Lafayette county
Deer management units in Iowa, Grant and Lafayette counties [Admin.Code NR 10.104 (4)(b), 10.28 (map)]  - CR98-092
Lakes, see also Shoreland zoning
Lake planning grants [Admin.Code NR 190] -  CR00-076
Lake protection grants and lake classification technical assistance grants [Admin.Code NR 191 (title), 191.01, 191.02, 191.03, 191.04, 191.05, 191.06, 191.07, 191.08, 191.09, 191.10, 191.105, 192] -  CR98-073
Wisconsin-Michigan boundary waters [Admin.Code NR 20.02, 23.02] -  CR98-150
Land abutting a state trunk highway or connecting highway: division of [Admin.Code Trans 233.01, 233.012, 233.015, 233.03, 233.05, 233.08, 233.105, 233.11, 233.12, 233.13] - CR00-109
Land abutting a state trunk highway or connecting highway: division of [Admin.Code Trans 231.01 (9), 233]  - CR98-121
Land recycling loan program [Admin.Code NR 167] -  CR98-146
Wisconsin land information program grants-in-aid to local government [Admin.Code Adm 47] -  CR99-154
Land — Taxation, see Property tax
Land use planning and control
Dam design, construction standards and zoning downstream of dams [Admin.Code NR 116.08, 333.03, 333.04, 333.05, 333.06, 333.07] -  CR00-136
Landlord and tenant
Rental unit energy efficiency standards [Admin.Code Comm 67.02, 67.03, 67.04, 67.05, 67.055, 67.06, 67.07, 67.08, 67.13] - CR98-099
Lannon, Village of
Shoreland-wetland zoning ordinance for the village of Lannon -  CR95-110
Law enforcement officers, see Police
Law enforcement standards board
Law enforcement training: certification of instructors [Admin.Code LES 4.01, 4.02, 4.03, 4.04, 4.05, 4.06, 4.07, 4.09, 4.10] -  CR99-093
Lawyer, see Attorney
Lead poisoning, see Public health
Leather industry, see Trade practice
Public librarian certification [Admin.Code PI 6.03] -  CR99-129
Public library system aid payment adjustments [Admin.Code PI 6.07] -  CR00-003
Lie detector
Lie detector testing of sex offenders who are in community placement [Admin.Code HSS 98, 98.01, 98.03, 98.04, 98.28, 98.32] -  CR98-127
Limited liability company, see Corporation
Limited service health organization (LSHO), see Medical practice, Group
Livestock and meat
Animal diseases, animal movement and livestock markets, dealers and truckers [for code numbers, see entry under ``Agriculture, trade and consumer protection, Department of"]  - CR99-168
Animal feeding operations [Admin.Code NR 243] -  CR00-034
DATCP regulations re fees charged to livestock markets, dealers, truckers, keepers of farm-raised deer, feedlot permits and certain veterinary fees [Admin.Code ATCP 10.652, 11.02, 11.14, 12.03, 12.04] -  CR98-152
DATCP revisions re farm mediation and arbitration, technical changes, sustainable agriculture, agricultural development and diversification, commercial feed, soil and water resource management, LP gas meters, freezer meat and food service plans, referral selling plans and car rental notices [for code numbers, see entry under ``Agriculture, trade and consumer protection, Department of" and ``Justice, Department of"]  - CR98-154
Drug residues in raw milk [Admin.Code ATCP 60.19 (3), (4)] - CR99-078
Livestock (bovine, goats or cervids) imported from a state designated by USDA as a tuberculosis "non-modified accredited" state [Admin.Code ATCP 11.01, 11.11, 11.51, 11.55]  - CR00-145
Lizard, see Animal
Loans to veterans, see Veteran
Lobbying communication: identification of a topic of [Admin.Code Eth 4] -  CR00-071
Long-term care, see Nursing homes
Lottery and gaming property tax credit [Admin.Code Tax 20, 20.11, 20.12, 20.13, 20.14, 20.15, 20.16, 20.17, 20.18, 20.19, 20.20] -  CR99-158
Lottery credit [Admin.Code Tax 20, 20.11, 20.13, 20.14, 20.15, 20.16, 20.19] -  CR96-131
Lottery retailer performance program: implementation and maintenance of [Admin.Code WGC 61.02, 61.04, 61.08, 61.085] -  CR00-078
Low-income persons, see Poor
LSHO (Limited service health organization), see Medical practice, Group
- M -
Managed forest cropland, see Forestry
Manicurist, see Cosmetology
Maternal and infant care
Neonatal intensive care unit training grants [Admin.Code HFS 114] -  CR99-020
Screening of newborns for congenital and metabolic disorders [Admin.Code HFS 115.04, 115.06] - CR99-081
Medical assistance
CPR refresher training requirements and first aid for drivers of specialized medical vehicles under the MA program [Admin.Code HFS 105.39] -  CR99-112
County agency determination under the long-term support COP and CIP programs that in-home services are infeasible as a condition for use of program funds to pay for persons in CBRFs [Admin.Code HFS 73.01, 73.10, 73.11]  - CR00-056
Dental service coverage under MA [Admin.Code HFS 105.06, 107.07, 107.08 (2)(d)] -  CR97-074
Fair hearings re food stamp and medicaid programs: procedure and practice for [Admin.Code HA 3]  - CR98-119
HIRSP operation [Admin.Code HFS 119.07, 119.15] -  CR99-004
HIRSP operation [Admin.Code HFS 119.07, 119.15] -  CR99-113
HIRSP operation [Admin.Code HFS 119.07, 119.15] -  CR00-114
MA program providers: discovery rights in contested case hearings [Admin.Code HFS 106.12, 108.02]  - CR00-008
Medicaid purchase plan [Admin.Code HFS 101.03, 102.04, 103.01, 103.03, 103.04, 103.06, 103.087, 108.02]  - CR00-084
Medicare + choice, Medicare supplement and replacement plans: revising requirements for insurers in order to comply with federal law changes [Admin.Code Ins 3.39]  - CR00-133
Medicare supplement insurance: guarantee issue eligibility [Admin.Code Ins 3.39] -  CR99-013
Medicare supplement policies: requirements revised to comply with recent federal and state laws [Admin.Code Ins 3.27, 3.39, 3.46] -  CR98-098
Medical examining board
Medicine and surgery practice: computer-based examinations [Admin.Code Med 1.06, 1.08, 2.02, 2.04]  - CR99-128
Podiatry practice: repeal of rules relating to [Admin.Code Med 6, 10.02, 13 (title), 13.01, 13.02, 13.03, 13.05, 13.06, 17.02, 19.08, 21.01, 21.02, 21.03] -  CR99-098
Medical malpractice
Annual patients compensation fund and mediation fund fees; open records law affirmed; late fee on insurers and self-insurers [Admin.Code Ins 17.01, 17.275, 17.28]  - CR99-070
Annual patients compensation fund and medication fund fees for fiscal year beginning July 1, 2000 [Admin.Code Ins 17.01, 17.28] -  CR00-061
Medical practice, Group
HMO quality assurance programs and rules [Admin.Code Ins 3.50 (3)(f) to (h), (5)(j) and (8h)]  - CR96-029
Managed care and LSHO plans: requirements revised to comply with recent changes in state laws [Admin.Code Ins 3.48, 3.50, 3.52, 3.67, 6.11, 9] -  CR98-183
Medical service