Water pollution prevention, 281.55
Water quality, generally, 281.51 to 281.71
Harbor improvements:
See also Harbors

Department approval, 30.31 (2)
Highway changes, notice, 80.05, 80.39 (2), 84.01 (17), 84.02 (3)
Hotline for law violations, 23.38
Hunter education and bow hunter safety program, 29.591, 29.593
Ice age trail:
Grants to nonprofit corporations, 23.295
Land dedication, 23.293
Powers and duties, 23.17
Interstate comity, enforcement, 29.043
Laboratory certification program, 299.11
Land acquisition:
Approval required, 23.14
Bong air base, authority to acquire, 23.09 (13)
Fund for maintenance of acquired land, 23.0918, 25.293
Priorities, 23.09 (2dm)
Purposes, 23.09 (2)
Lands, sale of, 23.15
Law violation hotline, 23.38
Legal services, justice department to furnish, 165.25 (4), 281.97
Metallic mining council:
Creation, membership, 15.347 (12)
Duties, 289.08
see Mining
Monona terrace project, 23.195
Natural areas preservation council:
Creation, membership, 15.347 (4)
Duties, 23.26, 23.28
General provisions, 15.09
Oil and gas exploration and drilling, powers and duties, 295.35

Olympic ice rink, corporations operating, financial information, 42.115
Outdoor skills training program for women, 29.598
Permits and licenses:
Denial or suspension:
Delinquent support obligors, 29.024 (2g), 49.857, 299.08
Delinquent tax obligors, 73.0301, 299.07
Fee refund program, 299.05
Fire setting, 26.12 (5)
Fishing and hunting,
Metropolitan sewerage district commission, 200.35 (4)
see Mining
Navigable waters, generally, 30.206
Sanitary licenses, regulation, 281.48
Scientific collector, issuance, 29.614
Taxidermists, record, 29.506
Power projects, consulting costs for federal licensing of, 23.42
Powers and duties, generally:
Air pollution, 285.11, 285.13
Conservation, 23.09, 23.11
Fish and game,
Hazardous waste, 291.09, 291.11
Inspection powers, 281.96, 285.19, 289.91, 291.91, 293.86
Metallic mining, 293.13, 293.15
Recycling, 287.03
Sale of confiscated property, 29.931 (2), 29.934
Solid waste, 289.06, 289.07
Water and sewage, 281.12
Promotional materials and publications, 23.165
Publications, 23.16, 23.165
Rural planning, 27.019 (12)
Sanitary licenses, regulation, 281.48
Financial interest prohibited, 299.23
Salary, 20.923 (4)
State survey, aerial photo, 23.325
Stewardship program, Knowles-Nelson, 23.09 (2q), (2r), 23.0915, 23.0917, 23.197
Milwaukee Lakeshore state park, 23.198
Town sanitary districts:
Creation, 60.72
Review of orders creating, 60.73
Transportation of certain employees, 20.916 (3)
U. S. lands, 1.056
, 23.10
Arrest powers, 29.921 (1), (2)
Assault, obstruction, 29.951
Civil disorder on state property, duties, 166.04
County wardens, 23.10 (2)
Fire duties, 26.14, 26.97
Immunity from liability, 29.944
Impersonating, 29.954
Injury in hazardous employment, salary continued, 230.36
Police officers to assist, 29.941
Police powers, 26.97, 29.921, 29.924, 29.931
Resisting, 29.951