Discovery, 23.73
Forfeitures collected, to whom paid, 23.84
Judgment, 23.79
Against corporation or municipality, 23.80
Nonpayment, 23.795
Jury trial, 23.77
Motions, 23.69
Parties to a violation, 23.99
Payment of forfeitures to state, 23.85
Place of trial, 23.90
Plea, 23.70
No contest, effect of, 23.81
Not guilty, 23.72
Immediate trial, 23.71
Pleading, 23.68
Procedure, 23.50
Proceedings in court, 23.75
Search and seizure, when authorized, 23.61
Search during temporary questioning, 23.59
Search incident to issuance of lawfully issued citation, 23.60
Statement of forfeitures to county board, 23.85
Contents, 23.55
Issuance, 23.65
Summons and complaint, commencement of action, 23.52
Temporary questioning without arrest, 23.58
Trial, mode of, 23.74
Verdict, 23.78
Violations of law that procedure applies to, 23.50 (1)
Weapons assessment for use and transportation violations, 23.50 to 23.85
Words and phrases in law defined, 23.51
All-terrain vehicles:
Accident reports, 346.71
American Indians, reciprocal registration exemption, 23.35
Areas, maintenance, 23.09 (25) (a)
Registration and regulation, 23.33
Department shall designate, 23.115
Fees, 27.01 (10)
Reservation system, 27.01 (11)
Fishing and hunting,
Motorcycle recreation, program, 23.09 (25)
Nature-based recreation, grants for property acquisition, 23.09 (20m)
Outdoor recreation program, establishment, duties, 23.30
, 27.01

Copper Culture Mounds state park, 27.011
Farm and craft museum at Nelson Dewey state park, develop, 44.12
Grants to friends groups, 23.098, 27.016
Hank Aaron state park, development authorized, 23.0915 (2m)
Land acquisition, 23.09 (2) (d), (13)
Fund for maintenance of acquired land, 23.0918, 25.293
Lease of lands for recreational purposes, 23.305
Milwaukee Lakeshore state park, 23.198
Park and forest lands, leasing of, 26.08
Roads, maintenance, 84.28 (1)
Timber from parks and forests, sale, 26.22
see Trails, under this subhead
Recreation areas, designation, 23.091
Recreation facilities:
See also Parks, under this subhead

Aids to counties, 23.09 (11)
Land acquisition, 23.09 (2) (d), (13)
Fund for maintenance of acquired land, 23.0918, 25.293
State debt to provide, 23.31
Snowmobile recreational council:
Creation, membership, 15.347 (7)
Duties, 350.14
Recommendations to DNR, 350.145

Accident report, 350.15
Aids program, 350.12
Application by county for aid, 23.09 (26) (b)
Registration, 350.12
Safety certification program, establishment, 350.055
Tax, sales and use, 350.12 (7)
Trail signs and standards, 350.13
Uniform trail signs and standards, interferences prohibited, 350.135
, 23.175
Admission fees, 27.01 (8)
Ice age trail, 23.17, 23.293
Grants to nonprofit corporations, 23.295
State trails council, creation, members, terms, 15.347 (16)
Wild rivers, designation, preservation, 30.26
Air pollution control:
