Fingerprinting and criminal identification, 165.84
Foreign criminals, governor may transfer to foreign countries under treaties, 302.185
Habeas corpus,
Huber facilities, 303.09
Standards for construction and repair, 46.17 (1)
Huber law, 303.065, 303.08
Humane treatment and punishment, 302.08
Inmate leaves authorized in certain cases, 303.068
Innocent persons, compensation, 775.05
see Jails
Jail assessment, 302.46
Juvenile, transfer to adult institutions, 302.18 (7)
Lease of correctional facilities authorized, 13.48 (27)
Life term:
Not entitled to mandatory release, 302.11 (1m)
Parole, 304.06 (1)
Release to extended supervision from life sentence:
Eligibility determination at sentencing, 973.014
Petition for, 302.114
Limitation of actions, time extended, 893.16 to 893.18
Litigation by prisoners:
Appeals, 809.103
Costs of actions, 814.25
Security for costs, 814.29
Discovery limits, 804.015
Injunctions in prison condition cases, 813.40
Judgments for prisoner, payment, 806.025
Limits on recovery, 895.76
Loans for expenses; collection, judgment, 301.328
Penalties for malicious, harassing suits and false testimony, 807.15
Pleadings, 801.02 (7)
Statute of limitations, action contesting governmental decisions, 893.735
Liquor, giving or use forbidden, 302.375
Medical care, 302.38, 302.386
Records, health summary form for jail transfers, 302.388
Medium/maximum security prison, establishment, transfers, 301.16
Medium security prison:
Establishment, transfers, 301.16
Validation of acquisition of Milwaukee property, 992.10
Mentally ill prisoners:
Commitments and treatment, report, 46.03 (5)
Criminal commitment to mental health institutes, 51.37
Involuntary commitments for treatment, 51.20
Minimum security corrections institutions, staffing, 301.17
Minnesota institutions, jurisdiction, 302.02 (3t)
Order, maintenance, 302.07
Parole, 304.06 to 304.072
Extended supervision,
see Extended supervision, under this subhead
Mandatory release, 302.11
Military, 304.071
Notify municipal police depts. and county sheriffs, 302.11 (5)
Notify victim or family, 302.115, 303.068 (4m)
Parole and probation revocation hearings, detention restrictions, 302.335
Population ceilings, 301.055
Prisoners conveyed through state, 782.46
Probation, 973.09
Products labeled, 132.13
Property inmate brings to prison, preservation of, 302.13
Property of prisoners and probationers, 301.32
Record of inmates, 302.17
Reimbursement of state for costs, 301.325
Religious worship, 301.33, 302.39
Roads on grounds and to highways, 84.27
Segregation of prisoners, 302.36, 302.375 (3)
Sentence credit, 973.155
Solitary confinement, state prisons, 302.10
State liability for medical and dental services, 302.386
State-local shared facility, 301.14
Establishment and use, 302.45
Transfer to, 302.18 (6), 973.035
State prisoners, activities off grounds, 302.15
Strip searches, 968.255 (7)
Sturtevant correctional institution, establishment and employees, 301.16 (1o)
Temporary housing, contracts for, 302.27
Transfers of inmates, 302.18
Between county jail and house of correction, 973.14
Medical records, health summary form for transfers, 302.388
Transfer to prison in other states, contract for, 301.21
Trial, writ to bring before court, 782.44
Uniforms for correctional officers, 302.20
Violating institution's laws or rules, 946.73
Wages, crime victim and witness assistance surcharge, 973.045 (4)
Wages of jail inmates to dependents, 303.08 (5)
Work on Sundays and holidays not required, 303.22
Work release plan, 303.065, 303.08
Worker's compensation, 102.07 (16)