transmission and receipt of [Admin.Code Phar 7.01, 7.08, 8.06, 8.07, 8.09]  - CR98-090
Electronic records management [Admin.Code Adm 12] -  CR00-042
State electronic food stamp accounts [Admin.Code DWD 14.24] - CR00-182
Day care center
Criminal record background checks re day care [Admin.Code HFS 55.55 to 55.62, 55.80; DWD 55.02, 55.03, 55.04, 55.05, 55.08, 55.09, 55.10, 55.11] -  CR98-204
Day care funds: administration of [Admin.Code DWD 56.01, 56.02, 56.03, 56.04, 56.05, 56.06, 56.07, 56.08]  - CR98-205
Family care: eligibility and entitlement; standards for aging and disability resource centers; protection of rights; recovery of incorrectly paid benefits; requirements to provide certain information to certain patients [Admin.Code HFS 10, 68.04, 82.06, 83.06, 88.06, 89.29, 89.295, 105.47, 107.28, 124.255, 132.52, 134.52] -  CR00-055
Kinship care benefits for nonparent relatives of children [Admin.Code HFS 58] -  CR99-071
W-2 eligibility and child care copayments [Admin.Code DWD 12.05, 12.09, 12.11, 12.13, 12.17, 12.18, 12.20, 12.26, 56.02, 56.04, 56.08; Table 56.08 (note)] - CR00-129
Day treatment facility, see Mental health
Hearing instrument specialists: continuing education, renewal, temporary practices, practical examinations, fittings, use of titles, initials and designations and unlicensed practice [Admin.Code HAS 1.01, 2.01, 3.02, 6.04, 6.05, 6.06, 6.07, 6.08, 6.09, 7.03, 7.05, 8] -  CR98-115
Interpreting services for persons who are deaf or hard of hearing: criteria and procedures for reimbursement [Admin.Code HFS 77] -  CR99-009
Debt and debtors
Delinquent DVA loans: release of information to a collection agency [Admin.Code VA 1.10 (7)] - CR98-200
Dental applicants who have failed the clinical and laboratory examinations more than three times [Admin.Code DE 2.01, 2.09] -  CR00-143
Dental service coverage under MA [Admin.Code HFS 105.06, 107.07, 107.08 (2)(d)] -  CR97-074
Dentists and dental hygienists [Admin.Code DE 1.02, 2.01, 2.02, 2.03, 2.04, 2.05, 2.06, 2.07, 2.08, 5.02, 6.01, 11.11] - CR98-077
Dentists licensed in other states: examination requirements for applicants [Admin.Code DE 2.04 (1)(e)]  - CR97-145
Dentures expenditure limitation under the health care aid grant program [Admin.Code VA 2.01 (2)(b) 2.]  - CR98-165
Licensed dental hygienist administration of local anesthesia to patients: education requirements [Admin.Code DE 7]  - CR99-016
Oral systemic premedications and subgingival sustained release chemotherapeutic agents that may be administered by a licensed dental hygienist [Admin.Code DE 3.04]  - CR99-099
Dentures, see Dentistry
Designer, see Architect
Development, Department of, see also Commerce, Department of
Environmental analysis and review procedures for Comm.Dept actions [Admin.Code DOD 7; Comm 1]  - CR97-117
Export development loan program [Admin.Code DOD 10] -  CR95-125
Main street program provisions [Admin.Code DOD 27.03, 27.04] -  CR95-153